--compassgps 2.1 --This fork was written by Kilarin (Donald Hines) --Original code by Echo, PilzAdam, and TeTpaAka is WTFPL. --My changes are CC0 (No rights reserved) --textures: original compass textures: CC BY-SA by Echo -- compass b textures: CC BY-SA by Bas080 (slight modifications by Kilarin) -- compass c textures: CC BY-SA by Andre Goble mailto:spootonium@gmail.com -- (slight modifications by Kilarin) --fixed bug that caused compass to jump around in inventory --fixed bug causing removed bookmarks not to be saved --expanded bookmark list from dropdown to textlist --added pos and distance to display list --added hud showing current pos -> target pos : distance -- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed. local S if (minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then S = intllib.Getter() else S = function ( s ) return s end end local hud_default_x=0.4 local hud_default_y=0.01 local hud_default_color="FFFF00" local compass_default_type="a" local compass_valid_types={"a","b","c"} local activewidth=8 --until I can find some way to get it from minetest local max_shared=10 --how many shared bookmarks a user with shared_bookmarks priv can make. local show_shared_on_singleplayer=false --show shared and admin checkboxes on singleplayer --the ONLY reason to change this variable to true is for testing. shared and admin bookmarks --make no sense in a single player game. minetest.register_privilege("shared_bookmarks", S("Can create shared bookmarks for use by anyone with a compassgps")) --minetest.register_privilege("shared_bookmarks", { -- description = "Can create shared bookmarks for use by anyone with a compassgps", -- give_to_singleplayer = false,}) compassgps = { } local player_hud = { }; local bookmarks = { } local point_to = {} local sort_function = {} local distance_function ={} local hud_pos = {} local hud_color = {} local compass_type = {} local view_type_P = {} local view_type_S = {} local view_type_A = {} local textlist_clicked = {} textlist_bkmrks = {} local singleplayer = false local target = {} local pos = {} local dir = 90 local default_bookmark = {} local backwardscompatsave = "NO" print(S("compassgps reading bookmarks")) local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/bookmarks", "r") if file then bookmarks = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() end --local remove --the sort functions and distance functions have to be defined ABOVE the --"main" block or will be nil function compassgps.sort_by_distance(table,a,b,player) --print("sort_by_distance a="..compassgps.pos_to_string(table[a]).." b="..pos_to_string(table[b])) local playerpos = player:getpos() local name=player:get_player_name() --return compassgps.distance3d(playerpos,table[a]) < compassgps.distance3d(playerpos,table[b]) if distance_function[name] then return distance_function[name](playerpos,table[a]) < distance_function[name](playerpos,table[b]) else return false --this should NEVER happen end end --sort_by_distance function compassgps.sort_by_name(table,a,b,player) local atype="P" --default to P if table[a].type then atype=table[a].type end local btype="P" if table[b].type then btype=table[b].type end if atype == btype then local aplayer="" if table[a].player then aplayer=table[a].player end local bplayer="" if table[b].player then bplayer=table[b].player end if aplayer == bplayer then return a < b --compare on bookmark name else return aplayer < bplayer --compare on player name end --compare player name else return atype < btype --compare on bookmark type end -- compare type end --sort_by_name function compassgps.distance2d(pos1in,pos2in) local pos1=compassgps.round_digits_vector(pos1in,0) local pos2=compassgps.round_digits_vector(pos2in,0) return math.sqrt((pos2.x-pos1.x)^2+(pos2.z-pos1.z)^2) end --distance2d --calculate distance between two points function compassgps.distance3d(pos1in,pos2in) --round to nearest node --print(" pos1in="..compassgps.pos_to_string(pos1in).." pos2in="..compassgps.pos_to_string(pos2in)) local pos1=compassgps.round_digits_vector(pos1in,0) local pos2=compassgps.round_digits_vector(pos2in,0) return math.sqrt((pos2.x-pos1.x)^2+(pos2.z-pos1.z)^2+(pos2.y-pos1.y)^2) end --distance3d -- ********************************************************** print(S("compassgps reading settings")) if minetest.is_singleplayer() and show_shared_on_singleplayer==false then singleplayer=true else singleplayer=false end local settings = { } local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/compassgps_settings", "r") if file then settings = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() end --now transfer these to the correct variables for name,stng in pairs(settings) do --if settings[name].point_name then -- point_name[name]=settings[name].point_name --end if settings[name].point_to and settings[name].point_to.bkmrkname then point_to[name]=settings[name].point_to else point_to[name]=nil end if settings[name].sort_function then if settings[name].sort_function == "name" then sort_function[name]=compassgps.sort_by_name else sort_function[name]=compassgps.sort_by_distance end end if settings[name].distance_function then if settings[name].distance_function == "2d" then distance_function[name]=compassgps.distance2d else distance_function[name]=compassgps.distance3d end end if settings[name].hud_pos then hud_pos[name]=settings[name].hud_pos end if settings[name].hud_color then hud_color[name]=settings[name].hud_color end if settings[name].compass_type then compass_type[name]=settings[name].compass_type end --saved as strings so its easier to check for nil if settings[name].view_type_P then view_type_P[name]=settings[name].view_type_P else view_type_P[name]="true" end --view_type_P if settings[name].view_type_S then view_type_S[name]=settings[name].view_type_S else view_type_S[name]="false" end --view_type_S if settings[name].view_type_A then view_type_A[name]=settings[name].view_type_A else view_type_A[name]="false" end --view_type_A if singleplayer then view_type_P[name]="true" view_type_A[name]="false" view_type_S[name]="false" end--override view types end --for function compassgps.bookmark_to_string(bkmrk) if not bkmrk then return "{nil}" end local str="{" if bkmrk.player then str=str..bkmrk.player else str=str.."player=nil" end str=str.." : " if bkmrk.bkmrkname then str=str..bkmrk.bkmrkname else str=str.."bkmrkname=nil" end str=str.." : "..compassgps.pos_to_string(bkmrk).." : " if bkmrk.type then str=str..bkmrk.type else str=str.."type=nil" end str=str.."}" return str end -- bookmark_to_string function compassgps.bookmark_name_string(bkmrk) --print("bookmark_name_string: "..compassgps.bookmark_to_string(bkmrk)) if bkmrk.type=="A" then return "*admin*:"..bkmrk.player.."> "..bkmrk.bkmrkname elseif bkmrk.type=="S" then return "*shared*:"..bkmrk.player.."> "..bkmrk.bkmrkname else return bkmrk.bkmrkname end end --bookmark_name_string function compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(bkmrk,playername,playerpos) if distance_function[playername] == nil then return "" end return compassgps.bookmark_name_string(bkmrk).." : "..compassgps.pos_to_string(bkmrk).. " : "..compassgps.round_digits(distance_function[playername](playerpos,bkmrk),2) end --gookmark_name_pos_dist function compassgps.count_shared(playername) local c=0 for k,v in pairs(bookmarks) do if v.player and v.player==playername and v.type and v.type=="S" then c=c+1 end --if end --for return c end--count_shared --********************************************************* --mode "L" create list for displaying bookmarks in gui --mode "C" display private bookmarks only in chat --mode "M" similar to "L" but with current position (for maps) function compassgps.bookmark_loop(mode,playername,findidx) --print("bookmark_loop top") local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) local playerpos = player:getpos() local list="" local bkmrkidx=1 local i=1 if mode=="L" or mode=="M" then local spawnbkmrk=compassgps.get_default_bookmark(playername,1) textlist_bkmrks[playername]={} if mode=="M" then local cpos=compassgps.round_pos(playerpos) list = S("current position : ")..compassgps.pos_to_string({x=cpos.x,y=cpos.y,z=cpos.z,player=playername,type="P",bkmrkname=playername.."'s map"})..",".. compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(spawnbkmrk,playername,playerpos) textlist_bkmrks[playername][1]={x=cpos.x,y=cpos.y,z=cpos.z,player=playername,type="P",bkmrkname=S("%s's map"):format(playername)} textlist_bkmrks[playername][2]=spawnbkmrk i=2 mode="L" else list = compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(spawnbkmrk,playername,playerpos) textlist_bkmrks[playername][1]=spawnbkmrk end --initialize list --add all spawn position from beds mod, sethome mod and the default spawn point spawnbkmrk=compassgps.get_default_bookmark(playername,2) if spawnbkmrk~=nil then i=i+1 list = list..","..compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(spawnbkmrk,playername,playerpos) textlist_bkmrks[playername][i]=spawnbkmrk end spawnbkmrk=compassgps.get_default_bookmark(playername,3) if spawnbkmrk~=nil then i=i+1 list = list..","..compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(spawnbkmrk,playername,playerpos) textlist_bkmrks[playername][i]=spawnbkmrk end textlist_clicked[playername]=1 end --bkmrkidx will be used to highlight the currently selected item in the list backwardscompatsave="NO" for k,v in spairs(bookmarks,sort_function[playername],player) do --backwards compatibility --since version 1.5, all bookmarks will have a player and type, but --bookmarks from the old compass mods and previous versions of this --mod will not. Because the original mod did not put a seperator between --the playername and the bookmark name, the only way to seperate them --is when you have the player name. this if says that if v.player is --not defined and the begining of the bookmark matches the playername --then set v.player and v.type and set a flag to save the bookmarks --print("bookmark_loop unmod "..compassgps.bookmark_to_string(v)) if not v.player then --if playername is not set, fix it local pos1, pos2 = string.find(k, playername, 0) if pos1==1 and pos2 then --add playername and type to bookmark v.player=playername v.type="P" v.bkmrkname=string.sub(k,string.len(v.player)+1) backwardscompatsave="YES" end --if pos1==1 end --if not v.player backwards compatibility --even though we set v.player above, that was for bookmarks that match --this playername, so there could still be other players bookmarks that --do not have v.player defined, thats why we have to check it again. local vplayernm="" if v.player then vplayernm=v.player end local vtype="P" if v.type then vtype=v.type end local vbkmrkname=k if v.bkmrkname then vbkmrkname=v.bkmrkname end --now vplayernm,vtype,vbkmrkname are guaranteed to be defined --admin and shared bookmarks if (mode=="L") and ( (vtype=="A" and view_type_A[playername]=="true") or (vtype=="S" and view_type_S[playername]=="true") ) then i=i+1 list = list..","..compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(v,playername,playerpos) textlist_bkmrks[playername][i]=v --print("bookmark_loop AS "..i.." "..compassgps.bookmark_to_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][i])) --private bookmarks elseif vtype=="P" and vplayernm==playername and view_type_P[playername]=="true" then i=i+1 if mode=="L" then list = list..","..compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(v,playername,playerpos) --list = list..","..vbkmrkname.." : "..compassgps.pos_to_string(v).. -- " : "..compassgps.round_digits(distance_function[playername](playerpos,v),2) textlist_bkmrks[playername][i]=v --print("bookmark_loop P "..i.." "..compassgps.bookmark_to_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][i])) elseif mode=="C" then --minetest.chat_send_player(playername, vbkmrkname..": "..compassgps.pos_to_string(v)) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(v,playername,playerpos)) end end --if vtype --print("bookmark_loop mode="..mode.." bkmrkidx="..bkmrkidx.." vbkmkrname="..vbkmrkname.." point_to="..point_to[playername].bkmrkname.." vplayer="..vplayer.." point_to="..point_to[playername].player) --set testlist_clicked to the currently selected item in the list if point_to[playername]~=nil then -- don't crash when point_to[playername] is nil if mode=="L" and bkmrkidx==1 and vbkmrkname==point_to[playername].bkmrkname and vplayernm==point_to[playername].player then bkmrkidx=i textlist_clicked[playername]=i --point_to is the bookmark this player's compass is already pointing to --when we open the list, if we found a bookmark that matches that item, we want --to highlight it (by setting bkmrkidx to the index to highlight) and we want --to set textlist_clicked to match that item. We need textlist_clicked because --textlist does not return the currently selected item when you click a button, --so we must keep the currently selected item in memory --elseif mode=="I" and i==findidx then -- return bkmrkname --found the item we were looking for, we are done. end --if mode=L end --for spairs end --point_to[playername]~=nil if backwardscompatsave=="YES" then compassgps.write_bookmarks() end if mode=="L" then return list,bkmrkidx --elseif mode=="I" then -- return "default" --didn't find it, so return default. end --if mode=="L" end --bookmark_loop function