if not DISABLE_WOODEN_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_wood', 'Wooden bow', {x=1, y=1, z=0.5}, 11, 0.8, 50, false, { {'', 'default:stick', ''}, {'farming:string', '', 'default:stick'}, {'', 'default:stick', ''}, }) end if not DISABLE_LONGBOW then throwing_register_bow ('longbow', 'Longbow', {x=1, y=2.5, z=0.5}, 17, 1.8, 100, false, { {'farming:string', 'group:wood', ''}, {'farming:string', '', 'group:wood'}, {'farming:string', 'group:wood', ''}, }) end if not DISABLE_COMPOSITE_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_composite', 'Composite bow', {x=1, y=1.4, z=0.5}, 17, 1, 150, false, { {'farming:string', 'group:wood', ''}, {'farming:string', '', 'default:steel_ingot'}, {'farming:string', 'group:wood', ''}, }) end if not DISABLE_STEEL_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_steel', 'Steel bow', {x=1, y=1.4, z=0.5}, 20, 1.3, 250, false, { {'farming:string', 'default:steel_ingot', ''}, {'farming:string', '', 'default:steel_ingot'}, {'farming:string', 'default:steel_ingot', ''}, }) end if not DISABLE_ROYAL_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_royal', 'Royal bow', {x=1, y=1.5, z=0.5}, 25, 1.4, 750, false, { {'farming:string', 'group:wood', 'default:diamond'}, {'farming:string', '', 'default:gold_ingot'}, {'farming:string', 'group:wood', 'default:diamond'}, }) end --function throwing_register_bow (name, desc, scale, stiffness, reload_time, toughness, is_cross, craft) if not DISABLE_MINOTAUR_HORN_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_minotaur_horn', 'Minotaur Horn Bow', {x=1, y=1.5, z=0.5}, 35, 1.5, 1000, false, { {'farming:string', 'mobs:minotaur_horn', 'mobs:minotaur_horn'}, {'farming:string', '', 'moreores:mithril_ingot'}, {'farming:string', 'mobs:minotaur_horn', 'mobs:minotaur_horn'}, }) end --function throwing_register_bow (name, desc, scale, stiffness, reload_time, toughness, is_cross, craft) if not DISABLE_MINOTAUR_HORN_IMPROVED_BOW then throwing_register_bow ('bow_minotaur_horn_improved', 'Minotaur Horn Improved Bow', {x=1, y=1.5, z=0.5}, 50, 1.5, 2000, false, { {'throwing:bow_minotaur_horn', 'throwing:string_mithril'}, }) end if not DISABLE_CROSSBOW then throwing_register_bow ('crossbow', 'Crossbow', {x=1, y=1.3, z=0.5}, 28, 5, 80, true, { {'group:wood', 'farming:string', ''}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'farming:string', 'group:wood'}, {'group:wood', 'farming:string', ''}, }) end if not DISABLE_ARBALEST then throwing_register_bow ('arbalest', 'Arbalest', {x=1, y=1.3, z=0.5}, 35, 7.5, 120, true, { {'default:steel_ingot', 'farming:string', 'default:stick'}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'farming:string', 'default:steel_ingot'}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'farming:string', 'default:stick'}, }) end -- Craft recipe of the "Mithril String" minetest.register_craft({ output = "throwing:string_mithril", type = "shapeless", recipe = {"moreores:mithril_ingot", "farming:string"}, })