-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed. local S if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then S = intllib.Getter() else -- If you don't use insertions (@1, @2, etc) you can use this: S = function(s) return s end end -- construct the questlog function quests.create_formspec(playername, tab, integrated) local queststringlist = {} local questlist = {} quests.formspec_lists[playername] = quests.formspec_lists[playername] or {} quests.formspec_lists[playername].id = 1 quests.formspec_lists[playername].list = {} tab = tab or quests.formspec_lists[playername].tab or "1" if tab == "1" then questlist = quests.active_quests[playername] or {} elseif tab == "2" then questlist = quests.successfull_quests[playername] or {} elseif tab == "3" then questlist = quests.failed_quests[playername] or {} end quests.formspec_lists[playername].tab = tab local no_quests = true for questname,questspecs in pairs(questlist) do if not questspecs.finished then local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname] local queststring = quest.title if quest.simple then if questspecs.count and questspecs.count > 1 then queststring = queststring .. " - " .. questspecs.count elseif not questspecs.count and quest.max ~= 1 then queststring = queststring .. " - (" .. quests.round(questspecs.value, 2) .. "/" .. quest.max .. ")" end else if questspecs.count and questspecs.count > 1 then queststring = queststring .. " - " .. questspecs.count elseif not questspecs.count and quest.max ~= 1 then queststring = queststring .. " - (...)" end end table.insert(queststringlist, queststring) table.insert(quests.formspec_lists[playername].list, questname) no_quests = false end end local formspec = "" if not integrated then formspec = formspec .. "size[7,9]" end formspec = formspec .. "tabheader[0,0;quests_header;" .. S("Open quests") .. "," .. S("Finished quests") .. "," .. S("Failed quests") .. ";" .. tab .. "]" if no_quests then formspec = formspec .. "label[0.25,0.25;" .. S("There are no quests in this category.") .. "]" else formspec = formspec .. "textlist[0.25,0.25;6.5,6.5;quests_questlist;"..table.concat(queststringlist, ",") .. ";1;false]" end if quests.formspec_lists[playername].tab == "1" then formspec = formspec .."button[0.25,7;3,.7;quests_abort;" .. S("Abort quest") .. "]" end formspec = formspec .. "button[3.75,7;3,.7;quests_config;" .. S("Configure") .. "]".. "button[.25,8;3,.7;quests_info;" .. S("Info") .. "]".. "button_exit[3.75,8;3,.7;quests_exit;" .. S("Exit") .. "]" return formspec end -- construct the configuration function quests.create_config(playername, integrated) local formspec = "" if (not integrated) then formspec = formspec .. "size[7,3]" end formspec = formspec .. "checkbox[.25,.25;quests_config_enable;" .. S("Enable HUD") .. ";" if(quests.hud[playername] ~= nil and quests.hud[playername].list ~= nil) then formspec = formspec .. "true" else formspec = formspec .. "false" end formspec = formspec .. "]checkbox[.25,.75;quests_config_autohide;" .. S("Autohide HUD") .. ";" if(quests.hud[playername] ~= nil and quests.hud[playername].autohide) then formspec = formspec .. "true" else formspec = formspec .. "false" end formspec = formspec .. "]checkbox[.25,1.25;quests_config_central_message;" .. S("Central messages") .. ";" if(quests.hud[playername] ~= nil and quests.hud[playername].central_message_enabled) then formspec = formspec .. "true" else formspec = formspec .. "false" end formspec = formspec .. "]" .. "button[.25,2.25;3,.7;quests_config_return;" .. S("Return") .. "]" return formspec end local function wordwrap(text, linelength) local lines = text:split("\n") local ret = "" for i = 1,#lines do local line = lines[i] while (#line > linelength) do local split = false local j = linelength while (not split) do if (string.sub(line, j, j) == " ") then split = true ret = ret .. string.sub(line, 1, j) .. "\n" line = string.sub(line, j + 1) end if (j <= 1) then break end j = j - 1 end if (not split) then ret = ret .. string.sub(line, 1, linelength) .. "\n" line = string.sub(line, linelength); end end ret = ret .. line .. "\n" end return ret end -- construct the info formspec function quests.create_info(playername, questname, taskid, integrated) local formspec = "" if not integrated then formspec = formspec .. "size[7.5,9]" end formspec = formspec .. "label[0.8,0.1;" if questname then local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname] formspec = formspec .. quest.title .. "]" .. "image[0,0;0.8,0.8;" .. quest.icon .. "]" if quest.simple then formspec = formspec .. "textarea[.4,1;7.2,7;_;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(quest.description) .. "]" else quests.formspec_lists[playername].taskid = nil local taskidlist = {} local taskstringlist = {} for taskname, task in pairs(quest.tasks) do local plr_task = quests.active_quests[playername][questname][taskname] if not plr_task or (plr_task and plr_task.visible) then -- not plr_task => quest is finished, display all tasks table.insert(taskidlist, taskname) local color = "" if plr_task then if plr_task.finished then color = "#00BB00" end if plr_task.disabled then color = "#AAAAAA" end end table.insert(taskstringlist, color .. task.title .. " - " .. quests.round(plr_task.value, 2) .. "/" .. task.max) end end local task = false if taskid ~= nil then task = quest.tasks[taskidlist[taskid]] end task = task or {title=S("No