2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
-- Pine Needles
minetest.register_node ( " snow:needles " , {
description = " Pine Needles " ,
drawtype = " allfaces_optional " ,
visual_scale = 1.3 ,
tiles = { " snow_needles.png " } ,
waving = 1 ,
paramtype = " light " ,
groups = { snappy = 3 , leafdecay = 5 } ,
drop = {
max_items = 1 ,
items = {
-- player will get sapling with 1/20 chance
items = { ' snow:sapling_pine ' } ,
rarity = 20 ,
} ,
-- player will get leaves only if he get no saplings,
-- this is because max_items is 1
items = { ' snow:needles ' } ,
} ,
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults ( ) ,
} )
If christmas_content is enabled , then this next part will override the pine needles ' drop code
( in the code section above ) and adds Xmas tree saplings to the items that are dropped .
The Xmas tree needles are registred and defined a farther down in this nodes.lua file .
~ LazyJ
if snow.christmas_content then
--Christmas trees
minetest.override_item ( " snow:needles " , {
drop = {
max_items = 1 ,
items = {
-- player will get xmas tree with 1/120 chance
items = { ' snow:xmas_tree ' } ,
rarity = 120 ,
} ,
-- player will get sapling with 1/20 chance
items = { ' snow:sapling_pine ' } ,
rarity = 20 ,
} ,
-- player will get leaves only if he get no saplings,
-- this is because max_items is 1
items = { ' snow:needles ' } ,
} )
--Christmas easter egg
minetest.register_on_mapgen_init ( function ( )
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
if rawget ( _G , " skins " ) then
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
skins.add ( " character_snow_man " )
Original , static Xmas lights . Keep so people can " turn off " the
animation if it is too much for them . ~ LazyJ
--Decorated Pine leaves
minetest.register_node ( " snow:needles_decorated " , {
description = " Decorated Pine Needles " ,
drawtype = " allfaces_optional " ,
tiles = { " snow_needles_decorated.png " } ,
paramtype = " light " ,
groups = { snappy = 3 , leafdecay = 3 } ,
drop = {
max_items = 1 ,
items = {
-- player will get xmas tree with 1/20 chance
items = { ' snow:xmas_tree ' } ,
rarity = 50 ,
} ,
-- player will get sapling with 1/20 chance
items = { ' snow:sapling_pine ' } ,
rarity = 20 ,
} ,
-- player will get leaves only if he get no saplings,
-- this is because max_items is 1
items = { ' snow:needles_decorated ' } ,
} ,
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults ( ) ,
} )
-- Animated, "blinking lights" version. ~ LazyJ
-- Decorated Pine Leaves
minetest.register_node ( " snow:needles_decorated " , {
description = " Decorated Pine Needles " ,
drawtype = " allfaces_optional " ,
light_source = 5 ,
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube ( " snow_needles_decorated.png " ) ,
--tiles = {"snow_needles_decorated.png"},
tiles = {
{ name = " snow_needles_decorated_animated.png " , animation = { type = " vertical_frames " , aspect_w = 16 , aspect_h = 16 , length = 20.0 } }
} ,
paramtype = " light " ,
groups = { snappy = 3 , leafdecay = 5 } ,
drop = {
max_items = 1 ,
items = {
-- player will get xmas tree with 1/120 chance
items = { ' snow:xmas_tree ' } ,
rarity = 120 ,
} ,
-- player will get sapling with 1/20 chance
items = { ' snow:sapling_pine ' } ,
rarity = 20 ,
} ,
-- player will get leaves only if he get no saplings,
-- this is because max_items is 1
items = { ' snow:needles_decorated ' } ,
} ,
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults ( ) ,
} )
-- Xmas Tree Sapling
minetest.register_node ( " snow:xmas_tree " , {
description = " Christmas Tree " ,
drawtype = " plantlike " ,
visual_scale = 1.0 ,
tiles = { " snow_xmas_tree.png " } ,
inventory_image = " snow_xmas_tree.png " ,
wield_image = " snow_xmas_tree.png " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = false ,
groups = { snappy = 2 , dig_immediate = 3 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults ( ) ,
} )
-- Pine Sapling
minetest.register_node ( " snow:sapling_pine " , {
