local WNOA = "wrong number of arguments" local UAT = "unsupported argument type" local SE = "error with cmd-cmd executing: " local STRL = "attempt on exceeding maximum string length" local s s = { mov = function(params) return true, params[2] end, xchg = function(params) return true, params[2], params[1] end, getvar = function(params, faden) local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "string" then return false, UAT end p = faden.vars[p] return true, {p, p ~= nil} end, add = function(params, faden) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) local t1 = type(p1) if t1 ~= type(p2) then return false, "different argument types" end if t1 == "number" then return true, p1 + p2 end if t1 == "boolean" then for _,k in pairs(params) do if k then return true, true end end return true, false end if t1 == "string" then if #p1 + #p2 > faden.strlen_max then return false, STRL end return true, p1 .. p2 end return false, UAT end, sub = function(params) local b = params[2] b = b and tonumber(b) local t2 = type(b) if t2 ~= "number" then return false, UAT end local t1 = type(params[1]) if t1 == "number" then return true, params[1] - b end if t1 == "string" then return true, params[1]:sub(b, params[3] and tonumber(params[3])) end end, mul = function(params) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) local t1 = type(p1) local t2 = type(p2) if t1 == "string" and t2 == "number" then if #p1 * p2 > faden.strlen_max then return false, STRL end return true, p1:rep(p2) end if t1 ~= t2 then return false, "different argument types" end if t1 == "number" then return true, p1 * p2 end if t1 == "boolean" then for _,k in pairs(params) do if not k then return true, false end end return true, p1 and p2 -- nil is tested in the first two params end return false, UAT end, div = function(params) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) if type(p1) ~= "number" or type(p2) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end return true, p1 / p2 end, inc = function(params) if type(params[1]) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end return true, params[1] + 1 end, dec = function(params) if type(params[1]) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end return true, params[1] - 1 end, neg = function(params) local v = params[1] local t = type(v) if t == "number" then return true, -v end if t == "boolean" then return true, not v end if t == "string" then return true, v:rev() -- does string.rev exist? end return false, UAT end, inv = function(params) local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end return true, 1 / p end, mod = function(params) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) if type(p1) ~= "number" or type(p2) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end return true, p1 % p2 end, jmp = function(params, faden) if #params >= 2 and not params[2] then return true end local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end if p < 1 or p%1 ~= 0 or p > #faden.liste + 1 then return false, "jump target out of range" end faden.ip = p-1 if not s.usleep({0}, faden) then error(SE) end return true end, call = function(params, faden) local subsucc,msg = s.push(faden.ip + 1, faden) if not subsucc then return false, SE .. msg end subsucc,msg = s.jmp(params, faden) if not subsucc then return false, SE .. msg end return true end, ret = function(_, faden) local subsucc,msg = s.pop({true}, faden) if not subsucc then return false, SE .. msg end subsucc,msg = s.jmp(msg, faden) if not subsucc then return false, SE .. msg end return true end, push = function(params, faden) local pc = #params if pc == 0 then return false, WNOA end for i = 1,pc do faden.stack[faden.sp] = params[i] faden.sp = faden.sp-1 end if faden.sp < 0 then return false, "stack overflow" end return true end, pop = function(params, faden) local pc = #params if pc == 0 then return false, WNOA end local rt = {} for i = 1,pc do faden.sp = faden.sp+1 rt[i] = faden.stack[faden.sp] end if faden.sp > faden.sb then return false, "stack underflow" end return true, rt end, equal = function(params) return true, params[1] == params[2] end, less = function(params) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) local t1 = type(p1) if t1 ~= type(p2) then return false, "different argument types" end if t1 ~= "number" and t1 ~= "string" then return false, UAT end return true, p1 < p2 end, greater = function(params) return s.less{params[2], params[1]} end, usleep = function(params, faden) local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end faden.rebirth = minetest.get_us_time() + p faden:stop() return true end, sleep = function(params, faden) local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "number" then return false, UAT end local subsucc,msg = s.usleep({p * 1000000}, faden) if not subsucc then error(SE .. msg) end return true end, get_us_time = function() return true, minetest.get_us_time() end, tostring = function(params) return true, params[1] and tostring(params[1]) or nil end, tonumber = function(params) return true, params[1] and tonumber(params[1]) end, toboolean = function(params) return true, params[1] and true or false end, print = function(params, faden) for i = 1,#params do params[i] = tostring(params[i]) end faden.log = faden.log .. table.concat(params, "\t") .. "\n" return true end, flush = function(params, faden) return faden:flush(params) end, } local so_math_fcts = {"sin", "asin", "cos", "acos", "tan", "atan", "exp", "log", "abs", "sign", "floor", "ceil"} for i = 1,#so_math_fcts do i = so_math_fcts[i] s[i] = function(params) local p = params[1] if type(p) ~= "number" then return false, "this arithmetic function needs a number as argument" end return true, math[i](p) end end local to_math_fcts = {"pow"} for i = 1,#to_math_fcts do i = to_math_fcts[i] s[i] = function(params) local p1,p2 = unpack(params) if type(p1) ~= "number" or type(p2) ~= "number" then return false, "this arithmetic function needs 2 numbers as args" end return true, math[i](p1, p2) end end local abbreviations = { mov = ":=", add = "+", sub = "-", mul = "*", div = "/", inc = "++", dec = "--", neg = "!", less = "<", equal = "==", jmp = "@", usleep = "...", } -- TODO set metatable return s