function generate(size, inventory_name) local cfg -- chest inventory name local inv_name = inventory_name if inv_name == nil then inv_name = "main" end if size == "small" then cfg = { window_width = 8, window_height = 9, chest_width = 8, chest_height = 4, } elseif size == "big" then cfg = { window_width = 14, window_height = 10, chest_width = 14, chest_height = 5, } end -- calc padding to vertically align center the chest and the player's inventory local player_inv_y_orig = cfg.chest_height + 0.85 local player_inv_x_orig = (cfg.window_width - 8) / 2 -- 8=player_inv_width return "size[" .. cfg.window_width .. "," .. cfg.window_height .. "]" .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots .. "list["..((inv_name == "main") and "current_name" or "current_player")..";"..inv_name..";0,0.3;" .. cfg.chest_width .. "," .. cfg.chest_height .. ";]" .. "list[current_player;main;" .. player_inv_x_orig .. "," .. player_inv_y_orig .. ";8,1;]" .. "list[current_player;main;" .. player_inv_x_orig .. "," .. (player_inv_y_orig + 1.15) .. ";8,3;8]" .. "listring["..(inv_name == "main" and "current_name" or "current_player")..";"..inv_name.."]" .. "listring[current_player;main]" .. default.get_hotbar_bg(player_inv_x_orig, player_inv_y_orig) end return generate