-- This file adds a command for generating the schemedit usage help readme -- file, in Markdown format. The text is extracted from the metadata of -- the items. This is only used for development purposes, after the -- help text of any of the items was changed. -- How to use: Temporarily set MAKE_README to true in init.lua, then -- start the game as admin and run “/make_schemedit_readme”. Copy the -- generated file back to the mod directory (USAGE.md). -- Everything here is intentionally NOT translated because it is for text -- files only. -- Extract text from item definition local get_text = function(item, field) local text = minetest.registered_items[item][field] -- Remove translation escapes text = string.gsub(text, "\x1BE", "") text = string.gsub(text, "\x1B%(T@schemedit%)", "") -- Fix Markdown syntax error text = string.gsub(text, "schematic_override", "`schematic_override`") return text end -- Schemedit items to generate the readme from local items = { "creator", "void", "probtool" } minetest.register_chatcommand("make_schemedit_readme", { description = "Generate the schemedit usage help readme file", privs = {server=true}, func = function(name, param) local readme = "## Usage help".."\n" readme = readme .. "In this section you'll learn how to use the items of this mod.".."\n" readme = readme .. "Note: If you have the `doc` and `doc_items` mods installed, you can also access the same help texts in-game (possibly translated).".."\n\n" local entries = {} for i=1, #items do local item = items[i] local desc = get_text("schemedit:"..item, "description") local longdesc = get_text("schemedit:"..item, "_doc_items_longdesc") local usagehelp = get_text("schemedit:"..item, "_doc_items_usagehelp") readme = readme .. "### "..desc.."\n" readme = readme .. longdesc .."\n\n" readme = readme .. "#### Usage\n" readme = readme .. usagehelp .."\n\n" end local path = minetest.get_worldpath().."/schemedit_readme.md" local file = io.open(path, "w") if not file then return false, "Failed to open file!" end local ok = file:write(readme) file:close() if ok then return true, "File written to: "..path else return false, "Failed to write file!" end end })