server_description = A Minetest server to survive and have fun! (Hardcore difficulty) / Un serveur de Minetest, pour survivre et s'amuser ! (Difficulte Extreme)
# Same acceleration in air and on the ground, to fix some movement glitches. Also is easier to play.
movement_acceleration_air = 1.2
# Almost instant acceleration in fast mode for more control.
movement_acceleration_fast = 24
# Walking is 20 % faster than in minetest_game. Makes playing without the "fast" privilege less boring.
movement_speed_walk = 4.8
# Half the speed of walking, just like the animation.
movement_speed_crouch = 2.4
# 5 times faster than walking.
movement_speed_fast = 24
# Makes climbing speed faster than rising in the water. Also makes ladders more useful.
movement_speed_climb = 4.8
# Faster movement in liquids. Jumping at the water surface also speeds up swimming.
movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.6 (default = 1)
# Ralentissement à la surface de l'eau
movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5
# Vitesse à laquelle le joueur coule
movement_liquid_sink = 15
# Slightly less gravity.
movement_gravity = 9.5
# Jump height slightly reduced.
movement_speed_jump = 6.5
# Emplacement du static spawn point
static_spawnpoint = 24,97,-1
# Désactivation de l'anti-cheat qui fait ce téléporter en arrière si l'on va trop vite
disable_anticheat = true
# A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random
fixed_map_seed = 13107546752813893513
# Enable dungeons on new worlds.
mg_flags = trees, caves, dungeons
# Enable jungles on new worlds, disable biome blend and mud flow (faster, looks better).
mgv6_spflags = jungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow
# Less deserts, more beaches.
mgv6_freq_desert = 0.6
mgv6_freq_beach = -0.15
# Nécessaire pour le mapgen Lua "Watershed"
mg_name = singlenode
# GIVE_INITIAL_STUFF MOD - Equipement pour les nouveaux joueurs : Give 1 axe_wood, 10 torches, 2 saplings, 5 apples. Edit mods/misc/give_initial_stuff.lua to change.