description = " Pine Sapling " ,
drawtype = " plantlike " ,
visual_scale = 1.0 ,
tiles = { " snow_sapling_pine.png " } ,
inventory_image = " snow_sapling_pine.png " ,
wield_image = " snow_sapling_pine.png " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = false ,
groups = { snappy = 2 , dig_immediate = 3 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults ( ) ,
} )
-- Star on Xmas Trees
minetest.register_node ( " snow:star " , {
description = " Star " ,
--drawtype = "torchlike",
drawtype = " plantlike " , -- Stars disappeared when viewed at the right angle. "Plantlike" solved the visual problem. ~ LazyJ
tiles = { " snow_star.png " } ,
inventory_image = " snow_star.png " ,
wield_image = " snow_star.png " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = false ,
--groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3},
groups = { cracky = 1 , crumbly = 1 , choppy = 1 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1 } , -- Don't want the ornament breaking too easily because you have to punch it to turn it on and off. ~ LazyJ
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults ( { dig = { name = " default_glass_footstep " , gain = 0.2 } } ) , -- Breaking "glass" sound makes it sound like a real, broken, Xmas tree ornament (Sorry, Mom!). ;)- ~ LazyJ
on_punch = function ( pos , node , puncher ) -- Added a "lit" star that can be punched on or off depending on your preference. ~ LazyJ
minetest.set_node ( pos , { name = " snow:star_lit " } )
nodeupdate ( pos )
end ,
} )
-- Star (Lit Version) on Xmas Trees
minetest.register_node ( " snow:star_lit " , {
description = " Star Lighted " ,
drawtype = " plantlike " ,
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
light_source = LIGHT_MAX ,
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
tiles = { " snow_star_lit.png " } ,
wield_image = " snow_star.png " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = false ,
drop = " snow:star " ,
groups = { cracky = 1 , crumbly = 1 , choppy = 1 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1 , not_in_creative_inventory = 1 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults ( { dig = { name = " default_glass_footstep " , gain = 0.2 } } ) ,
on_punch = function ( pos , node , puncher )
minetest.set_node ( pos , { name = " snow:star " } )
nodeupdate ( pos )
end ,
} )
-- Moss
minetest.register_node ( " snow:moss " , {
description = " Moss " ,
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
inventory_image = " snow_moss.png " ,
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
tiles = { " snow_moss.png " } ,
drawtype = " signlike " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
paramtype2 = " wallmounted " ,
walkable = false ,
selection_box = {
type = " wallmounted " ,
} ,
is_ground_content = true ,
groups = { crumbly = 3 , attached_node = 1 } ,
} )
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
local function snow_onto_dirt ( pos )
pos.y = pos.y - 1
local node = minetest.get_node ( pos )
if node.name == " default:dirt_with_grass "
or node.name == " default:dirt " then
node.name = " default:dirt_with_snow "
minetest.set_node ( pos , node )
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
-- Snow Brick
minetest.register_node ( " snow:snow_brick " , {
description = " Snow Brick " ,
tiles = { " snow_snow_brick.png " } ,
is_ground_content = true ,
freezemelt = " default:water_source " ,
liquidtype = " none " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
sunlight_propagates = true ,
paramtype2 = " facedir " , -- Allow blocks to be rotated with the screwdriver or
-- by player position. ~ LazyJ
-- I made this a little harder to dig than snow blocks because
-- I imagine snow brick as being much more dense and solid than fluffy snow. ~ LazyJ
groups = { cracky = 2 , crumbly = 2 , choppy = 2 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2 , melts = 1 , icemaker = 1 , cooks_into_ice = 1 } ,
--Let's use the new snow sounds instead of the old grass sounds. ~ LazyJ
