replacer.image_replacements = {}; -- support for RealTest if( minetest.get_modpath("trees") and minetest.get_modpath("core") and minetest.get_modpath("instruments") and minetest.get_modpath("anvil") and minetest.get_modpath("scribing_table")) then -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:planks" ] = "trees:pine_planks"; -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:plank" ] = "trees:pine_plank"; -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:wood" ] = "trees:pine_planks"; -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:tree" ] = "trees:pine_log"; -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:sapling"] = "trees:pine_sapling"; -- replacer.image_replacements[ "group:leaves" ] = "trees:pine_leaves"; replacer.image_replacements[ "default:furnace" ] = "oven:oven"; replacer.image_replacements[ "default:furnace_active" ] = "oven:oven_active"; -- MineClone elseif(minetest.registered_items["mcl_furnaces:furnace"]) then replacer.image_replacements[ "default:furnace" ] = "mcl_furnaces:furnace" replacer.image_replacements[ "default:furnace_active" ] = "mcl_furnaces:furnace_active" end minetest.register_tool( "replacer:inspect", { description = "Node inspection tool", groups = {}, inventory_image = "replacer_inspect.png", wield_image = "", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=1}, liquids_pointable = true, -- it is ok to request information about liquids --[[ -- the tool_capabilities are of no intrest here; it is not for digging tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 1.0, max_drop_level=0, groupcaps={ fleshy={times={[2]=0.80, [3]=0.40}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=1}, snappy={times={[2]=0.80, [3]=0.40}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=1}, choppy={times={[3]=0.90}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=0} } }, --]] node_placement_prediction = nil, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) return replacer.inspect( itemstack, user, pointed_thing, nil, true ); --false ); end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) return replacer.inspect( itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, nil, true ); end, }) replacer.inspect = function( itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode, show_receipe ) if( user == nil or pointed_thing == nil) then return nil; end local name = user:get_player_name(); local keys = user:get_player_control(); if( keys["sneak"] or keys["aux1"]) then show_receipe = true; end if( pointed_thing.type == 'object' ) then local text = 'This is '; local ref = pointed_thing.ref; if( not( ref )) then text = text..'a borken object. We have no further information about it. It is located'; elseif( ref:is_player()) then text = text..'your fellow player \"'..tostring( ref:get_player_name() )..'\"'; else local luaob = ref:get_luaentity(); if( luaob and luaob.get_staticdata) then text = text..'entity \"'..tostring( )..'\"'; local sdata = luaob:get_staticdata(); if( sdata ) then sdata = minetest.deserialize( sdata ); if( sdata.itemstring ) then text = text..' ['..tostring( sdata.itemstring )..']'; if( show_receipe ) then -- the fields part is used here to provide additional information about the entity replacer.inspect_show_crafting( name, sdata.itemstring, { pos=pos, luaob=luaob} ); end end if( sdata.age ) then text = text..', dropped '..tostring( math.floor( sdata.age/60 ))..' minutes ago'; end -- show the owner of an entity if( sdata.owner ) then text = text..' (owned by '..minetest.formspec_escape(sdata.owner)..")" end end else text = text..'object \"'..tostring( ref:get_entity_name() )..'\"'; end end text = text..' at '..minetest.pos_to_string( ref:get_pos() ); minetest.chat_send_player( name, text ); return nil; elseif( pointed_thing.type ~= 'node' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Sorry. This is an unkown something of type \"'..tostring( pointed_thing.type )..'\". No information available.'); return nil; end local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position( pointed_thing, mode ); local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil( pos ); if( node == nil ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Error: Target node not yet loaded. Please wait a moment for the server to catch up."); return nil; end local text = ' ['..tostring( )..'] with param2='..tostring( node.param2 )..' at '..minetest.pos_to_string( pos )..'.'; if( not( minetest.registered_nodes[ ] )) then text = 'This node is an UNKOWN block'..text; else text = 'This is a \"'..tostring( minetest.registered_nodes[ ].description or ' - no description provided -')..'