-- how many patterns are stored in the history? those don't take up much space, -- but a too long list might not be overly helpful for the players either replacer.max_hist_size = 20 -- turn stored pattern string ( ) into something readable by human beeings replacer.human_readable_pattern = function(pattern) if(not(pattern)) then return "(nothing)" end -- data is stored in the form " " local parts = string.split(pattern, " ") if(not(parts) or #parts < 3) then return "(corrupted data)" end local node_name = parts[1] local param2 = parts[3] local def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ] if(not(def)) then return "(unknown node)" end local text = "'"..tostring(def.description or "- no description -").."'" if(not(def.description) or def.description == "") then text = "- no description -" end -- facedir is probably the most commonly used rotation variant if( def.paramtype2 == "facedir" or def.paramtype2 == "colorfacedir") then local axis_names = {"y+ (Ground)", "z+ (North)", "z- (South)", "x+ (East)", "x- (West)", "y- (Sky)"} text = text.." Rotated: "..tostring(param2 % 4).. " around axis: "..tostring( axis_names[ math.floor( (param2%24) / 4 ) + 1 ]) -- wallmounted is diffrent elseif( def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" or def.paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted") then local axis_names = {"y+ (Ground)", "y- (Sky)", "z+ (North)", "z- (South)", "x+ (East)", "x- (West)"} text = text.." Mounted at wall: "..tostring( axis_names[ (param2 % 6)+ 1 ]) end return text end -- set the replacer to a new pattern replacer.set_to = function(player_name, pattern, player, itemstack) if(not(player_name) or not(player) or not(itemstack)) then return itemstack end -- fallback if nothing is given if(not(pattern)) then pattern = "default:dirt 0 0" end local set_to = replacer.human_readable_pattern(pattern) -- change the description of the tool so that it's easier to see which replacer (if you -- have more than one in your inv) is set to which node local meta = itemstack:get_meta() -- actually store the new pattern meta:set_string("pattern", pattern ) meta:set_string("description", "Node replacement tool set to:\n"..set_to.. "\n["..tostring(pattern).."]") minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Node replacement tool set to: "..set_to.. "["..tostring(pattern).."].") replacer.add_to_hist(player_name, pattern) return itemstack -- nothing consumed but data changed end -- keep a history of stored patterns for each player (not for each replacer); -- this history is not saved over server shutdown replacer.add_to_hist = function(player_name, pattern) if(not(player_name) or not(pattern) or pattern == "") then return end if(not(replacer.history)) then replacer.history = {} end if(not(replacer.history[ player_name ])) then replacer.history[ player_name ] = {} end local index = table.indexof(replacer.history[ player_name ], pattern) -- only add new entries; do not store duplicates if(index and index > -1) then return end -- remove the oldest entry if(#replacer.history[ player_name ] >= replacer.max_hist_size) then table.remove(replacer.history[ player_name ], 1) end table.insert(replacer.history[ player_name ], pattern) end -- show a formspec with a history of stored patterns to select from replacer.get_formspec = function(player_name, current_pattern, player) -- is the player in creative mode? local in_creative_mode = (minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") or minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {creative=true})) -- count how many blocks of each type the player has in his inventory local counted_inv = {} if(not(in_creative_mode)) then local inv_main = player:get_inventory():get_list("main") for i, v in ipairs(inv_main) do local stack_name = v:get_name() if(not(counted_inv[ stack_name ])) then counted_inv[ stack_name ] = 0 end counted_inv[ stack_name ] = counted_inv[ stack_name ] + v:get_count() end end local formspec = "size[14,8]".. "label[4,0;Node Replacement Tool Setup and History]".. "button_exit[6,7.2;2,0.8;quit;Exit]".. "label[0.2,0.6;Click here to set the replacer to a pattern you have stored before:]".. "tablecolumns[color;".. "text,align=right,tooltip=Amount of nodes of this type left in your inventory:".. ";text,align=left,tooltip=Stored pattern:]".. "table[0.2,1.0;13,6;replacer_history;" -- make sure all variables exist and the current entry is stored replacer.add_to_hist(player_name, current_pattern) local hist_entries = {} local selected = 1 for i, v in ipairs(replacer.history[ player_name ]) do if(v == current_pattern) then selected = i end local amount_left = "#00FF00,infinite supply:" if(not(in_creative_mode)) then -- which item are we looking for? local parts = v:split(" ") if(not(parts) or #parts<1) then parts = {"does not exist"} -- TODO: handle this in a more general way elseif(parts[1] == "default:dirt_with_grass") then parts[1] = "default:dirt" end if(counted_inv[ parts[1] ]) then amount_left = "#00FF00,"..tostring(counted_inv[ parts[1] ]).." available:" else amount_left = "#FF0000,none left!" end end hist_entries[ i ] = tostring(amount_left)..",".. minetest.formspec_escape(replacer.human_readable_pattern(v).." ["..v.."]") end return formspec..table.concat(hist_entries, ",")..";"..tostring(selected).."]" end -- the player has interacted with our formspec minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( function(player, formname, fields) if(not(formname) or formname ~= "replacer:menu") then return false end local player_name = player:get_player_name() -- the player clicked on an entry in the history if(fields and fields.replacer_history and replacer.history and replacer.history[ player_name ]) then -- find out which line it was local selected = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.replacer_history) if(selected and (selected.type == "CHG" or selected.type == "DLC") and selected.row <= #replacer.history[ player_name ]) then local itemstack = player:get_wielded_item() itemstack = replacer.set_to(player_name, replacer.history[ player_name ][ selected.row ], player, itemstack) player:set_wielded_item(itemstack) return true end end return true end)