Update mobs mod
- api.lua (many improves, chicken egg more frequent, NPC attack nearly
mobs, textures code, etc…)
- Bee (spawn on group:flower now, textures code updated)
- Bunny (textures code updated)
- Chicken (two times more eggs, textures code updated)
- Cow (textures code updated)
- Creeper (finish reorganize the code, textures code updated, new eggs
inventory texture)
- Dirt Monster (textures code updated)
- Dungeon Master (textures code updated)
- init.lua (small credits tweaks)
- Kitten (textures code updated, now drop sometimes farming:string)
- Lava Flan (textures code updated, now 3 can spawn per chunck)
- Mese Monster (textures code updated)
- NPC (textures code updated, revert give raw meat versus health code
for tests)
- Oerkki (textures code updated, now 1 light damage)
- Rat (textures code updated)
- Sand Monster (textures code updated)
- Sheep (textures code updated, now give 2 to 3 wool when sheared)
- Spider (textures code updated, change credits, comments our
- Stone Monster (textures code updated)
- Tree Monster (textures code updated)
- Warthog (textures code updated)
- Wolf (finish reorganize the code, textures code updated, add spawner
egg and an inventory texture)
- Tweaks some sounds
2015-03-31 19:32:46 +02:00
update mobs 02/02
stats mobs,
oerkki peut détruire/enlever torchs,
vache/sheep mangent l'herbe,
bébé phacochère/mouton qui suivent leur "maman",
npc => suit les diamonds, il peut etre soigné avec meat ou bread,
clique droit avec "default:gold_lump" en main et il droppera un objet
au hasard en échange,
pumba => follow maintenant "default:apple"
kittens => follow maintenant "fishing:fish_raw"
2015-03-18 21:28:40 +01:00