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2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
-- ===============================================================================
-- StairsPlus Bonus!
-- ===============================================================================
This section of code that makes blocks compatible with MoreBlocks' circular saw.
I've added circular saw compatible code for default snowblocks and ice. :D
A big thanks to Calinou and ShadowNinja for making this possible.
Because StairsPlus creates partial blocks, it didn't seem quite right that the
smallest microblocks would produce a full-sized water_source node when melted.
So I toned them down a bit by changing their melt to a temporary,
2-second water_source. See "melts" in abms.lua file for the various intensities.
You may or may not have noticed in your server logs that MoreBlocks stairs/slabs/
panels/microblocks are not recorded as to when, who, what, and where. This is
important information when trying to determine if a player who dug these blocks
is the owner (the player who placed the block) or is a griefer stealing the block.
There is an option that will log when these blocks are placed but it comes at the
cost of losing the auto-rotation of those blocks when placed. They can still be
rotated with a screwdriver but if screwdrivers are disabled on your server your
players won't be able to position MoreBlocks, saw-made blocks.
To enable logging the placement of these blocks, un-comment these lines:
--on_place = minetest.item_place
There is one in each of the "stairsplus.register_all" sections.
~ LazyJ
-- ===============================================================================
--snow_stairsplus = {}
-- Check for infinite stacks
--if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") or not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
-- snow_stairsplus.expect_infinite_stacks = false
-- snow_stairsplus.expect_infinite_stacks = true
-- First, let's run a check to see if MoreBlocks is installed; we're going to need it for the
-- next section of stairsplus stuff. ~LazyJ
if (minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks"))
-- 'If' MoreBlocks was found, well, 'then' go ahead with this next part:
--[[ Leave commented out - For reference only. ~ LazyJ
function stairsplus.register_all(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
--stairsplus.register_stair_slab_panel_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
stairsplus:register_stair(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
stairsplus:register_slab(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
stairsplus:register_panel(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
stairsplus:register_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
Leave commented out
-- Leave commented out. Another, possible piece of the puzzle, as to why the placement of
-- stairsplus nodes aren't recorded in the logs. Shelved till I can concentrate on it again.
-- ~ LazyJ
--itemstack ={}
local def = itemstack:get_definition()
function minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2)
minetest.log("action", placer:get_player_name() .. " places node "
.. def.name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(place_to))
Leave commented out
-- Leave commented out
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then
return itemstack
-- If it's being placed on an another similar one, replace it with
-- a full block
local slabpos = nil
local slabnode = nil
local p0 = pointed_thing.under
local p1 = pointed_thing.above
local n0 = minetest.get_node(p0)
local n1 = minetest.get_node(p1)
local param2 = 0
local n0_is_upside_down = (n0.name == "snow:slab_" .. subname and
n0.param2 >= 20)
if n0.name == "snow:slab_" .. subname and not n0_is_upside_down and p0.y+1 == p1.y then
slabpos = p0
slabnode = n0
elseif n1.name == "snow:slab_" .. subname then
slabpos = p1
slabnode = n1
if slabpos then
-- Remove the slab at slabpos
-- Make a fake stack of a single item and try to place it
local fakestack = ItemStack(recipeitem)
pointed_thing.above = slabpos
local success
fakestack, success = minetest.item_place(fakestack, placer, pointed_thing)
-- If the item was taken from the fake stack, decrement original
if success then
-- Else put old node back
minetest.set_node(slabpos, slabnode)
return itemstack
-- Upside down slabs
if p0.y-1 == p1.y then
-- Turn into full block if pointing at a existing slab
if n0_is_upside_down then
-- Remove the slab at the position of the slab
-- Make a fake stack of a single item and try to place it
local fakestack = ItemStack(recipeitem)
pointed_thing.above = p0
local success
fakestack, success = minetest.item_place(fakestack, placer, pointed_thing)
-- If the item was taken from the fake stack, decrement original
if success then
-- Else put old node back
minetest.set_node(p0, n0)
return itemstack
-- Place upside down slab
param2 = 20
-- If pointing at the side of a upside down slab
if n0_is_upside_down and p0.y+1 ~= p1.y then
param2 = 20
return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2)
Leave commented out
Below, in the "groups" line there is a "melts" category. Back in the ABMs lua file, melting
code, melts=1 will produce a water_source when the full-sized snow/ice block is melted making
a big, watery mess. melts=2 will produce a water_source only for a moment, then it changes back
to water_flowing and then dries-up and disappears. I gave these stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks
a melts value of 2 instead of 1 because they are not full blocks.
~ LazyJ
-- Default snowblock and ice stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks.
