{"getvar","<vs varname>[, <ve exists>]","Sets varname to the current variable called <varname> if it's set. If exists is passed, it's set to a bool indicating whether the variable was set."},
{"div","<vn num>, <n todiv>","`num <= num / todiv`; division"},
{"inc","<vn num>","`num <= num + 1`"},
{"dec","<vn num>","`num <= num - 1`"},
{"neg","<vn num>","`num <= -num`; negation"},
{"neg","<vb var>","`var <= ¬var`; logical not"},
{"neg","<vs str>","`str <= str:rev()`; reverts a string"},
{"inv","<vn num>","`num <= 1 / num`"},
{"mod","<vn num>, <n dv>","`num <= num mod dv`; modulo"},
{"jmp","<ui target>[, <e cond>]","jump; If *cond* is not *false*, the instruction pointer is set to *target*. To disallow infinite loops, the program is interrupted after changing it, mods may have different heuristics about restarting it then."},
{"call","<ui target>[, <e cond>]","same as pushing the current instruction pointer and then jumping (see jmp); used to execute subroutines"},
{"ret","","pop some unsigned integer, then jump there; used to exit subroutines"},
{"pop","<v a>[, <v b>[, <v c>[…]]]","takes values from the stack and sets the passed variables to them; the last variable must be a defined one; from left to right"},
{"equal","<v a>, <e b>","`a <= (a = b)`; equality"},
{"less","<vn a>, <n b>","`a <= (a < b)`; after executing, a is a bool"},
{"less","<vs a>, <s b>","`a <= (a < b)`; less also works for strings, it compares characters from left to right, see man ASCII for the order"},
{"get_us_time","<v to>","stores current time in microsecond precision into *to*; can be used to measure time differences"},
{"tostring","<v var>","Sets *var* to a string representing its value; if it's not defined, it's set to `$nil`, if it's a boolean, it's set to `$true` or `$false`"},
{"tonumber","<v var>","Sets *var* to a number representing its value"},
{"toboolean","<v var>","If *var* is `false` or not defined, it's set to `false`, else it's set to `true`."},
{"print","<e a>[, <e b>[, <e c>[…]]]","adds variables to the log, seperated by \\t (tab), \\n (newline) is added at the end"},
{"flush","","Output the log, what exactly happens should vary for every mod."},