mff.quests = {} mff.QPREFIX = "mff_quests:" mff.QNOPREFIX = function(s) return s:sub(mff.QPREFIX:len()+1) end quests.set_hud_position(1, 0.31) quests.set_hud_offset(-200, 0) mff.quests.quests = { still_testing_quests = { title = "Stone digger", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet five Super Apple at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["maptools:superapple"] = 5; }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 100 stone", description = "Old man : Show me you can dig through stone, and I will reward you.", max = 100, objective = { dig = {"default:stone"} } } } }, still_testing_quests2 = { title = "Coal digger", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet two Diamond and a Mese Crystal at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["default:diamond"] = 2; ["default:mese_crystal"] = 1 }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 25 coal", description = "Natsu, the Pyromancer : I like fire more than anything in the world! Prove me it's also your case and I will reward you.", max = 25, objective = { dig = {"default:stone_with_coal"} } } } }, still_testing_quests3 = { title = "Shiny diamonds", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet two mithril ingot at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["default:mithril_ingot"] = 2 }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 10 diamonds", description = "Masamune, the Blacksmith : Hello little adventurer. Aaarrh, I hate diamonds! I work only with strong materials, dig diamonds and I will reward you with my favorite mineral.", max = 10, objective = { dig = {"default:stone_with_diamond"} } } } }, still_testing_quests4 = { title = "Gold fever", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet one locked furnace at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["default:furnace_locked"] = 1 }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 30 Gold", description = "Go search for some gold, but don't catch the gold fever!", max = 30, objective = { dig = {"default:stone_with_gold"} } } } }, still_testing_quests5 = { title = "Great miner", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet one mithril pickaxe at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["default:pick_mithril"] = 1 }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 10 mithril", description = "Prove That You're a great miner, Find the Most Precious ore.", max = 10, objective = { dig = {"default:stone_with_mithril"} } } } }, still_testing_quests6 = { title = "Woodsman", description = "DAILY QUEST!\nGet one locked chest at the end!", repeating = 60*60*24, awards = { ["default:chest_locked"] = 1 }, tasks = { diggy = { title = "Dig 30 jungletree", description = "Go into the jungle and cut tree, We always need wood.", max = 30, objective = { dig = { "default:jungletree", "moretrees:jungletree_trunk", } } } } }, --[[ Disabled, Mesecons levers now use right click levermaniac = { title = "Levermaniac", description = "For some reason you've become obsessed with Mesecons's lever, causing you to insanely switch the levers on and off at an amazing speed.\nDoctors have diagnosed a strange brain damage, but said you'd be rewarded with a Super Apple if you can assist them in their research about the disease.\nThey simply ask you to flip a lever 5 times, but won't come to inspect and study you afterwards, which may suggest they also are brain damaged.", repeating = 60*60*24, max = 5, awards = {["maptools:superapple"] = 1}, objective = { punch = {"mesecons_walllever:wall_lever"} } }]] } function table.contains(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end function mff.quests.start_quest(playername, qname, meta) quests.start_quest(playername, mff.QPREFIX .. qname, meta) end function mff.quests.handle_quest_end(playername, questname, metadata) for item, count in pairs(mff.quests.quests[mff.QNOPREFIX(questname)].awards) do local p = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if p then minetest.add_item(p:getpos(), {name=item, count=count, wear=0, metadata=""}) end end end -- Register the quests defined above for qname, quest in pairs(mff.quests.quests) do quest.completecallback = mff.quests.handle_quest_end local ret, err = quests.register_quest(mff.QPREFIX .. qname, quest) if not ret then minetest.log("error", "mff_quests: failed registering " .. qname .. ": " .. err) end end -- The callback function parameters are as follows: -- questname, questdef, -- taskname (nil?), taskdef (nil?), -- objective_container (that is, either questdef or taskdef), -- objective (=objectives_container.objectives), -- function_to_update_the_objective_progress(value) local function iterate_through_objectives(pname, callback) for qname, quest in pairs(mff.quests.quests) do if quest.tasks then for tname, task in pairs(quest.tasks) do if quests.is_task_disabled(pname, mff.QPREFIX .. qname, tname) == false then callback(qname, quest, tname, task, task, task.objective, function (value) quests.update_quest_task(pname, mff.QPREFIX .. qname, tname, value) end) end end else if quests.get_quest_progress(pname, mff.QPREFIX .. qname) ~= nil then callback(qname, quest, nil, nil, quest, quest.objective, function (value) quests.update_quest(pname, mff.QPREFIX .. qname, value) end) end end end end local function contains_node_or_group(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element or -- Simple node match (value:len() > 6 and value:sub(0,6) == "group:" and minetest.get_item_group(element, value:sub(7)) > 0) then -- Group return true end end return false end -- Quest objective: node digging minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, oldnode, digger) if not digger or digger.is_fake_player then return end local pname = digger:get_player_name() iterate_through_objectives(pname, function (_, _, _, _, _, objective, update) if objective.dig and contains_node_or_group(objective.dig, then update(1) end end) end) -- Quest objective: node punching minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) if not puncher or puncher.is_fake_player then return end local pname = puncher:get_player_name() iterate_through_objectives(pname, function (_, _, _, _, _, objective, update) if objective.punch and contains_node_or_group(objective.punch, then update(1) end end) end) -- Quest objective: node placement minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack, pointed_thing) if not placer or placer.is_fake_player then return end local pname = placer:get_player_name() iterate_through_objectives(pname, function (_, _, _, _, _, objective, update) if and contains_node_or_group(, then update(1) end end) end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function (player) local playername = player:get_player_name() for qname, _ in pairs(mff.quests.quests) do if not quests.quest_restarting_in(playername, mff.QPREFIX .. qname) then mff.quests.start_quest(playername, qname) end end end)