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults ( {
footstep = { name = " default_snow_footstep " , gain = 0.25 } ,
dig = { name = " default_dig_crumbly " , gain = 0.4 } ,
dug = { name = " default_snow_footstep " , gain = 0.75 } ,
place = { name = " default_place_node " , gain = 1.0 }
} ) ,
-- The "on_construct" part below, thinking in terms of layers, dirt_with_snow could also
-- double as dirt_with_frost which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
on_construct = snow_onto_dirt
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
} )
-- Snow Cobble ~ LazyJ
-- Described as Icy Snow
minetest.register_node ( " snow:snow_cobble " , {
description = " Icy Snow " ,
tiles = { " snow_snow_cobble.png " } ,
is_ground_content = true ,
liquidtype = " none " ,
paramtype = " light " ,
sunlight_propagates = true ,
paramtype2 = " facedir " ,
-- I made this a little harder to dig than snow blocks because
-- I imagine snow brick as being much more dense and solid than fluffy snow. ~ LazyJ
groups = { cracky = 2 , crumbly = 2 , choppy = 2 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2 , melts = 1 , icemaker = 1 , cooks_into_ice = 1 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults ( {
footstep = { name = " default_snow_footstep " , gain = 0.25 } ,
dig = { name = " default_dig_crumbly " , gain = 0.4 } ,
dug = { name = " default_snow_footstep " , gain = 0.75 } ,
place = { name = " default_place_node " , gain = 1.0 }
} ) ,
-- The "on_construct" part below, thinking in terms of layers, dirt_with_snow could also
-- double as dirt_with_frost which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
on_construct = snow_onto_dirt
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
} )
-- Override Default Nodes to Add Extra Functions
-- This adds code to the existing default ice. ~ LazyJ
minetest.override_item ( " default:ice " , {
-- The Lines: 1. Alpah to make semi-transparent ice, 2 to work with
-- the dirt_with_grass/snow/just dirt ABMs. ~ LazyJ, 2014_03_09
use_texture_alpha = true , -- 1
param2 = 0 ,
--param2 is reserved for how much ice will freezeover.
sunlight_propagates = true , -- 2
drawtype = " glasslike " ,
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube ( " default_ice.png " ) .. " ^[brighten " ,
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
liquidtype = " none " ,
-- I made this a lot harder to dig than snow blocks because ice is much more dense
-- and solid than fluffy snow. ~ LazyJ
groups = { cracky = 2 , crumbly = 1 , choppy = 1 , --[[oddly_breakable_by_hand=1,]] melts = 1 } ,
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
on_construct = snow_onto_dirt ,
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
liquids_pointable = true ,
--Make ice freeze over when placed by a maximum of 10 blocks.
after_place_node = function ( pos , placer , itemstack , pointed_thing )
minetest.set_node ( pos , { name = " default:ice " , param2 = math.random ( 0 , 10 ) } )
} )
-- This adds code to the existing, default snowblock. ~ LazyJ
minetest.override_item ( " default:snowblock " , {
liquidtype = " none " , -- LazyJ to make dirt below change to dirt_with_snow (see default, nodes.lua, dirt ABM)
paramtype = " light " , -- LazyJ to make dirt below change to dirt_with_snow (see default, nodes.lua, dirt ABM)
sunlight_propagates = true , -- LazyJ to make dirt below change to dirt_with_snow (see default, nodes.lua, dirt ABM)
-- Snow blocks should be easy to dig because they are just fluffy snow. ~ LazyJ
groups = { cracky = 3 , crumbly = 3 , choppy = 3 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3 , melts = 1 , icemaker = 1 , cooks_into_ice = 1 , falling_node = 1 } ,
--drop = "snow:snow_cobble",
2015-05-11 20:02:54 +02:00
on_construct = snow_onto_dirt
-- Thinking in terms of layers, dirt_with_snow could also double as
-- dirt_with_frost which adds subtlety to the winterscape. ~ LazyJ, 2014_04_04
2014-10-28 18:01:32 +01:00
} )