--plants to place in openfarming local plants = { ["farming:blueberries"]=1, ["farming:carrot"]=1, ["farming:coffee_beans"]=1, ["farming:corn"]=1, ["farming:cucumber"]=1, ["farming:melon_slice"]=1, ["farming:potato"]=1, ["farming:pumpkin_slice"]=1, ["farming:raspberries"]=1, ["farming:rhubarb"]=1, ["farming:tomato"]=1, ["farming:seed_cotton"]=1, ["farming:seed_wheat"]=1,["default:papyrus"]=1, ["farming:trellis"]=1, ["farming:grapes"]=1, ["farming:beanpole"]=1, ["farming:beans"]=1, } -- Returns a list of areas that include the provided position function areas:getAreasAtPos(pos) local a = {} local px, py, pz = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do local ap1, ap2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 if px >= ap1.x and px <= ap2.x and py >= ap1.y and py <= ap2.y and pz >= ap1.z and pz <= ap2.z then a[id] = area end end return a end -- Checks if the area is unprotected or owned by you function areas:canInteract(pos, name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then return true end local owned = false if pos == nil then return not owned end -- pour éviter crash avec nénuphar for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do if area.owner == name or area.open then return true elseif area.openfarming then -- if area is openfarming local node = minetest.get_node(pos).name if not minetest.registered_nodes[node] then return false end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false end local wstack = player:get_wielded_item():get_name() if wstack == "" then wstack = "hand" end --on_dig if minetest.get_item_group(node, "plant") == 1 and (wstack == "hand" or minetest.registered_tools[wstack]) then return true end --on_place if node == "air" and plants[wstack] ~= nil then return true end owned = true else owned = true end end return not owned end -- Returns a table (list) of all players that own an area function areas:getNodeOwners(pos) local owners = {} for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do table.insert(owners, area.owner) end return owners end --- Checks if the area intersects with an area that the player can't interact in. -- Note that this fails and returns false when the specified area is fully -- owned by the player, but with multiple protection zones, none of which -- cover the entire checked area. -- @param name (optional) player name. If not specified checks for any intersecting areas. -- @param allow_open Whether open areas should be counted as is they didn't exist. -- @return Boolean indicating whether the player can interact in that area. -- @return Un-owned intersecting area id, if found. function areas:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name, allow_open) if name and minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then return true end areas:sortPos(pos1, pos2) -- First check for a fully enclosing owned area. if name then for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do -- A little optimization: isAreaOwner isn't necessary -- here since we're iterating through all areas. if area.owner == name and self:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id) then return true end end end -- Then check for intersecting (non-owned) areas. for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do local p1, p2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 if (p1.x <= pos2.x and p2.x >= pos1.x) and (p1.y <= pos2.y and p2.y >= pos1.y) and (p1.z <= pos2.z and p2.z >= pos1.z) then -- Found an intersecting area. -- Return if the area is closed or open areas aren't -- allowed, and the area isn't owned. if (not allow_open or not area.open) and (not name or not areas:isAreaOwner(id, name)) then return false, id end end end return true end --MFF DEBUT crabman(17/09/2015 ) respawn player in special area(event) if a spawn is set. local dead_players = {} minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not player_name then return end local pos = player:getpos() if pos then dead_players[player_name] = pos end end) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not player_name or not dead_players[player_name] then return false end local pos = dead_players[player_name] dead_players[player_name] = nil if pos then for _, area in pairs(areas:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do if area.spawn then player:setpos(area.spawn) return true end end end return false end) --FIN