-- snowdrift 0.3.0 by paramat -- For latest stable Minetest and back to 0.4.9 dev after 13/01/14 -- Depends default -- Licenses: code WTFPL, textures CC BY-SA -- snowfall heaviness parameter -- rain off by default -- snow and rain heavier by default -- update particle spawn format -- Parameters local SCALP = 4 -- Time scale for precipitation in minutes local PRET = 0.3 -- -1 to 1. Precipitation threshold: 1 none, -1 continuous, -0.3 two thirds the time, 0 half the time, 0.3 one third the time local PPPCHA = 0.1 -- 0 to 1. Per player processing chance. Controls and randomizes processing load local SETCHA = 0.1 -- 0 to 1. Snow settling chance local FLAKES = 1 -- Snowfall heaviness. Try 1 on slower computers local DROPS = 2 -- Rainfall heaviness. Reduce on slower computers local SNOW = true -- Snowfall below temperature threshold local SETTLE = true -- Snow collects on ground within 32 nodes of player local RAIN = false -- Rain above humidity threshold local THOVER = false -- Instead use a temperature and humidity system with -- snow in overlap of cold and humid areas, else rain in humid areas -- Temperature noise parameters local SEEDT = 112 -- 112 These are default noise parameters from snow mod by Splizard local OCTAT = 3 -- 3 use these for snowfall in those snow biomes local PERST = 0.5 -- 0.5 local SCALT = 150 -- 150 local TET = -0.53 -- -0.53 Temperature threshold for snow. Negative because here this noise is temperature, in snow mod it's coldness -- Humidity noise parameters local SEEDH = 72384 -- 72384 These are default noise parameters for mapgen V6 humidity local OCTAH = 4 -- 4 note these cause rain in deserts local PERSH = 0.66 -- 0.66 local SCALH = 500 -- 500 local HUT = 0 -- Humidity threshold for rain -- Stuff snowdrift = {} -- Globalstep function minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local perlinp = minetest.get_perlin(813, 1, 0.5, SCALP) if perlinp:get2d({x = os.clock()/60, y = 0}) < PRET then return end for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do if math.random() > PPPCHA or player:getpos().y < -19600 then return end local ppos = player:getpos() if minetest.get_node_light(ppos, 0.5) ~= 15 then return end local pposx = math.floor(ppos.x) local pposy = math.floor(ppos.y) local pposz = math.floor(ppos.z) local snow = false local rain = false local noiset local noiseh if SNOW or THOVER then local perlint = minetest.get_perlin(SEEDT, OCTAT, PERST, SCALT) noiset = perlint:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz}) end if RAIN or THOVER then local perlinh = minetest.get_perlin(SEEDH, OCTAH, PERSH, SCALH) noiseh = perlinh:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz}) end if THOVER then if noiset < TET and noiseh > HUT then snow = true elseif noiseh > HUT then rain = true end elseif SNOW then if -noiset < TET then -- negative sign because snow mod noise is 'coldness' snow = true elseif RAIN then if noiseh > HUT then rain = true end end elseif RAIN then if noiseh > HUT then rain = true end end if snow then for flake = 1, FLAKES do minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=pposx-32+math.random(0,63), y=pposy+16, z=pposz-16+math.random(0,63)}, vel = {x=math.random()/5-0.1, y=math.random()/5-1.1, z=math.random()/5-1.1}, acc = {x=math.random()/50-0.01, y=math.random()/50-0.01, z=math.random()/50-0.01}, expirationtime = 32, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_snowflake1.png", playername = player:get_player_name(), }) minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=pposx-32+math.random(0,63), y=pposy+16, z=pposz-16+math.random(0,63)}, vel = {x=math.random()/5-0.1, y=math.random()/5-1.1, z=math.random()/5-1.1}, acc = {x=math.random()/50-0.01, y=math.random()/50-0.01, z=math.random()/50-0.01}, expirationtime = 32, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_snowflake2.png", playername = player:get_player_name(), }) minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=pposx-32+math.random(0,63), y=pposy+16, z=pposz-16+math.random(0,63)}, vel = {x=math.random()/5-0.1, y=math.random()/5-1.1, z=math.random()/5-1.1}, acc = {x=math.random()/50-0.01, y=math.random()/50-0.01, z=math.random()/50-0.01}, expirationtime = 32, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_snowflake3.png", playername = player:get_player_name(), }) minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=pposx-32+math.random(0,63), y=pposy+16, z=pposz-16+math.random(0,63)}, vel = {x=math.random()/5-0.1, y=math.random()/5-1.1, z=math.random()/5-1.1}, acc = {x=math.random()/50-0.01, y=math.random()/50-0.01, z=math.random()/50-0.01}, expirationtime = 32, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_snowflake4.png", playername = player:get_player_name(), }) end if SETTLE and math.random() < SETCHA then -- settling snow local sposx = pposx - 32 + math.random(0, 63) local sposz = pposz - 32 + math.random(0, 63) if minetest.get_node_light({x=sposx, y=pposy+32, z=sposz}, 0.5) == 15 then -- check under open sky for y = pposy + 32, pposy - 64, -1 do -- find surface local nodename = minetest.get_node({x=sposx, y=y, z=sposz}).name if nodename ~= "air" and nodename ~= "ignore" then if nodename == "default:desert_sand" -- no snow on these or nodename == "default:desert_stone" or nodename == "default:water_source" then break else -- check node drawtype local drawtype = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename].drawtype if drawtype == "normal" or drawtype == "glasslike" or drawtype == "glasslike_framed" or drawtype == "allfaces" or drawtype == "allfaces_optional" then if nodename == "default:dirt_with_grass" then minetest.add_node({x=sposx, y=y, z=sposz}, {name="default:dirt_with_snow"}) end minetest.add_node({x=sposx, y=y+1, z=sposz}, {name="default:snow"}) break elseif drawtype == "plantlike" then -- dirt with snow added under plants local unodename = minetest.get_node({x=sposx, y=y-1, z=sposz}).name if unodename == "default:dirt_with_grass" then minetest.add_node({x=sposx, y=y-1, z=sposz}, {name="default:dirt_with_snow"}) end break else break end end end end end end end if rain then for drop = 1, DROPS do minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=pposx-24+math.random(0,48), y=pposy+16, z=pposz-24+math.random(0,48)}, vel = {x=0, y=-8, z=-1}, acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, expirationtime = 4, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_raindrop.png", playername = player:get_player_name(), }) end end end end)