#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import sys, os, sqlite3 import encodings, calendar, time from cStringIO import StringIO home = os.environ.get("HOME") db = "%s/rollback/rollback.sqlite" % (home) #[id=16000;actor=crabman;type=2;list=main,index=13,add=1, stacknode=default:glass,stackquantity=9,nodemeta=0;x=None, y=None,z=None,oldnode=,oldparam1=None,oldparam2=None,oldmeta=None:newnode=,newparam1=None,newparam2=None,newmeta=None] class Convert_id(object): def __init__(self, base): self.__players = dict() self.__nodes = dict() try: conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cur = conn.cursor() except Exception as err: print(err) print("problème avec la base de données") sys.exit(1) else: try: cur.execute("SELECT * from actor") except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print(err) else: result = cur.fetchall() for res in result: self.__players[res[0]] = res[1][len("player:"):] try: cur.execute("SELECT * from node") except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print(err) else: result = cur.fetchall() for res in result: self.__nodes[res[0]] = res[1] finally: cur.close() conn.close() def get_player_name(self, player_id): if self.__players.has_key(player_id): return self.__players[player_id] else: return("") def get_node_name(self, node_id): if self.__nodes.has_key(node_id): return self.__nodes[node_id] else: return("") ######################################################################## ## Utilities # def ston(a): """ Returns a string equal to a or None """ if a: return str(a) else: return "" def select_all_nodes(startstamp, endstamp): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(db) conn.text_factory = str cur = conn.cursor() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) try: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM action WHERE timestamp >=:startstamp AND timestamp < :endstamp", {"startstamp":startstamp, "endstamp":endstamp}) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) else: result = cur.fetchall() finally: cur.close() conn.close() return(result) # Big-endian!!! def readU16(strm): return (ord(strm.read(1)) << 16) + (ord(strm.read(1))) def readU32(strm): return (ord(strm.read(1)) << 24) + (ord(strm.read(1)) << 16) + (ord(strm.read(1)) << 8) + (ord(strm.read(1))) def decode(chaine): if not chaine : return "[]" else: strm = StringIO(chaine) table = "[" nEntries = readU32(strm) for n in range(nEntries): keyLen = readU16(strm) key = strm.read(keyLen) valLen = readU32(strm) val = strm.read(valLen) # Beware of potential quotes in meta, they must be escaped # Fortunately their escape codes are the same in Python and Lua # (and pretty much every language influenced by C) # ------------ # Attention aux potentiels quotes dedans les meta, il faut les escape # Heureusement leur mode d'escape est quasi le même en Python que Lua table += '%s="%s"' % (key, val.encode('string-escape').replace('"', '\\"')) if n != nEntries-1: table += ", " table += "]" return table def to_table(node): # Init bracket and basic datas table = '[' table += 'id=%d' % node[0] table += ',actor="%s"' % Id.get_player_name(node[1]) table += ',type=%d' % node[3] # Inventory Manipulation table += ';list="%s"' % ston(node[4]) table += ',index="%s"' % ston(node[5]) table += ',add="%s"' % ston(node[6]) table += ',stacknode="%s"' % Id.get_node_name(node[7]) table += ',stackquantity="%s"' % ston(node[8]) table += ',nodemeta=%s' % node[9] # Position table += ';x=%s, y=%s, z=%s' % (node[10], node[11], node[12]) # Old node table += ';oldnode="%s"' % Id.get_node_name(node[13]) table += ',oldparam1="%s"' % node[14] table += ',oldparam2="%s"' % ston(node[15]) table += ',oldmeta=%s' % decode(node[16]) # New node table += ';newnode="%s"' % Id.get_node_name(node[17]) table += ',newparam1="%s"' % ston(node[18]) table += ',newparam2="%s"' % ston(node[19]) table += ',newmeta=%s' % decode(node[20]) # Ending table += ']\n' return (table) def write_list(nodes, i): try: name = "rollback/database-output.%s.txt" % i f = open(name, "w") except Exception as err: print(err) sys.exit(1) for node in nodes: table = to_table(node) f.write(table) f.close() ######################################################################## ## Main # if __name__ == '__main__': Id = Convert_id(db) #select all nodes player as set i where time >= time timestamp = 1426978800 i = 0 while timestamp <= calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()): all_nodes = select_all_nodes(timestamp, timestamp+24*60*60) if len(all_nodes) > 0: write_list(all_nodes, i) i += 1 print("%s to %s => %s entries" % (timestamp, timestamp+24*60*60, len(all_nodes))) timestamp += 24*60*60