table minercantile.stock table minercantile.stock.items items stock int money stock table function return found money function, bool) param amount:amount of money, bool:save file add money function, bool) param amount:amount of money, bool:save file remove money files minercantile_stock.txt table money and items minercantile_stock_base.txt table items defined by default wallets table minercantile.wallets[player] int money table transactions table minercantile.wallet function minercantile.wallet.load_wallet(name) load player's money function minercantile.wallet.save_wallet(name) save player's money function minercantile.wallet.get_money(name) return player's money function minercantile.wallet.give_money(name, amount, transaction) add money function minercantile.wallet.take_money(name, amount, transaction) remove money function minercantile.wallet.get_transactions(name) return player's transactions function minercantile.add_transactions(name, new_transaction) function minercantile.send_money(sender, receiver, amount) send money from sender to receiver