--[[ -- Metadata Tools -- -- A mod providing write and read access to a nodes' metadata using commands -- ßÿ Lymkwi/LeMagnesium/Mg ; 2015-2016 -- License: WTFPL -- Contributors : -- - Lymkwi/LeMagnesium -- - Paly2 -- -- Version: 1.2.1 -- ]]-- metatools = {} -- Public namespace local playerlocks = {} -- Selection locks of the players local contexts = {} local version = "1.2.1" local nodelock = {} local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("metatools") dofile(modpath .. "/assertions.lua") minetest.register_craftitem("metatools:stick",{ description = "Meta stick", inventory_image = "metatools_stick.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local username = user:get_player_name() local nodepos = pointed_thing.under if not nodepos or not minetest.get_node(nodepos) then return end local nodename = minetest.get_node(nodepos).name local node = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] local meta = minetest.get_meta(nodepos) local metalist = meta:to_table() minetest.chat_send_player(username, "- meta::stick - Node located at "..minetest.pos_to_string(nodepos)) minetest.chat_send_player(username, "- meta::stick - Metadata fields dump : " .. dump(meta:to_table()["fields"]):gsub('\n', "")) minetest.log("action","[metatools] Player "..username.." saw metadatas of node at "..minetest.pos_to_string(nodepos)) end, }) -- Functions function metatools.get_version() return version end function metatools.build_param_str(table, index, separator) local str = table[index] for newindex = 1, #table-index do str = str .. (separator or ' ') .. table[newindex+index] end return str end function metatools.get_player_selection(name) return playerlocks[name] end function metatools.player_select(name, ctxid) playerlocks[name] = ctxid return true, ("context %d selected"):format(ctxid) end function metatools.player_unselect(name) playerlocks[name] = nil return true, "context unselected" end function metatools.switch(contextid) local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.mode == "inventory" then ctx.mode = "fields" else ctx.mode = "inventory" end ctx.list = "" return true, "switched to mode " .. ctx.mode end function metatools.get_context_owner(ctxid) for name, id in pairs(playerlocks) do if id == ctxid then return name end end end function assign_context(pos, mode, owner) local i = 1 while contexts[i] do i = i + 1 end contexts[i] = { owner = owner or "", position = pos, list = "", mode = mode } nodelock[minetest.pos_to_string(pos)] = owner or "" return i end function free_context(contextid) nodelock[minetest.pos_to_string(contexts[contextid].position)] = nil contexts[contextid] = nil return true end function dump_normalize(dmp) return dump(dmp):gsub('\n', ''):gsub('\t', ' ') end --function meta_assertion(assert_type, params) function meta_exec(struct) if not struct.scope then struct.scope = "meta" end if not struct.func then return end if struct.required then -- will call meta_assertion from here for category, req in pairs(struct.required) do minetest.log("Matching " .. category) if category == "position" and not assert_pos(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid position : %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) elseif category == "contextid" and not assert_contextid(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failutre : Invalid contextid : %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) elseif category == "no_nodelock" then if not assert_pos(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid pos : %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) end local npos = req if type(npos) == "table" then npos = minetest.pos_to_string(npos) end if nodelock[npos] then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Nodelock on %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) end elseif category == "open_mode" and not assert_mode(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid mode %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) elseif category == "ownership" then if type(req) ~= "table" or not req.name then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Requirement of ownership invalid or missing a 'name' field"):format(struct.scope) end if req.contextid then if not assert_contextid(req.contextid) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid context id %s"):format(struct.scope, req.contextid) end if not assert_ownership(req.contextid, req.name) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Context %d is not owner by %s"):format(struct.scope, req.contextid, req.name) end else return false, ("- %s - Failure : No context selected"):format(struct.scope) end elseif category == "no_ownership" then if not assert_contextid(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid context id %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req)) elseif metatools.get_context_owner(req) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Node already owned"):format(struct.scope) end elseif category == "some_ownership" and (not req or not playerlocks[req]) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : No context owned at the moment"):format(struct.scope) elseif category == "specific_open_mode" then if not req or not req.mode or not req.contextid then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid specific open mode requirement"):format(struct.scope) end if not assert_contextid(req.contextid) then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid context id : %s"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req.contextid)) end if not contexts[req.contextid].mode == req.mode then return false, ("- %s - Failure : Invalid mode, %s is required"):format(struct.scope, dump_normalize(req.mode)) end end minetest.log(("Match %s succeeded"):format(category)) end end local ret, msg = struct.func(unpack(struct.params)) if ret then return true, ("- %s - Success : %s"):format(struct.scope, msg) else return false, ("- %s - Failure : %s"):format(struct.scope, msg) end end function metatools.contexts_summary() local ctxs = {} for ctxid, ctx in pairs(contexts) do table.insert(ctxs, 1, { id = ctxid, pos = ctx.position, owner = metatools.get_context_owner(ctxid) or "nobody", mode = ctx.mode, }) end return true, ctxs end function metatools.open_node(pos, mode, owner) local id = assign_context(pos, mode) if owner then playerlocks[owner] = id end return true, "opened node " .. minetest.get_node(pos).name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos) .. " in context ID " .. id end function metatools.close_node(contextid)--, closer) free_context(contextid) return true, "node closed" end function metatools.show(contextid) local ctx = contexts[contextid] local metabase = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position):to_table()[ctx.mode] if assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") and ctx.list ~= "" then metabase = metabase[ctx.list] end return true, metabase end function metatools.list_enter(contextid, listname) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid contexid " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode