local S = minetest.get_translator("report") local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() assert(storage, "mod_storage is required") local function get_modo_list() local store = storage:get_string("report") if store then return minetest.deserialize(store) or {} end return nil end local function is_known_modo(name) for _, modo in ipairs(get_modo_list()) do if modo == name then return true end end return false end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) -- Obtenir les privs du player local player_name = player:get_player_name() local is_modo = minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {kick = true, ban = true}) -- Le joueur est-il un modérateur connu ? local known = is_known_modo(player_name) -- Ajouter ou supprimer le joueur de la liste des modérateurs if not known and is_modo then -- Ajouter nom du player dans liste modos local modos = get_modo_list() table.insert(modos, player_name) storage:set_string("report", minetest.serialize(modos)) elseif known and not is_modo then -- Supprimer nom du player de la liste modos local modos = get_modo_list() for i, modo in ipairs(modos) do if modo == player_name then table.remove(modos, i) storage:set_string("report", minetest.serialize(modos)) break end end end end) minetest.register_chatcommand("report", { description = S("Report: @1 to see moderators list. @2 is the message to report to moderators.", "'modos'", "'msg'"), params = "modos|msg", func = function(name, param) param = param:trim() if param == "" then return false, S("Please write a message for the report. If it's about one or several players in particular, please give their name.") end if param == "modos" then return true, S("Moderators list: @1", table.concat(get_modo_list(), ", ")) end local _, count = string.gsub(param, " ", "") if count == 0 then minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("If you are reporting a player's attitude, you should also say why. (Ex: insult, sabotage)")) end -- Send to online moderators / admins -- Get comma separated list of online moderators and admins local modos_online = {} for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local toname = player:get_player_name() if is_known_modo(toname) then table.insert(modos_online, toname) minetest.chat_send_player(toname, S("-!- @1 has reported: @2", name, param)) end end local admin = minetest.setting_get("name") if #modos_online > 0 then local mod_list = table.concat(modos_online, ", ") email.send_mail(name, admin, S("Report: @1 (online moderator(s): @2)", param, mod_list)) for _, modo in ipairs(get_modo_list()) do if modo ~= admin then email.send_mail(name, modo, S("Report: @1 (online moderator(s): @2)", param, mod_list)) end end return true, S("Reported. Online moderator(s): @1", mod_list) else email.send_mail(name, admin, S("Report: @1 (no online moderator)", param)) for _, modo in ipairs(get_modo_list()) do if modo ~= admin then email.send_mail(name, modo, S("Report: @1 (no online moderator)", param)) end end return true, S("Reported. We will get back to you.") end end }) minetest.log("action", "[report] mod loaded.")