
69 lines
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local types = {
{"e", "anything"},
{"v", "any variable"},
{"ve", "any set variable"},
{"s", "string"},
{"vs", "string variable"},
{"n", "number"},
{"vn", "number variable"},
{"ui", "unsigned integer number"},
{"b", "bool"},
{"vn", "bool variable"}
local instr = {
{"mov", "<v to>, <e from>", "Copies from into to."},
{"getvar", "<vs varname>[, <ve exists>]", "Sets varname to the current variable called <varname> if it's set. If exists is passed, it's set to a bool indicating whether the variable was set."},
{"add", "<vn to>, <n from>", "to += from"},
{"add", "<vb to>, <b from>", "to = to and from"},
{"add", "<vs to>, <s from>", "to = to .. from"},
{"mul", "<vn to>, <n from>", "to *= from"},
{"mul", "<vb to>, <b from>", "to = to or from"},
{"mul", "<vs str>, <n cnt>", "str = str:rep(from)"},
{"neg", "<vn num>", "num = -num"},
{"neg", "<vb var>", "var = not var"},
{"neg", "<vs str>", "str = str:rev()"},
{"inv", "<vn num>", "num = 1 / num"},
{"mod", "<vn num>, <n dv>", "num = num % dv"},
{"jmp", "<ui p>[, <e c>]", "If c is not false, the instruction pointer is set to p. To disallow infinite loops, the program is interrupted after changing the ip, the mod should then consider restarting it."},
{"call", "<ui p>", "push the ip, then jmp p; used to execute subroutines"},
{"ret", "", "pop something, then jmp there; used to exit subroutines"},
{"push", "<e a>[, <e b>[, <e c>[…]]]", "put values onto the stack; from left to right"},
{"pop", "<v a>[, <v b>[, <v c>[…]]]", "takes values from the stack and sets the passed variables to them; from left to right"},
{"equal", "<v a>, <e b>", "a = a == b"},
{"less", "<vn a>, <n b>", "a = a < b; after executing, a is a bool"},
{"less", "<vs a>, <s b>", "a = a < b; less also works for strings"},
{"usleep", "<n t>", "aborts the program for at least floor(max(0, t)) ms"},
{"sleep", "<n t>", "executes usleep with t * 1000000 as argument"},
{"get_us_time", "<v to>", "stores minetest.get_us_time() into to; can be used to measure time differences"},
{"tostring", "<ve var>", "var = tostring(var)"},
{"print", "<e a>[, <e b>[, <e c>[…]]]", "adds variables to the log, seperated by \\t, \\n is added at the end"},
{"flush", "", "Output the log, this should vary for every mod."},
local mbl = 0
local mal = 0
for i = 1,#instr do
local bef = instr[i]
mbl = math.max(#bef[1], mbl)
mal = math.max(#bef[2], mal)
local mtl = 2
local o = "Types:\n\n"
for i = 1,#types do
local t = types[i]
o = o .. t[1] .. (" "):rep(mtl - #t[1] + 2) .. t[2] .. "\n"
o = o .. "\n\nInstructions:\n\n"
for i = 1,#instr do
i = instr[i]
o = o .. i[1] .. " " .. i[2] .. "\n"
.. " " .. i[3] .. "\n\n" -- TODO: max 80 letters each line