required" end if not listname then return false, "no list name provided" end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list ~= "" then return false, "unable to reach another list until leaving the current one" end local _, metabase = metatools.show(contextid) if not metabase[listname] or type(metabase[listname]) ~= "table" then return false, "inexistent or invalid list called " .. dump_normalize(listname) end contexts[contextid].list = listname return true, "entered list " .. listname end function metatools.list_leave(contextid) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid contextid " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode required" end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list == "" then return false, "cannot leave, not in a list" end ctx.list = "" return true, "left list" end function metatools.set(contextid, varname, varval) if not varname or varname == "" then return false, "invalid or empty variable name" end if not varval then return false, "missing value, use unset to set variable to nil" end local ctx = contexts[contextid] local meta = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position) meta:set_string(varname, ("%s"):format(varval)) return true, "value of field " .. varname .. " set to " .. varval end function metatools.unset(contextid, varname) if not varname or varname == "" then return false, "invalid or empty variable name" end minetest.get_meta(contexts[contextid].position):set_string(varname, nil) return true, "field " .. varname .. " unset" end function metatools.purge(contextid) local ctx = contexts[contextid] local meta = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position) if ctx.mode == "inventory" then local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_lists({}) return true, "inventory purged" else meta:from_table(nil) return true, "fields purged" end end function metatools.list_init(contextid, listname, size) if not listname or listname == "" then return false, "missing or empty list name" end if not size or not assert_integer(size) or tonumber(size) < 0 then return false, "invalid size " .. dump_normalize(size) end local inv = minetest.get_meta(contexts[contextid].position):get_inventory() inv:set_list(listname, {}) inv:set_size(listname, tonumber(size)) return true, "list " .. listname .. " of size " .. size .. " created" end function metatools.list_delete(contextid, listname) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid context id " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode is required" end if not listname or listname == "" then return false, "missing or empty list name" end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list == listname then ctx.list = "" end local inv = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position):get_inventory() inv:set_list(listname, {}) inv:set_size(listname, 0) return true, "list " .. listname .. " deleted" end function metatools.itemstack_erase(contextid, index) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid context id " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode required" end if not assert_integer(index) or tonumber(index) < 0 then return false, "invalid index" end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list == "" then return false, "your presence is required in a list" end local inv = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position):get_inventory() if tonumber(index) > inv:get_size(ctx.list) then return false, "index value higher than list size" end inv:set_stack(ctx.list, tonumber(index), nil) return true, "itemstack at index " .. index .. " erased" end function metatools.itemstack_write(contextid, index, data) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid context id " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode required" end if not assert_integer(index) or tonumber(index) < 0 then return false, "invalid index" end local stack = ItemStack(data) if not stack then return false, "invalid itemstack representation " .. dump_normalize(data) end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list == "" then return false, "your presence is required in a list" end local inv = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position):get_inventory() if tonumber(index) > inv:get_size(ctx.list) then return false, "index value higher than list size" end inv:set_stack(ctx.list, tonumber(index), stack) return true, "itemstack at index " .. index .. " written" end function metatools.itemstack_add(contextid, data) if not assert_contextid(contextid) then return false, "invalid context id " .. dump_normalize(contextid) end if not assert_specific_mode(contextid, "inventory") then return false, "invalid mode, inventory mode required" end local stack = ItemStack(data) if not stack then return false, "invalid itemstack representation " .. dump_normalize(data) end local ctx = contexts[contextid] if ctx.list == "" then return false, "your presence is required in a list" end local inv = minetest.get_meta(ctx.position):get_inventory() inv:add_item(ctx.list, stack) return true, "added " .. data .. " in list " .. ctx.list end -- Main chat command minetest.register_chatcommand("meta", { privs = {server=true}, params = "help | version | open (x,y,z) {mode} | show | enter | leave | set | unset | purge | list | itemstack | close", description = "Metadata manipulation command", func = function(name, paramstr) -- name : Ingame name of the manipulating player -- paramstr : string with all parameters if paramstr == "" then return true, "- meta - Consult '/meta help' for a better understanding of the meta command" end local params = paramstr:split(' ') -- meta version if params[1] == "version" then return true, "- meta::version - Metatools version " .. metatools.get_version() -- meta help elseif params[1] == "help" then return true, "- meta::help - Help : \n" .. "- meta::help - /meta version : Prints out the version\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta help : This very command\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta open <(x,y,z) [mode] : Open not at (x,y,z) with mode 'mode' (either 'fields' or 'inventory'; default is 'fields')\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta select : Select the node with context for operations\n".. "- meta::help - /meta switch : Switch open mode in the current context\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta close : Close the currently selected node\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta show : Show you the fields/lists available\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta set : Set variable 'name' to 'value', overriding any existing data\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta unset : Set variable 'name' to nil, ignoring whether it exists or not\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta purge : Purge all metadata variables or inventory lists (depending on the open mode)\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta list : List manipulation :\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta list enter : Enter