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes["default:ice"]
local groups = {}
for k, v in pairs(ndef.groups) do groups[k] = v end
stairsplus:register_all("moreblocks", "ice", "default:ice", {
description = ndef.description,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
-- Added "icemaker=1" in groups. This ties into the freezing
-- function in the ABMs.lua file. ~ LazyJ
groups = {cracky=1, crumbly=1, choppy=1, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1, melts=2, icemaker=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
tiles = ndef.tiles,
-- Because of the "use_texture_alpha" line, that gives ice transparency, I couldn't combine
-- default ice and default snowblocks in a list like MoreBlocks does. ~ LazyJ
use_texture_alpha = true,
sunlight_propagates = true,
-- This "on_place" line makes placing these nodes recorded in the logs.
-- Useful for investigating griefings and determining ownership
-- BUT these nodes will nolonger auto-rotate into position. ~ LazyJ
--on_place = minetest.item_place,
-- The "on_construct" part below, thinking in terms of layers, dirt_with_snow could
-- also double as dirt_with_frost which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ
on_construct = function(pos)
pos.y = pos.y - 1
if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt_with_grass"
or minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt" then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt_with_snow"})
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes["default:snowblock"]
local groups = {}
for k, v in pairs(ndef.groups) do groups[k] = v end
stairsplus:register_all("moreblocks", "snowblock", "default:snowblock", {
description = ndef.description,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
-- Added "icemaker=1" in groups. This ties into the freezing function
-- in the ABMs.lua file. ~ LazyJ
groups = {cracky=3, crumbly=3, choppy=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, melts=2, icemaker=1},
tiles = ndef.tiles,
sunlight_propagates = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.25},
dig = {name="default_dig_crumbly", gain=0.4},
dug = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.75},
place = {name="default_place_node", gain=1.0}
-- This "on_place" line makes placing these nodes recorded in the logs.
-- Useful for investigating griefings and determining ownership
-- BUT these nodes will nolonger auto-rotate into position. ~ LazyJ
--on_place = minetest.item_place,
-- The "on_construct" part below, thinking in terms of layers,
-- dirt_with_snow could also double as dirt_with_frost
-- which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ
on_construct = function(pos)
pos.y = pos.y - 1
if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt_with_grass"
or minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt" then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt_with_snow"})
-- Snow stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks.
local snow_nodes = {
for _, name in pairs(snow_nodes) do
local nodename = "snow:"..name
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
local groups = {}
for k, v in pairs(ndef.groups) do groups[k] = v end
stairsplus:register_all("moreblocks", name, nodename, {
description = ndef.description,
drop = drop,
groups = {cracky=2, crumbly=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, melts=2, icemaker=1},
tiles = ndef.tiles,
--paramtype2 = "facedir",
sunlight_propagates = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.25},
dig = {name="default_dig_crumbly", gain=0.4},
dug = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.75},
place = {name="default_place_node", gain=1.0}
-- This "on_place" line makes placing these nodes recorded in the logs.
-- Useful for investigating griefings and determining ownership
-- BUT these nodes will nolonger auto-rotate into position. ~ LazyJ
--on_place = minetest.item_place,
-- Some attempts to have both, the recording in the logs of the placing of
-- the stairplus stuff *and* have the auto-rotation work. No luck yet.
-- ~ LazyJ
on_place = function (i, p, t)
minetest.item_place(i, p, t, 0)
minetest.rotate_node(i, p, t)
on_place = function (i, p, t)
minetest.rotate_node(i, p, t, 0)
minetest.item_place(i, p, t)
-- Picking up were we left off... ~ LazyJ
-- The "on_construct" part below, thinking in terms of layers, dirt_with_snow could
-- also double as dirt_with_frost which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ
on_construct = function(pos)
pos.y = pos.y - 1
if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt_with_grass"
or minetest.get_node(pos).name == "default:dirt"
then minetest.set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt_with_snow"})
-- Some ideas I've tried. Leaving for future reference till I can figure out a workable solution. ~ LazyJ
--minetest.log("action", sender:get_player_name().." places" ..minetest.get_node(pos).name.. "at" ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", minetest.get_player_name().." places" ..minetest.get_node(pos).name.. "at" ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", "BINGO places "..minetest.get_name().." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", minetest.get_player_name().." places "..minetest.get_name().." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", placer:get_player_name().." places moreblocks-something at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", " BINGO places "..minetest.get_pointed_thing().." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", "BINGO places moreblocks"..ndef.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--minetest.log("action", "A pine sapling grows into a Christmas tree at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2)
--return minetest.item_place(itemstack, pointed_thing, param2)
else -- from clear up at the top, the MoreBlocks check. "Else", if MoreBlocks wasn't found, skip
-- down to here, "return" nothing and "end" this script. ~ LazyJ