local filename=minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/teleport_tubes" local tp_tube_db = nil -- nil forces a read local tp_tube_db_version = 2.0 local function hash(pos) return string.format("%d", minetest.hash_node_position(pos)) end local function save_tube_db() local file, err = io.open(filename, "w") if file then tp_tube_db.version = tp_tube_db_version file:write(minetest.serialize(tp_tube_db)) tp_tube_db.version = nil io.close(file) else error(err) end end local function migrate_tube_db() local tmp_db = {} tp_tube_db.version = nil for key, val in pairs(tp_tube_db) do if(val.channel ~= "") then -- skip unconfigured tubes tmp_db[hash(val)] = val end end tp_tube_db = tmp_db save_tube_db() end local function read_tube_db() local file = io.open(filename, "r") if file ~= nil then local file_content = file:read("*all") io.close(file) if file_content and file_content ~= "" then tp_tube_db = minetest.deserialize(file_content) if(not tp_tube_db.version or tonumber(tp_tube_db.version) < tp_tube_db_version) then migrate_tube_db() end tp_tube_db.version = nil -- we add it back when saving return tp_tube_db -- we read sucessfully end end tp_tube_db = {} return tp_tube_db end -- updates or adds a tube local function set_tube(pos, channel, can_receive) local tubes = tp_tube_db or read_tube_db() local hash = hash(pos) local tube = tubes[hash] if tube then tube.channel = channel tube.cr = can_receive save_tube_db() return end -- we haven't found any tp tube to update, so lets add it tp_tube_db[hash] = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,channel=channel,cr=can_receive} save_tube_db() end local function remove_tube(pos) local tubes = tp_tube_db or read_tube_db() tubes[hash(pos)] = nil save_tube_db() end local function read_node_with_vm(pos) local vm = VoxelManip() local MinEdge, MaxEdge = vm:read_from_map(pos, pos) local data = vm:get_data() local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = MinEdge, MaxEdge = MaxEdge}) return minetest.get_name_from_content_id(data[area:index(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)]) end local function get_receivers(pos, channel) local tubes = tp_tube_db or read_tube_db() local receivers = {} local dirty = false for key, val in pairs(tubes) do -- skip all non-receivers and the tube that it came from as early as possible, as this is called often if (val.cr == 1 and val.channel == channel and (val.x ~= pos.x or val.y ~= pos.y or val.z ~= pos.z)) then local is_loaded = (minetest.get_node_or_nil(val) ~= nil) local node_name = is_loaded and minetest.get_node(pos).name or read_node_with_vm(val) if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node_name].is_teleport_tube then table.insert(receivers, val) else tp_tube_db[key] = nil dirty = true end end end if dirty then save_tube_db() end return receivers end local function update_meta(meta, can_receive) meta:set_int("can_receive", can_receive and 1 or 0) local cr_state = can_receive and "on" or "off" meta:set_string("formspec","size[8.6,2.2]".. "field[0.6,0.6;7,1;channel;Channel:;${channel}]".. "label[7.3,0;Receive]".. "image_button[7.3,0.3;1,1;pipeworks_button_" .. cr_state .. ".png;cr" .. (can_receive and 0 or 1) .. ";;;false;pipeworks_button_interm.png]".. "image[0.3,1.3;1,1;pipeworks_teleport_tube_inv.png]".. "label[1.6,1.2;channels are public by default]" .. "label[1.6,1.5;use : for fully private channels]" .. "label[1.6,1.8;use \\; for private receivers]" .. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img) end pipeworks.register_tube("pipeworks:teleport_tube", { description = "Teleporting Pneumatic Tube Segment", inventory_image = "pipeworks_teleport_tube_inv.png", noctr = { "pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png" }, plain = { "pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png" }, ends = { "pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png" }, short = "pipeworks_teleport_tube_short.png", node_def = { is_teleport_tube = true, tube = { can_go = function(pos,node,velocity,stack) velocity.x = 0 velocity.y = 0 velocity.z = 0 local channel = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("channel") if channel == "" then return {} end local target = get_receivers(pos, channel) if target[1] == nil then return {} end local d = math.random(1,#target) pos.x = target[d].x pos.y = target[d].y pos.z = target[d].z return pipeworks.meseadjlist end }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) update_meta(meta, true) meta:set_string("infotext", "unconfigured Teleportation Tube") end, on_receive_fields = function(pos,formname,fields,sender) if not fields.channel -- ignore escaping or clientside manipulation of the form or not pipeworks.may_configure(pos, sender) then return end local new_channel = tostring(fields.channel):trim() local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local can_receive = meta:get_int("can_receive") -- check for private channels each time before actually changing anything -- to not even allow switching between can_receive states of private channels if new_channel ~= "" then local sender_name = sender:get_player_name() local name, mode = new_channel:match("^([^:;]+)([:;])") if name and mode and name ~= sender_name then --channels starting with '[name]:' can only be used by the named player if mode == ":" then minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, "Sorry, channel '"..new_channel.."' is reserved for exclusive use by "..name) return --channels starting with '[name];' can be used by other players, but cannot be received from elseif mode == ";" and (fields.cr1 or (can_receive ~= 0 and not fields.cr0)) then minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, "Sorry, receiving from channel '"..new_channel.."' is reserved for "..name) return end end end local dirty = false -- was the channel changed? local channel = meta:get_string("channel") if new_channel ~= channel then channel = new_channel meta:set_string("channel", channel) dirty = true end -- test if a can_receive button was pressed if fields.cr0 and can_receive ~= 0 then can_receive = 0 update_meta(meta, false) dirty = true elseif fields.cr1 and can_receive ~= 1 then can_receive = 1 update_meta(meta, true) dirty = true end -- save if we changed something, handle the empty channel while we're at it if dirty then if channel ~= "" then set_tube(pos, channel, can_receive) local cr_description = (can_receive == 1) and "sending and receiving" or "sending" meta:set_string("infotext", string.format("Teleportation Tube %s on '%s'", cr_description, channel)) else -- remove empty channel tubes, to not have to search through them remove_tube(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", "unconfigured Teleportation Tube") end end end, on_destruct = function(pos) remove_tube(pos) end }, }) minetest.register_craft( { output = "pipeworks:teleport_tube_1 2", recipe = { { "homedecor:plastic_sheeting", "homedecor:plastic_sheeting", "homedecor:plastic_sheeting" }, { "default:desert_stone", "default:mese_block", "default:desert_stone" }, { "homedecor:plastic_sheeting", "homedecor:plastic_sheeting", "homedecor:plastic_sheeting" } }, -- MODIFICATION MADE FOR MFF ^ }) if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") ~= nil then mesecon.register_on_mvps_move(function(moved_nodes) for _, n in ipairs(moved_nodes) do if string.find(n.node.name, "pipeworks:teleport_tube") ~= nil then local meta = minetest.get_meta(n.pos) set_tube(n.pos, meta:get_string("channel"), meta:get_int("can_receive")) end end end) end