\" block'..text; end local protected_info = ""; if( minetest.is_protected( pos, name )) then protected_info = 'WARNING: You can\'t dig this node. It is protected.'; elseif( minetest.is_protected( pos, '_THIS_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST_' )) then protected_info = 'INFO: You can dig this node, but others can\'t.'; end text = text..' '..protected_info; -- no longer spam the chat; the craft guide is more informative -- minetest.chat_send_player( name, text ); if( show_receipe ) then -- get light of the node at the current time local light = minetest.get_node_light(pos, nil); if( light==0 ) then light = minetest.get_node_light( {x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}); end -- the fields part is used here to provide additional information about the node replacer.inspect_show_crafting( name,, {pos=pos, param2=node.param2, light=light, protected_info=protected_info} ); end return nil; -- no item shall be removed from inventory end -- some common groups replacer.group_placeholder = {}; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:wood' ] = 'default:wood'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:tree' ] = 'default:tree'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:sapling']= 'default:sapling'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:stick' ] = 'default:stick'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:stone' ] = 'default:cobble'; -- 'default:stone'; point people to the cheaper cobble replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:sand' ] = 'default:sand'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:leaves'] = 'default:leaves'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:wood_slab'] = 'stairs:slab_wood'; replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:wool' ] = 'wool:white'; -- handle the standard dye color groups if( minetest.get_modpath("dye") and dye and dye.basecolors) then for i,color in ipairs( dye.basecolors ) do local def = minetest.registered_items[ "dye:"..color ]; if( def and def.groups ) then for k,v in pairs( def.groups ) do if( k ~= 'dye' ) then replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:dye,'..k ] = 'dye:'..color; end end replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:flower,color_'..color ] = 'dye:'..color; end end end -- find the first known member of a group as an example/representative replacer.get_first_group_member = function(group_name) for k,v in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if(v and v.groups and v.groups[group_name] and v.groups[group_name] > 0) then return k end end -- nothing found return group_name end replacer.image_button_link = function( stack_string ) local group = ''; if( replacer.image_replacements[ stack_string ] ) then stack_string = replacer.image_replacements[ stack_string ]; end replacer.group_placeholder[ 'group:wood_slab'] = 'stairs:slab_wood'; -- if it is a group if( string.sub(stack_string, 1, 6) == "group:" -- ..and there is no known member of that group yet and (not(replacer.group_placeholder[ stack_string ]) -- or the known member does not exist or not(minetest.registered_items[ replacer.group_placeholder[ stack_string ]]))) then -- find and store a suitable group member as example replacer.group_placeholder[ stack_string ] = replacer.get_first_group_member(string.sub(stack_string, 7)) end if(replacer.group_placeholder[ stack_string ] ) then group = 'Group\n'..minetest.formspec_escape(string.sub(stack_string, 7)) stack_string = replacer.group_placeholder[ stack_string ]; end -- TODO: show information about other groups not handled above local stack = ItemStack( stack_string ); local new_node_name = stack_string; if( stack and stack:get_name()) then new_node_name = stack:get_name(); end return tostring( stack_string )..';'..tostring( new_node_name )..';'; end replacer.add_circular_saw_receipe = function( node_name, receipes ) if( not( node_name ) or not( minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks")) or not( circular_saw ) or not( circular_saw.names) or (node_name=='moreblocks:circular_saw')) then return; end local help = node_name:split( ':' ); if( not( help ) or #help ~= 2 or help[1]=='stairs') then return; end local help2 = help[2]:split('_'); if( not( help2 ) or #help2 < 2 or (help2[1]~='micro' and help2[1]~='panel' and help2[1]~='stair' and help2[1]~='slab')) then return; end -- for i,v in ipairs( circular_saw.names ) do -- modname..":"..v[1].."