task selected"), description=""} formspec = formspec .. "textarea[.4,1;7.2,2;_;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(quest.description) .. "]" .. "textlist[0.1,2.9;7,2;quest_info_tasklist;" .. table.concat(taskstringlist, ",") .. "]" .. "label[0.8,5.2;" .. task.title .. "]" .. "textarea[.4,6;7.2,2;__;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(task.description) .. "]" if task.icon then formspec = formspec .. "image[0,5.1;0.8,0.8;" .. task.icon .. "]" end end if quests.formspec_lists[playername].tab == "1" then formspec = formspec .. "button[3.6,8;3,.7;quests_info_abort;" .. S("Abort quest") .. "]" end else formspec = formspec .. S("No quest specified.") .. "]" end formspec = formspec .. "button[.4,8;3,.7;quests_info_return;" .. S("Return") .. "]" return formspec end -- show the player playername his/her questlog function quests.show_formspec(playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername)) end -- chatcommand to see a full list of quests: minetest.register_chatcommand("quests", { params = "", description = S("Show all open quests"), func = function(name, param) minetest.show_formspec(name, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(name)) return true end }) -- Handle the return fields of the questlog minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if player == nil then return end local playername = player:get_player_name() if playername == "" then return end -- questlog if fields.quests_header then if formname == "quests:questlog" then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername, fields.quests_header)) else if fields.quests_header == "1" then unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests") elseif fields.quests_header == "2" then unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_successfull") return else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_failed") return end end return end if (fields["quests_questlist"]) then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields["quests_questlist"]) if (event.type == "CHG") then quests.formspec_lists[playername].id = event.index end end if (fields["quests_abort"]) then if (quests.formspec_lists[playername].id == nil) then return end quests.abort_quest(playername, quests.formspec_lists[playername]["list"][quests.formspec_lists[playername].id]) if (formname == "quests:questlog") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests") end end if (fields["quests_config"]) then if (formname == "quests:questlog") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:config", quests.create_config(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_config") end end if (fields["quests_info"]) then if (formname == "quests:questlog") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:info", quests.create_info(playername, quests.formspec_lists[playername].list[quests.formspec_lists[playername].id], nil, false)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_info") end end -- config if (fields["quests_config_enable"]) then quests.hud[playername].autohide = false if (fields["quests_config_enable"] == "true") then quests.show_hud(playername) else quests.hide_hud(playername) end if (formname == "quests:config") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:config", quests.create_config(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_config") end end if (fields["quests_config_autohide"]) then if (fields["quests_config_autohide"] == "true") then quests.hud[playername].autohide = true quests.update_hud(playername) else quests.hud[playername].autohide = false end if (formname == "quests:config") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:config", quests.create_config(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_config") end end if (fields["quests_config_central_message"]) then if (fields["quests_config_central_message"] == "true") then quests.hud[playername].central_message_enabled = true else quests.hud[playername].central_message_enabled = false end if (formname == "quests:config") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:config", quests.create_config(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_config") end end if (fields["quests_config_return"]) then if (formname == "quests:config") then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests") end end -- info if fields.quest_info_tasklist then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.quest_info_tasklist) if event.type == "CHG" then if formname == "quests:questlog" then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:info", quests.create_info(playername, quests.formspec_lists[playername].list[quests.formspec_lists[playername].id]), event.index, false) else quests.formspec_lists[playername].taskid = event.index unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests_info") end end end if fields.quests_info_abort then if (quests.formspec_lists[playername].id == nil) then return end quests.abort_quest(playername, quests.formspec_lists[playername].list[quests.formspec_lists[playername].id]) if formname == "quests:info" then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests") end end if fields.quests_info_return then if formname == "quests:info" then minetest.show_formspec(playername, "quests:questlog", quests.create_formspec(playername)) else unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "quests") end end end)