local real_homes_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/real_homes" local nether_homes_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/nether_homes" local homepos = {real = {},nether = {}} local function loadhomes() local input = io.open(real_homes_file, "r") if input then repeat local x = input:read("*n") if x == nil then break end local y = input:read("*n") local z = input:read("*n") local name = input:read("*l") homepos.real[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} until input:read(0) == nil io.close(input) else homepos.real = {} end input = io.open(nether_homes_file, "r") if input then repeat local x = input:read("*n") if x == nil then break end local y = input:read("*n") local z = input:read("*n") local name = input:read("*n") homepos.nether[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} until input:read(0) == nil io.close(input) else homepos.nether = {} end end loadhomes() minetest.register_privilege("home", "Can use /sethome and /home") local changed = false minetest.register_chatcommand("home", { description = "Teleport you to your home point", privs = {home=true}, func = function(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local player_pos = player:getpos() local is_player_in_nether = player_pos.y < -19600 if player == nil then -- just a check to prevent the server crashing return false end if is_player_in_nether then if homepos.nether[name] ~= nil then player:setpos(homepos.nether[name]) minetest.log("action",name.." teleported with /home to "..homepos.nether[name].x..","..homepos.nether[name].y..","..homepos.nether[name].z..", in the nether.") core.chat_send_player(name, "Teleported to home in the nether!") else core.chat_send_player(name, "Set a home in the nether using /sethome") end else if homepos.real[name] ~= nil then player:setpos(homepos.real[name]) minetest.log("action",name.." teleported with /home to "..homepos.real[name].x..","..homepos.real[name].y..","..homepos.real[name].z..", in the real world.") core.chat_send_player(name,"Teleported to home in the real world!") else core.chat_send_player(name, "Set a home in the real world using /sethome") end end end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("sethome", { description = "Set your home point", privs = {home=true}, func = function(name) local player_pnt = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local player_pos = player_pnt:getpos() local player_is_in_nether = player_pos.y < -19600 if player_is_in_nether == true then homepos.nether[name] = pos minetest.log("action",name.." set its home position to "..player_pos.x..","..player_pos.y..","..player_pos.z..", in the nether.") core.chat_send_player(name,"Home set in the nether!") else homepos.real[name] = pos minetest.log("action",name.." set its home position to "..player_pos.x..","..player_pos.y..","..player_pos.z..", in the real world.") core.chat_send_player(name,"Home set in the real world!") end changed = true if changed then local output = 0 if is_in_nether then output = io.open(nether_homes_file, "w") if output == 0 then return end -- Had not open the file for i, v in pairs(homepos.nether) do output:write(v.x.." "..v.y.." "..v.z.." "..i.."\n") end else output = io.open(real_homes_file, "w") for i, v in pairs(homepos.real) do output:write(v.x.." "..v.y.." "..v.z.." "..i.."\n") end end io.close(output) changed = false end end, })