forked from minetest-mods/nether
Adds a magma oceans region to the nether outside the existing nether caverns, which can be reached via tunnels. Other misc changes: * chatcomment nether_whereami, a debug aid for knowing which perlin-noise region you are in * Nether ores no longer obtainable on the ceiling * Move crafts into crafts.lua * Add steam to lava cooling, and play bubbling lava upon death by lava * Add cracked netherbrick a decorative node which can only be obtained from dungeons or structures I encourage someone to improve or replace the cracked netherbrick texture. For copyright purposes it's currently a derivative work (by me, 2020) from nether_brick.png, which is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 by PilzAdam, so it can fall under the "All other media" PilzAdam's credit in rather than need its own entry.
518 B
518 B