-- name_restrictions mod by ShadowNinja -- License: WTFPL ---------------------------- -- Restriction exemptions -- ---------------------------- -- For legitimate player names that are caught by the filters. local exemptions = {} local temp = minetest.setting_get("name_restrictions.exemptions") temp = temp and temp:split() or {} for _, allowed_name in pairs(temp) do exemptions[allowed_name] = true end temp = nil -- Exempt server owner exemptions[minetest.setting_get("name")] = true exemptions["singleplayer"] = true local disallowed_names = {} local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath("name_restrictions") .. "/forbidden_names.txt", "r") if file then for line in file:lines() do local low_line = line:lower() disallowed_names[low_line] = true end file:close() end --------------------- -- Simple matching -- --------------------- local disallowed = { ["^guest[0-9]+"] = "Guest accounts are disallowed on this server." .. " Please choose a proper name and try again.", ["[4a]dm[1il]n"] = "Misleading name." .. " Please choose a proper name and try again.", ["[0o]wn[e3]r"] = "Misleading name." .. " Please choose a proper name and try again.", ["^[0-9]+$"] = "All-numeric names are disallowed on this server." .. " Please choose a proper name and try again.", ["[0-9].-[0-9].-[0-9].-[0-9].-[0-9].-[0-9]"] = "Too many numbers in your name (must be 5 at most)." .. " Please choose a proper name and try again.", } minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) local lname = name:lower() for re, reason in pairs(disallowed) do if lname:find(re) then return reason end end if disallowed_names[lname] then return "Sorry. This name is forbidden." end end) ------------------------ -- Case-insensitivity -- ------------------------ minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) local lname = name:lower() for iname, data in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if iname:lower() == lname and iname ~= name then return "Sorry, someone else is already using this" .." name. Please pick another name." .." Another posibility is that you used the" .." wrong case for your name." end end end) -- Compatability, for old servers with conflicting players minetest.register_chatcommand("choosecase", { description = "Choose the casing that a player name should have", params = "<name>", privs = {server = true}, func = function(name, params) local lname = params:lower() local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath() for iname, data in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if iname:lower() == lname and iname ~= params then minetest.auth_table[iname] = nil assert(not iname:find("[/\\]")) os.remove(worldpath .. "/players/" .. iname) end end return true, "Done." end, }) ------------------------ -- Anti-impersonation -- ------------------------ -- Prevents names that are too similar to annother player's name. local similar_chars = { -- Only A-Z, a-z, 1-9, dash, and underscore are allowed in playernames "A4", "B8", "COco0", "Ee3", "Gg69", "ILil1", "S5", "Tt7", "Zz2", } -- Map of characters to a regex of similar characters local char_map = {} for _, str in pairs(similar_chars) do for c in str:gmatch(".") do if not char_map[c] then char_map[c] = str else char_map[c] = char_map[c] .. str end end end for c, str in pairs(char_map) do char_map[c] = "[" .. char_map[c] .."]" end -- Characters to match for, containing all characters local all_chars = "[" for _, str in pairs(similar_chars) do all_chars = all_chars .. str end all_chars = all_chars .. "]" minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) if exemptions[name] then return end -- Generate a regular expression to match all similar names local re = name:gsub(all_chars, char_map) re = "^[_-]*" .. re .. "[_-]*$" for authName, _ in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if authName ~= name and authName:match(re) then return "Your name is too similar to another player's name." end end end) ----------------- -- Name length -- ----------------- local min_name_len = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("name_restrictions.minimum_name_length")) or 2 local max_name_len = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("name_restrictions.maximum_name_length")) or 17 minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) if exemptions[name] then return end if #name < min_name_len then return "Your player name is too short" .. " (" .. #name .. " characters, must be " .. min_name_len .. " characters at least)." .. " Please try a longer name." end if #name > max_name_len then return "Your player name is too long" .. " (" .. #name .. " characters, must be " .. max_name_len .. " characters at most)." .. " Please try a shorter name." end end) ---------------------- -- Pronounceability -- ---------------------- -- Original implementation (in Python) by sfan5 local function pronounceable(pronounceability, text) local pronounceable = 0 local nonpronounceable = 0 local cn = 0 local lastc = "" for c in text:lower():gmatch(".") do if c:find("[aeiou0-9_-]") then if not c:find("[0-9]") then if cn > 2 then nonpronounceable = nonpronounceable + 1 else pronounceable = pronounceable + 1 end end cn = 0 else if cn == 1 and lastc == c and lastc ~= 's' then nonpronounceable = nonpronounceable + 1 cn = 0 end if cn > 2 then nonpronounceable = nonpronounceable + 1 cn = 0 end if lastc:find("[aeiou]") then pronounceable = pronounceable + 1 cn = 0 end if not (c == "r" and lastc:find("[aipfom]")) and not (lastc == "c" and c == "h") then cn = cn + 1 end end lastc = c end if cn > 0 then nonpronounceable = nonpronounceable + 1 end return pronounceable * pronounceability >= nonpronounceable end -- Pronounceability factor: -- nil = Checking disabled. -- 0 = Everything's unpronounceable. -- 0.5 = Strict checking. -- 1 = Normal checking. -- 2 = Relaxed checking. local pronounceability = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("name_restrictions.pronounceability")) if pronounceability then minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) if exemptions[name] then return end if not pronounceable(pronounceability, name) then return "Your player name does not seem to be pronounceable." .." Please choose a more pronounceable name." end end) end