irc.whereis_timer = {} irc.whereis_timer_max_limit = 120 irc.bot_commands = {} function irc:check_botcmd(msg) local prefix = irc.config.command_prefix local nick = irc.conn.nick:lower() local text = msg.args[2] local nickpart = text:sub(1, #nick + 2):lower() -- First check for a nick prefix if nickpart == nick..": " or nickpart == nick..", " then self:bot_command(msg, text:sub(#nick + 3)) return true -- Then check for the configured prefix elseif prefix and text:sub(1, #prefix):lower() == prefix:lower() then self:bot_command(msg, text:sub(#prefix + 1)) return true end return false end function irc:bot_command(msg, text) if text:sub(1, 1) == "@" then local found, _, player_to, message = text:find("^.([^%s]+)%s(.+)$") if not minetest.get_player_by_name(player_to) then irc:reply("User '"..player_to.."' is not in the game.") return elseif not irc.joined_players[player_to] then irc:reply("User '"..player_to.."' is not using IRC.") return end minetest.chat_send_player(player_to, "PM from "..msg.user.nick.."@IRC: "..message, false) irc:reply("Message sent!") return end local pos = text:find(" ", 1, true) local cmd, args if pos then cmd = text:sub(1, pos - 1) args = text:sub(pos + 1) else cmd = text args = "" end if not self.bot_commands[cmd] then self:reply("Unknown command '"..cmd.."'. Try 'list'." .." Or use @playername <message> to send a private message") return end local success, message = self.bot_commands[cmd].func(msg.user, args) if message then self:reply(message) end end function irc:register_bot_command(name, def) if (not def.func) or (type(def.func) ~= "function") then error("Erroneous bot command definition. def.func missing.", 2) elseif name:sub(1, 1) == "@" then error("Erroneous bot command name. Command name begins with '@'.", 2) end self.bot_commands[name] = def end irc:register_bot_command("help", { params = "<command>", description = "Get help about a command", func = function(user, args) if args == "" then return false, "No command name specified. Use 'list' for a list of commands." end local cmd = irc.bot_commands[args] if not cmd then return false, "Unknown command '"..cmdname.."'." end return true, ("Usage: %c%s %s -- %s"):format( irc.config.command_prefix, args, cmd.params or "<no parameters>", cmd.description or "<no description>") end }) irc:register_bot_command("list", { params = "", description = "List available commands.", func = function(user, args) local cmdlist = "Available commands: " for name, cmd in pairs(irc.bot_commands) do cmdlist =", " end return true, cmdlist.." -- Use 'help <command name>' to get" .." help about a specific command." end }) irc:register_bot_command("whereis", { params = "<player>", description = "Tell the location of <player>", func = function(user, args) if args == "" then return false, "Player name required." end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(args) if not player then return false, "There is no player named '"..args.."'" end if irc.whereis_timer[user.nick] ~= nil then local timer_player = os.difftime(os.time(),irc.whereis_timer[user.nick]) if timer_player < irc.whereis_timer_max_limit then local answer = "Command used too often, retry in %d seconds." return false,answer:format(irc.whereis_timer_max_limit - timer_player) end end local fmt = "Player %s is at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)" local pos = player:getpos() irc.whereis_timer[user.nick] = os.time() minetest.log("action","IRC user ".. user.nick.."!"..user.username.."@"" asked for position of player "..player:get_player_name()) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(),"IRC user ".. user.nick.."!"..user.username.."@"" asked for your position") return true, fmt:format(args, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) end }) local starttime = os.time() irc:register_bot_command("uptime", { description = "Tell how much time the server has been up", func = function(user, args) local cur_time = os.time() local diff = os.difftime(cur_time, starttime) local fmt = "Server has been running for %d:%02d:%02d" return true, fmt:format( math.floor(diff / 60 / 60), math.floor(diff / 60) % 60, math.floor(diff) % 60 ) end }) irc:register_bot_command("players", { description = "List the players on the server", func = function(user, args) local players = minetest.get_connected_players() local names = {} for _, player in pairs(players) do table.insert(names, player:get_player_name()) end return true, "Connected players: " ..table.concat(names, ", ") end })