in list \n" .. "- meta::help - /meta list leave : Go back to the top level of inventory data\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta list init : Initialize list 'name' of size 'size', overriding any existing data\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta list delete : Delete list 'name', ignoring whether it exists or not\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta itemstack : ItemStack manipulation :\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta itemstack write : Write an itemstack represented by 'data' at index 'index' of the list you are in\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta itemstack add : Add items of an itemstack represented by 'data' in the list you are in\n" .. "- meta::help - /meta itemstack erase : Remove itemstack at index 'index' in the current inventory, regardless of whether it exists or not\n" .. "- meta::help - End of Help" -- meta context elseif params[1] == "contexts" then local _, ctxs = metatools.contexts_summary() local retstr = "" for _, summ in pairs(ctxs) do retstr = retstr .. ("- meta::contexts : %d: [%s] Node at %s owner by %s\n"): format(summ.id, summ.mode, minetest.pos_to_string(summ.pos), summ.owner) end return true, retstr .. ("- meta::contexts - %d contexts"):format(#ctxs) -- meta open (x,y,z) [fields|inventory] elseif params[1] == "open" then -- Call the API function if not params[3] then params[3] = "fields" end return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::open", func = metatools.open_node, params = {minetest.string_to_pos(params[2]), params[3], name}, required = { mode = params[3], no_nodelock = params[2], } }) -- meta close elseif params[1] == "close" then -- Call the API function return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::close", func = metatools.close_node, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name)}, required = { ownership = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), name = name } } }) -- meta select elseif params[1] == "select" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::select", func = metatools.player_select, params = {name, tonumber(params[2])}, required = { no_ownership = tonumber(params[2]), } }) -- meta unselect elseif params[1] == "unselect" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::unselect", func = metatools.player_unselect, params = {name}, required = { some_ownership = name, } }) -- meta switch elseif params[1] == "switch" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::switch", func = metatools.switch, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name)}, required = { some_ownership = name, } }) -- meta show elseif params[1] == "show" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::show", func = function() local status, fieldlist = metatools.show(metatools.get_player_selection(name)) if not status then return status, fieldlist else local retstr = "Output :\n" for name, field in pairs(fieldlist) do local rpr if type(field) == "table" then rpr = ("-> {...} (size %s)"):format(#field) elseif type(field) == "string" then rpr = ("= %s"):format(dump_normalize(field)) elseif type(field) == "userdata" then if field.get_name and field.get_count then rpr = ("= ItemStack({name='%s', count=%d, metadata='%s'})"): format(field:get_name(), field:get_count(), field:get_metadata()) else rpr = ("= %s"):format(dump_normalize(field)) end else rpr = ("= %s"):format(field) end retstr = retstr .. ("- meta::show - %s %s\n"):format(name, rpr) end return true, retstr .. "- meta::show - End of output" end end, params = {}, required = { some_ownership = name } }) -- meta set elseif params[1] == "set" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::set", func = metatools.set, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[2], metatools.build_param_str(params, 3, ' ')}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { mode = "fields", contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name) } } }) -- meta unset elseif params[1] == "unset" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::unset", func = metatools.unset, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[2]}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { mode = "fields", contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name) } } }) -- meta purge elseif params[1] == "purge" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::purge", func = metatools.purge, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name)}, required = { some_ownership = name, } }) -- meta list... elseif params[1] == "list" then if not params[2] then return false, "- meta::list - Subcommand needed, consult '/meta help' for help" end -- meta list enter if params[2] == "enter" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::list::enter", func = metatools.list_enter, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[3]}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", }, } }) -- meta list leave elseif params[2] == "leave" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::list::leave", func = metatools.list_leave, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name)}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) -- meta list init elseif params[2] == "init" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::list::init", func = metatools.list_init, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[3], params[4]}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) -- meta list delete elseif params[2] == "delete" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::list::delete", func = metatools.list_delete, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[3]}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) else return false, "- meta::list - Unknown subcommand '" .. params[2] .. "', please consult '/meta help' for help" end -- meta itemstack... elseif params[1] == "itemstack" then if not params[2] then return false, "- meta::itemstack - Subcommand needde, consult '/meta help' for help" end -- meta itemstack erase if params[2] == "erase" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::itemstack::erase", func = metatools.itemstack_erase, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[3]}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) -- meta itemstack write elseif params[2] == "write" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::itemstack::write", func = metatools.itemstack_write, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), params[3], metatools.build_param_str(params, 4, ' ')}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) -- meta itemstack add elseif params[2] == "add" then return meta_exec({ scope = "meta::itemstack::write", func = metatools.itemstack_add, params = {metatools.get_player_selection(name), metatools.build_param_str(params, 3, ' ')}, required = { some_ownership = name, specific_open_mode = { contextid = metatools.get_player_selection(name), mode = "inventory", } } }) else return false, "- meta::itemstack - Unknown subcommand " .. params[2] end else return false, "- meta - Unknown command " .. params[1] end end, })