-- Chat Plus -- by rubenwardy --------------------- -- api.lua -- Core functionality --------------------- chatplus = { version = 2.2, _logpath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/chatplus-log.txt", _defsettings = { log = true, use_gui = true, distance = 0, badwords = "" } } function chatplus.init() chatplus.load() chatplus.clean_players() if not chatplus.players then chatplus.players = {} end chatplus.count = 0 chatplus.loggedin = {} chatplus._handlers = {} end function chatplus.setting(name) local get = minetest.setting_get("chatplus_" .. name) if get then return get elseif chatplus._defsettings[name]~= nil then return chatplus._defsettings[name] else minetest.log("[Chatplus] Setting chatplus_" .. name .. " not found!") return nil end end function chatplus.log(msg) if chatplus._log then chatplus._log:write(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. " " .. msg .. "\r\n") chatplus._log:flush() end end function chatplus.load() -- Initialize the log if chatplus.setting("log") then chatplus._log = io.open(chatplus._logpath, "a+") if not chatplus._log then minetest.log("error", "Unable to open the chatplus log file: " .. chatplus._logpath) else minetest.log("action", "Logging chat plus to: " .. chatplus._logpath) end chatplus.log("*** SERVER STARTED ***") end -- Load player data minetest.log("[Chatplus] Loading data") local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/chatplus.txt", "r") if file then local from_file = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() if type(from_file) == "table" then if from_file.players and from_file.version >= 2 then chatplus.players = from_file.players else chatplus.old_inbox = {} chatplus.players = {} for name, data in pairs(from_file) do local inbox = data.inbox data.inbox = nil chatplus.players[name] = data chatplus.old_inbox[name] = {} for _, msg in pairs(inbox) do table.insert(chatplus.old_inbox[name], { date = "?", from = "?", msg = msg }) end end if chatplus.on_old_inbox then chatplus.on_old_inbox(chatplus.old_inbox) end end return end end end function chatplus.save() minetest.log("[Chatplus] Saving data") local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/chatplus.txt", "w") if file then file:write(minetest.serialize({ version = 2, players = chatplus.players})) file:close() end end function chatplus.clean_players() if not chatplus.players then chatplus.players = {} return end minetest.log("[Chatplus] Cleaning player lists") for key,value in pairs(chatplus.players) do if value.messages then value.inbox = value.messages value.messages = nil end if ( (not value.inbox or #value.inbox==0) and (not value.ignore or #value.ignore==0) ) then value[key] = nil end end chatplus.save() end local function cp_tick() chatplus.clean_players() minetest.after(30*60, cp_tick) end minetest.after(30*60, cp_tick) function chatplus.poke(name,player) local function check(name,value) if not chatplus.players[name][value] then chatplus.players[name][value] = {} end end if not chatplus.players[name] then chatplus.players[name] = {} end check(name, "ignore") check(name, "inbox") chatplus.players[name].enabled = true if player then if player=="end" then chatplus.players[name].enabled = false chatplus.loggedin[name] = nil else if not chatplus.loggedin[name] then chatplus.loggedin[name] = {} end chatplus.loggedin[name].player = player end end chatplus.save() return chatplus.players[name] end function chatplus.register_handler(func,place) if not place then table.insert(chatplus._handlers, func) else table.insert(chatplus._handlers, place, func) end end -- Allows overriding function chatplus.log_message(from, msg) chatplus.log("<" .. from .. "> " .. msg) end function chatplus.send(from, msg) if msg:sub(1, 1) == "/" then return false end chatplus.log_message(from, msg) if #chatplus._handlers == 0 then return nil end -- Loop through possible receivers for to, value in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do if to ~= from then -- Run handlers local res = nil for i = 1, #chatplus._handlers do if chatplus._handlers[i] then res = chatplus._handlers[i](from, to, msg) if res ~= nil then break end end end --[[ DON'T Send message if res == nil or res == true then minetest.chat_send_player(to, "<" .. from .. "> " .. msg) end]] end end return true end -- Minetest callbacks (modified for MFF) minetest.register_on_chat_message(chatplus.send) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) chatplus.log(player:get_player_name() .. " joined") end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) chatplus.poke(player:get_player_name(), "end") chatplus.log(player:get_player_name() .. " disconnected") end) chatplus.init()