--[[ Nether mod for minetest Copyright (C) 2013 PilzAdam Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ]]-- -- Global Nether namespace nether = {} nether.path = minetest.get_modpath("nether") -- Settings nether.DEPTH = -5000 nether.FASTTRAVEL_FACTOR = 8 -- 10 could be better value for Minetest, since there's no sprint, but ex-Minecraft players will be mathing for 8 -- Load files dofile(nether.path .. "/portal_api.lua") dofile(nether.path .. "/nodes.lua") dofile(nether.path .. "/mapgen.lua") -- Portals are ignited by right-clicking with a mese crystal fragment nether.register_portal_ignition_item("default:mese_crystal_fragment") -- Use the Portal API to add a portal type which goes to the Nether -- See portal_api.txt for documentation nether.register_portal("nether_portal", { shape = nether.PortalShape_Traditional, frame_node_name = "default:obsidian", wormhole_node_name = "nether:portal", wormhole_node_color = 0, sound_ambient = "nether_portal_hum", sound_ignite = "", sound_extinguish = "", sound_teleport = "", within_realm = function(pos) -- return true if pos is inside the Nether return pos.y < nether.DEPTH end, find_realm_anchorPos = function(surface_pos) -- divide x and z by a factor of 8 to implement Nether fast-travel local destination_pos = vector.divide(surface_pos, nether.FASTTRAVEL_FACTOR) destination_pos.x = math.floor(0.5 + destination_pos.x) -- round to int destination_pos.z = math.floor(0.5 + destination_pos.z) -- round to int local start_y = nether.DEPTH - math.random(500, 1500) -- Search start destination_pos.y = nether.find_nether_ground_y(destination_pos.x, destination_pos.z, start_y) return destination_pos end, find_surface_anchorPos = function(realm_pos) -- A portal definition doesn't normally need to provide a find_surface_anchorPos() function, -- since find_surface_target_y() will be used by default, but Nether portals also scale position -- to create fast-travel: -- Multiply x and z by a factor of 8 to implement Nether fast-travel local destination_pos = vector.multiply(realm_pos, nether.FASTTRAVEL_FACTOR) destination_pos.x = math.min(30900, math.max(-30900, destination_pos.x)) -- clip to world boundary destination_pos.z = math.min(30900, math.max(-30900, destination_pos.z)) -- clip to world boundary destination_pos.y = nether.find_surface_target_y(destination_pos.x, destination_pos.z, "nether_portal") return destination_pos end })