_"..material..v[2] -- TODO: write better and more correct method of getting the names of the materials -- TODO: make sure only nodes produced by the saw are listed here help[1]='default'; local basic_node_name = help[1]..':'..help2[2]; -- node found that fits into the saw receipes[ #receipes+1 ] = { method = 'saw', type = 'saw', items = { basic_node_name }, output = node_name}; return receipes; end replacer.add_colormachine_receipe = function( node_name, receipes ) if( not( minetest.get_modpath("colormachine")) or not( colormachine )) then return; end local res = colormachine.get_node_name_painted( node_name, "" ); if( not( res) or not( res.possible ) or #res.possible < 1 ) then return; end -- paintable node found receipes[ #receipes+1 ] = { method = 'colormachine', type = 'colormachine', items = { res.possible[1] }, output = node_name}; return receipes; end replacer.inspect_show_crafting = function( name, node_name, fields ) if( not( name )) then return; end local receipe_nr = 1; if( not( node_name )) then node_name = fields.node_name; receipe_nr = tonumber(fields.receipe_nr); end -- turn it into an item stack so that we can handle dropped stacks etc local stack = ItemStack( node_name ); node_name = stack:get_name(); -- the player may ask for receipes of indigrents to the current receipe if( fields ) then for k,v in pairs( fields ) do if( v and v=="" and (minetest.registered_items[ k ] or minetest.registered_nodes[ k ] or minetest.registered_craftitems[ k ] or minetest.registered_tools[ k ] )) then node_name = k; receipe_nr = 1; end end end local res = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes( node_name ); if( not( res )) then res = {}; end -- add special receipes for nodes created by machines replacer.add_circular_saw_receipe( node_name, res ); replacer.add_colormachine_receipe( node_name, res ); -- offer all alternate creafting receipes thrugh prev/next buttons if( fields and fields.prev_receipe and receipe_nr > 1 ) then receipe_nr = receipe_nr - 1; elseif( fields and fields.next_receipe and receipe_nr < #res ) then receipe_nr = receipe_nr + 1; end local desc = nil; if( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ] ) then if( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].description and minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].description~= "") then desc = "\""..minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].description.."\" block"; elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].name ) then desc = "\""..minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].name.."\" block"; else desc = " - no description provided - block"; end elseif( minetest.registered_items[ node_name ] ) then if( minetest.registered_items[ node_name ].description and minetest.registered_items[ node_name ].description~= "") then desc = "\""..minetest.registered_items[ node_name ].description.."\" item"; elseif( minetest.registered_items[ node_name ].name ) then desc = "\""..minetest.registered_items[ node_name ].name.."\" item"; else desc = " - no description provided - item"; end end if( not( desc ) or desc=="") then desc = ' - no description provided - '; end local formspec = "size[6,6]".. "label[0,5.5;This is a "..minetest.formspec_escape( desc )..".]".. "button_exit[5.0,4.3;1,0.5;quit;Exit]".. "label[0,0;Name:]".. "field[20,20;0.1,0.1;node_name;node_name;"..node_name.."]".. -- invisible field for passing on information "field[21,21;0.1,0.1;receipe_nr;receipe_nr;"..tostring( receipe_nr ).."]".. -- another invisible field "label[1,0;"..tostring( node_name ).."]".. "item_image_button[5,2;1.0,1.0;"..tostring( node_name )..";normal;]"; -- provide additional information regarding the node in particular that has been inspected if( fields.pos ) then formspec = formspec.."label[0.0,0.3;Located at ".. minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( fields.pos )).."]" if( fields.param2 ) then formspec = formspec.."label[0.0,0.6;with param2="..tostring( fields.param2 ) end if( fields.light ) then formspec = formspec.." and receiving "..tostring( fields.light ).." light"; end formspec = formspec..".]"; end -- show information about protection if( fields.protected_info and fields.protected_info ~= "" ) then formspec = formspec.."label[0.0,4.5;"..minetest.formspec_escape( fields.protected_info ).."]"; end if( not( res ) or receipe_nr > #res or receipe_nr < 1 ) then receipe_nr = 1; end if( res and receipe_nr > 1 ) then formspec = formspec.."button[3.8,5;1,0.5;prev_receipe;prev]"; end