Ronoaldo Pereira b6377a7c0e
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation ()
Added the Brazilian Portuguese translation to all mods in the Minetest Game.
2021-02-23 20:00:02 +01:00

9 lines
337 B

# textdomain: bones
@1's old bones=Ossos antigos de @1
@1 died at @2.=@1 morreu em @2.
@1 died at @2, and dropped their inventory.=@1 morreu em @2, e seu inventário foi derrubado.
@1 died at @2, and bones were placed.=@1 morreu em @2, e os ossos foram colocados.
@1's fresh bones=Ossos recentes de @1
@1's bones=Ossos de @1