------------------ -- Hunter class -- ------------------ -- -- See https://github.com/Ombridride/minetest-minetestforfun-server/issues/114 -- pclasses.api.register_class("hunter", { on_assigned = function(pname, inform) if inform then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "You are now a hunter") minetest.sound_play("pclasses_full_hunter", {to_player=pname, gain=1}) end local reinforced = pclasses.api.util.does_wear_full_armor(pname, "reinforcedleather", true) if reinforced then sprint.increase_maxstamina(pname, 40) else sprint.increase_maxstamina(pname, 30) end minetest.log("action", "[PClasses] Player " .. pname .. " become a hunter") end, on_unassigned = function(pname) sprint.set_default_maxstamina(pname) end, switch_params = { color = {r = 30, g = 170, b = 00}, tile = "default_wood.png", holo_item = "throwing:bow_minotaur_horn_improved" }, informations = "Being a hunter is mostly being tactical, or just kicking in and firing arrows like madness. " .. "Being a hunter, you're in the only class which member can use new and exclusive ranged weapons, like spears, " .. "arbalests and bows. Your stamina is increased to 40, you're a sport person, able to sprint for a long " .. "time, which is found to be useful when you hunt down animals and mobs who can't run faster than you " .. "walk.. and even more when you need to cowardly run away... anyway. The point is, being a hunter is " .. "great, since you can access new and exclusive weapons, and leather armors, crafted from leather. " .. "Obviously.. Those clothes are pretty strong, and will protect you more than wooden " .. "pieces (at least the reinforced one), with the satation consumption of wearing nothing.\n" .. "If you want to risk it and become a hunter, you should look for a green pedestal with a bow so fancy over it " .. "that you can already tell that we're gonna make you use loads of ores for it. (actually you need to fight a " .. "super strong mob, but it's just details...)" }) pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:bow_minotaur_horn") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:bow_minotaur_horn_loaded") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:bow_minotaur_horn_improved") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:bow_minotaur_horn_improved_loaded") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:arrow_mithril") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:arbalest_auto") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "throwing:arbalest_auto_loaded") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "spears:spear_stone") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "spears:spear_steel") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "spears:spear_obsidian") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "spears:spear_diamond") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "spears:spear_mithril") for _, i in pairs({"helmet", "chestplate", "boots", "leggings"}) do pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "3d_armor:" .. i .. "_hardenedleather") pclasses.api.reserve_item("hunter", "3d_armor:" .. i .. "_reinforcedleather") end