-- Place this file in mod "docs" directory local print, type, string, table, tostring, tonumber, error, pairs, ipairs if import then print = import("print") type = import("type") string = import("string") table = import("table") tostring = import("tostring") tonumber = import("tonumber") error = import("error") pairs = import("pairs") ipairs = import("ipairs") end project = "3d_armor" title = "3D Armor" format = "markdown" not_luadoc = true boilerplate = false wrap = false style = true file = { "3d_armor/api.lua", ".ldoc/settings.luadoc", --".ldoc/armors.luadoc", ".ldoc/helmets.luadoc", ".ldoc/chestplates.luadoc", ".ldoc/leggings.luadoc", ".ldoc/boots.luadoc", ".ldoc/shields.luadoc", ".ldoc/crafting.luadoc", } new_type("setting", "Settings") new_type("armor", "Armors") new_type("craft", "Craft Recipes") alias("helmet", "armor") alias("chestplate", "armor") alias("leggings", "armor") alias("boots", "armor") alias("shield", "armor") alias("grp", "group") -- function declarations local format_text local format_group custom_tags = { -- settings { "settype", title = "Type", hidden = true, }, { "min", title = "Minimum Value", hidden = true, }, { "max", title = "Maximum Value", hidden = true, }, { "default", title = "Default Value", hidden = true, }, -- craft items/tools { -- specify image basename only "img", title = "Image", format = function(value) local img = "" end, }, { -- specify full (relative or absolute) image path "image", title = "Image", format = function(value) return "" end, }, { "group", title = "Groups", format = function(value) return format_group(value) end, }, { "armorgrp", title = "Armor Groups", format = function(value) return format_group(value) end, }, { "damagegrp", title = "Damage Groups", format = function(value) return format_group(value) end, }, } if string then string.trim = function(st, delim) if not delim then delim = " " end while string.find(st, delim) == 1 do st = st:sub(2) end while string.sub(st, string.len(st)) == delim do st = st:sub(1, string.len(st)-1) end return st end string.split = function(st, delim) local list = {} local idx = string.find(st, delim) while idx do table.insert(list, st:sub(1, idx-1)) st = st:sub(idx+1) idx = string.find(st, delim) end -- add remaining item table.insert(list, st) return list end end if table then if not table.copy then table.copy = function(orig_table) local new_table = {} for k, v in pairs(orig_table) do new_table[k] = v end return new_table end end end format_text = function(text, flags) local ret = "<" local ttype = "span" if flags.code then ttype = "code" end ret = ret .. ttype .. " style=\"" if flags.size then ret = ret .. "font-size:" .. flags.size .. ";" end if flags.mono then ret = ret .. "font-family:monospace;" end if flags.italic then ret = ret .. "font-style:italic;" end if flags.bold then ret = ret .. "font-weight:bold;" end if flags.color then ret = ret .. "color:" .. flags.color .. ";" end if flags.bgcolor then ret = ret .. "background-color:" .. flags.bgcolor .. ";" end ret = ret .. "\">" .. text .. "" return ret end format_group = function(text) if string then local idx, k, v = string.find(text, " ") if idx then text = format_text(string.sub(text, 1, idx-1) .. ": ", {mono=true, color="darkgreen"}) .. string.sub(text, idx) end end return text end local function format_setting_tag(desc, value) return "\n- `" .. desc .. ":` `" .. value .. "`" end local registered = { settings = {}, } local function setting_handler(item) if not ipairs or not type then return item end local tags = { {"settype", "type"}, {"default"}, {"min", "minimum value"}, {"max", "maximum value"}, } local def = { ["settype"] = format_setting_tag("type", "string"), } for _, t in ipairs(tags) do local name = t[1] local desc = t[2] if not desc then desc = name end local value = item.tags[name] if type(value) == "table" then if #value > 1 then local msg = item.file.filename .. " (line " .. item.lineno .. "): multiple instances of tag \"" .. name .. "\" found" if error then error(msg) elseif print then print("WARNING: " .. msg) end end if value[1] then def[name] = format_setting_tag(desc, value[1]) end end end item.description = item.description .. "\n\n**Definition:**\n" .. def.settype for _, t in ipairs({def.default, def.min, def.max}) do if t then item.description = item.description .. t end end registered.settings[item.name] = true return item end function custom_display_name_handler(item, default_handler) if item.type == "setting" then -- avoid parsing again if not registered.settings[item.name] then item = setting_handler(item) end elseif item.type == "armor" and string then -- HACK: not sure why "shields:" is being trimmed from item name if string.find(item.name, "shield_") == 1 then item.name = "shields:" .. item.name end end if item then return default_handler(item) end end local custom_see_links = { ["ObjectRef"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/class-reference/#objectref", ["PlayerMetaRef"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/class-reference/#playermetaref", ["ItemDef"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/definition-tables/#item-definition", ["ItemStack"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/class-reference/#itemstack", ["groups"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/groups/", ["entity_damage_mechanism"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/entity-damage-mechanism/", ["vector"] = "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/representations-of-simple-things/#positionvector", } local function format_custom_see(name, section) local url = custom_see_links[name] if not url then url = "" end if not name then name = "" end return name, url end custom_see_handler("^(ObjectRef)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(PlayerMetaRef)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(ItemDef)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(groups)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(entity_damage_mechanism)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(ItemStack)$", function(name, section) return format_custom_see(name, section) end) custom_see_handler("^(vector)$", function(name, section) return name, "https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/representations-of-simple-things/#positionvector" end)