-- Fails mod By Mg --[[ /-----\-\ / /--] \-\ | |-] |-| \ | /-/ \-----/-/ "Congratulation, you win a failpoint." ]]-- -- The FailPoint mod by Mg. -- The principal purpose of this mod is to allow FailPoints give, and the storage of them local data = {} data.fp_file = minetest.get_worldpath().."/failpoints" data.failpoints = {} data.fp_version = 0.0 -- It looks like a face, you see? -- fp_create priv to create failpoints minetest.register_privilege("fp_create","Is able to create FailPoints and give them to anybody else") -- Loading failpoints pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"r") if pntf == nil then pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"w") else repeat local line = pntf:read() if line == nil or line == "" then break end --print(line) data.failpoints[line:split(" ")[1]] = line:split(" ")[2]+0 until 1 == 0 -- Ok, not the best way to create a loop.. end minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] Loaded") -- Global callbacks minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() -- Saving failpoints pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"w") for i,v in pairs(data.failpoints) do if v ~= 0 then pntf:write(i.." "..v.."\n") end end end) minetest.register_chatcommand("fail", { params = " | ", description = "Fail command", privs = {shout = true}, func = function(name, parameters) local paramlist = parameters:split(" ") local param = paramlist[1] local param2 = paramlist[2] if param == "version" then core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Fail mod version: "..fp_version) return true elseif param == "help" or param == nil then core.chat_send_player(name,"Failpoints available help :") core.chat_send_player(name,"/fail | ") core.chat_send_player(name,"Available subcommands :") core.chat_send_player(name," - help : show this help") core.chat_send_player(name," - version : show actual fail version") core.chat_send_player(name," - view | view : View player's failpoints amount") return elseif param == "view" then if param2 == "" or param2 == nil then local ownfail = 0 if data.failpoints[name] then ownfail = data.failpoints[name] end core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You own "..ownfail.." FailPoints.") return true end if data.failpoints[param2] ~= nil and data.failpoints[param2] > 0 then core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Player "..param2.." owns "..data.failpoints[param2].." FailPoints.") else core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Player "..param2.." doesn't seem to own any FailPoint.") end else -- If not any known command if name == param then if minetest.get_player_privs(name)["fp_create"] == true then minetest.log("error",name.." tried to create a failpoint by giving to himself") core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Congratulation, you failed. Don't try to give to yourself :p") else minetest.log("action",name.."gave himself a FailPoint") core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: It appears the name you entered is yours") core.chat_send_player(name,"Don't try to give yourself failpoints, it's useless :p") end return false end if param == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: Not enough parameters given, type /fail help for help") return false end if not minetest.get_player_by_name(param) then core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: Sorry, "..param.." isn't online.") return false end -- Take, or not, failpoints from name's account to give them to param if minetest.get_player_privs(name)["fp_create"] ~= true then if data.failpoints[name] == nil or data.failpoints[name] == 0 then core.chat_send_player(name,"You failed: You don't have enough failpoints..") return false elseif data.failpoints[name] > 0 then data.failpoints[name] = data.failpoints[name] -1 end else minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." has created a FailPoint.") end -- Give/Add the failpoint to param' account if data.failpoints[param] == nil then data.failpoints[param] = 1 else data.failpoints[param] = data.failpoints[param]+1 end minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." has given a failpoint to "..param) minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..param.." now own "..data.failpoints[param].."FPs") minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." now own "..(data.failpoints[name] or 0).."FPs") core.chat_send_player(param,"Congratulations "..param..", you win a failpoint.") core.chat_send_player(name,"FP sent.") end end }) -- Create the same things for cookies dofile(minetest.get_modpath("fail").."/cookie.lua")