if( res and receipe_nr < #res ) then formspec = formspec.."button[5.0,5.0;1,0.5;next_receipe;next]"; end if( not( res ) or #res<1) then formspec = formspec..'label[3,1;No receipes.]'; if( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ] and minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].drop ) then local drop = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ].drop; if( drop ) then if( type( drop )=='string' and drop ~= node_name ) then formspec = formspec.."label[2,1.6;Drops on dig:]".. "item_image_button[2,2;1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( drop ).."]"; elseif( type( drop )=='table' and drop.items ) then local droplist = {}; for _,drops in ipairs( drop.items ) do for _,item in ipairs( drops.items ) do -- avoid duplicates; but include the item itshelf droplist[ item ] = 1; end end local i = 1; formspec = formspec.."label[2,1.6;May drop on dig:]"; for k,v in pairs( droplist ) do formspec = formspec.. "item_image_button["..(((i-1)%3)+1)..","..math.floor(((i-1)/3)+2)..";1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( k ).."]"; i = i+1; end end end end else formspec = formspec.."label[1,5;Alternate "..tostring( receipe_nr ).."/"..tostring( #res ).."]"; -- reverse order; default receipes (and thus the most intresting ones) are usually the oldest local receipe = res[ #res+1-receipe_nr ]; if( receipe.type=='normal' and receipe.items) then local width = receipe.width; if( not( width ) or width==0 ) then width = 3; end for i=1,9 do if( receipe.items[i] ) then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button["..(((i-1)%width)+1)..','..(math.floor((i-1)/width)+1)..";1.0,1.0;".. replacer.image_button_link( receipe.items[i] ).."]"; end end elseif( receipe.type=='cooking' and receipe.items and #receipe.items==1 and receipe.output=="" ) then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[1,1;3.4,3.4;"..replacer.image_button_link( 'default:furnace_active' ).."]".. --default_furnace_front.png]".. "item_image_button[2.9,2.7;1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( receipe.items[1] ).."]".. "label[1.0,0;"..tostring(receipe.items[1]).."]".. "label[0,0.5;This can be used as a fuel.]"; elseif( receipe.type=='cooking' and receipe.items and #receipe.items==1 ) then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[1,1;3.4,3.4;"..replacer.image_button_link( 'default:furnace' ).."]".. --default_furnace_front.png]".. "item_image_button[2.9,2.7;1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( receipe.items[1] ).."]"; elseif( receipe.type=='colormachine' and receipe.items and #receipe.items==1 ) then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[1,1;3.4,3.4;"..replacer.image_button_link( 'colormachine:colormachine' ).."]".. --colormachine_front.png]".. "item_image_button[2,2;1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( receipe.items[1] ).."]"; elseif( receipe.type=='saw' and receipe.items and #receipe.items==1 ) then --formspec = formspec.."item_image[1,1;3.4,3.4;moreblocks:circular_saw]".. formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[1,1;3.4,3.4;"..replacer.image_button_link( 'moreblocks:circular_saw' ).."]".. "item_image_button[2,0.6;1.0,1.0;"..replacer.image_button_link( receipe.items[1] ).."]"; else formspec = formspec..'label[3,1;Error: Unkown receipe.]'; end -- show how many of the items the receipe will yield local outstack = ItemStack( receipe.output ); if( outstack and outstack:get_count() and outstack:get_count()>1 ) then formspec = formspec..'label[5.5,2.5;'..tostring( outstack:get_count() )..']'; end end minetest.show_formspec( name, "replacer:crafting", formspec ); end -- translate general formspec calls back to specific calls replacer.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields) if( formname and formname == "replacer:crafting" and player and not( fields.quit )) then replacer.inspect_show_crafting( player:get_player_name(), nil, fields ); return; end end -- establish a callback so that input from the player-specific formspec gets handled minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( replacer.form_input_handler ); -- do the exception for MineClone first... if(minetest.registered_items["mcl_core:stick"]) then minetest.register_craft({ output = 'replacer:inspect', recipe = { { 'mcl_torches:torch' }, { 'mcl_core:stick' }, } }) -- ..then the normal version elseif(minetest.registered_nodes["default:torch"]) then minetest.register_craft({ output = 'replacer:inspect', recipe = { { 'default:torch' }, { 'default:stick' }, } }) end