French Hardcore PvP Minetest Server

About the server

Name of the server : FR/EN - MinetestForFun (Survival - PVP - Hardcore )

IP Adress / port :

Server presentation on the Minetest forum : "FR" and "EN"

If you want to learn more about the server, we invite you to visit the sections "Server informations" and "List of mods"

About the IRC

Name of the IRC network : InchraNet

IRC Adress :

Channel : #minetestforfun

(No password)

If you want to join the IRC from your web navigator, use this "web IRC client"

About the Mumble

Name of the server : qbuissondebon Mumble

IP Adress :

Port : 64750

(No password)

What is Minetest ?

Minetest is a game created by celeron55, similar to Infiniminer/Minecraft. The survival mode and the other singleplayer or multiplayer modes are, of course, part of it.

The game is still in developpement, but already in a stable release since 0.4.5. Actually at the 0.4.13 release, the game is nicely working and playable on Windows, Linux and Macintosh. It's very similar to Minecraft if you except some little details.