compassgps.get_confirm_formspec(playername,bkmrkidx) --print("get_confirm_remove_formspec") local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not compassgps.verify_bookmark_parms("remove_bookmark",player,playername,bkmrkidx) then return end local bkmrk=textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx] return "compassgps:confirm_remove", "size[8,2;]".. "label[0,0.2;"..S("Remove bookmark: ")..compassgps.bookmark_name_string(bkmrk).." ?]".. "button[0,0.7;4,1;confirm_remove_yes;"..S("Yes").."]".. "button[4,0.7;4,1;confirm_remove_no;"..S("No").."]" end function compassgps.check_view_type_all_blank(playername) --view_type values are not all set when you first bring up the form --so we check to ensure that view_type_A and S are default false for sp and true for mp --and that if all values are false we set view_type_P to true local defaultvalue="true" if singleplayer then defaultvalue="false" end if (not view_type_A[playername]) then view_type_A[playername]=defaultvalue end if (not view_type_S[playername]) then view_type_S[playername]=defaultvalue end if (not view_type_P[playername]) or (view_type_P[playername]=="false" and view_type_S[playername]=="false" and view_type_A[playername]=="false") then view_type_P[playername]="true" end end --check_view_type_all_blank minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player,formname,fields) if (not player) then return false; end local playername = player:get_player_name(); if (playername ~= "" and formname == "compassgps:bookmarks") then --"bookmark" field is set EVERY time. I would like to detect someone hitting --enter in that field, but the problem is, if someone types something into --the bookmark field, and then clicks on a bookmark in the textlist, --I would get back bookmark as set. So, the only way to detect that --enter has been hit in the bookmark field is to check bookmark, and ensure --every other field is NOT set. --this leaves open the possibility of someone typing in the hudx or hudy --field and hitting enter after typing in the bookmark field. Not likely if (fields["new_bookmark"] and fields["bookmark"]) --hit the bookmark button or ( (fields["bookmark"]) and (fields["bookmark"]~="") --bookmark field not blank and (not fields["remove_bookmark"]) and (not fields["find_bookmark"]) and (not fields["bookmark_list"]) and (not fields["sort_type"]) and (not fields["distance_type"]) and (not fields["settings"]) and (not fields["teleport"]) and (not fields["show_private"]) and (not fields["show_shared"]) and (not fields["show_admin"]) ) then local type="P" if fields["new_shared_bookmark"] then type="S" elseif fields["new_admin_bookmark"] then type="A" end --shared or admin compassgps.set_bookmark(playername, fields["bookmark"],type) minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["remove_bookmark"] and textlist_clicked[playername] then local bkmrkidx=textlist_clicked[playername] if textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].player ~= playername then --only admins can delete someone elses shared bookmark --check to see if the player has "privs" privliges local player_privs player_privs = minetest.get_player_privs(playername) if not player_privs["privs"] then minetest.chat_send_player(playername,S("you can not remove someone elses bookmark:").. compassgps.bookmark_name_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx])) return end --if not player_privs end -- if player~=playername -- you can't remove default bookmarks (bed, home, spawnpoint) if textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].bkmrkname==nil or textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].player==nil then return end if bookmarks[textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].player..textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].bkmrkname]==nil then return end --if they got here, they have authority to del the bookmark, show confirm dialog minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_confirm_formspec(playername, bkmrkidx)) elseif fields["find_bookmark"] and textlist_clicked[playername] then --print("compassgps.fields find_bookmark triggered, playername="..playername.." textlist_clicked="..textlist_clicked[playername]) compassgps.find_bookmark(playername,textlist_clicked[playername]) elseif fields["bookmark_list"] then local idx=tonumber(string.sub(fields["bookmark_list"],5)) --textlist_clicked[playername]=compassgps.bookmark_from_idx(playername,idx) --textlist_clicked[playername]=compassgps.bookmark_loop("I",playername,idx) textlist_clicked[playername]=idx --print("bookmark_list triggered textlist idx="..idx.." tlc="..textlist_clicked[playername]) elseif fields["sort_type"] then local idx=tonumber(string.sub(fields["sort_type"],5)) if idx==1 then sort_function[playername]=compassgps.sort_by_name else sort_function[playername]=compassgps.sort_by_distance end --if name else distance minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["distance_type"] then local idx=tonumber(string.sub(fields["distance_type"],5)) if idx==1 then distance_function[playername]=compassgps.distance3d else distance_function[playername]=compassgps.distance2d end --if 2d else 3d minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["show_private"] then view_type_P[playername]=tostring(fields["show_private"]) compassgps.check_view_type_all_blank(playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["show_shared"] then view_type_S[playername]=tostring(fields["show_shared"]) compassgps.check_view_type_all_blank(playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["show_admin"] then view_type_A[playername]=tostring(fields["show_admin"]) compassgps.check_view_type_all_blank(playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["teleport"] then -- Teleport player. compassgps.teleport_bookmark(playername, textlist_clicked[playername]) elseif fields["settings"] then --bring up settings screen minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_settings_formspec(playername)) end --compassgps formspec elseif (playername ~= "" and formname == "compassgps:settings") then if fields["hud_pos"] then --and fields["hudx"] and fields["hudy"] then --minetest.chat_send_all("hud_pos triggered") if tonumber(fields["hudx"]) and tonumber(fields["hudy"]) then hud_pos[playername].x=fields["hudx"] hud_pos[playername].y=fields["hudy"] if tonumber(hud_pos[playername].x)<0 or tonumber(hud_pos[playername].x)>1 or tonumber(hud_pos[playername].y)<0 or tonumber(hud_pos[playername].y)>1 then minetest.chat_send_player(playername,S("compassgps: hud coords out of range, hud will not be displayed. Change to between 0 and 1 to restore")) --compassgps.write_settings() --no need to save until you quit end else --not numbers minetest.chat_send_player(playername,S("compassgps: hud coords are not numeric. Change to between 0 and 1")) end --if x,y valid if tonumber(fields["hudcolor"],16) then hud_color[playername]=fields["hudcolor"] else minetest.chat_send_player(playername,S("compassgps: hud color not valid hex number")) end --if color valid elseif fields["compass_type_a"] then compass_type[playername]="a" elseif fields["compass_type_b"] then compass_type[playername]="b" elseif fields["compass_type_c"] then compass_type[playername]="c" end --if fields["hud_pos"] elseif (playername ~= "" and formname == "compassgps:confirm_remove") then if fields["confirm_remove_yes"] then compassgps.remove_bookmark(playername, textlist_clicked[playername]) minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) elseif fields["confirm_remove_no"] then minetest.show_formspec(playername, compassgps.get_compassgps_formspec(playername)) end -- if fields["confirm_remove_yes"] end -- form if end) --saves the bookmark list in minetest/words//bookmarks function compassgps.write_bookmarks() local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/bookmarks", "w") if file then file:write(minetest.serialize(bookmarks)) file:close() end end --write_bookmarks --saves the settings in minetest/words//compassgps_settings function compassgps.write_settings() --loop through players and set settings --(less error prone than trying to keep settings in sync all the time print(S("compassgps writing settings")) local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i,player in ipairs(players) do local name = player:get_player_name(); local sort_short="name" --if you save the actual sort_function or distance_function, it saves the --whole function in the serialized file! not what I wanted, and doesn't work right. if sort_function[name] and sort_function[name]==compassgps.sort_by_distance then sort_short="distance" end local dist_short="2d" if distance_function[name] and distance_function[name]==compassgps.distance3d then dist_short="3d" end settings[name]={point_to=point_to[name], hud_pos=hud_pos[name], sort_function=sort_short, distance_function=dist_short, hud_color=hud_color[name], compass_type=compass_type[name], view_type_P=view_type_P[name], view_type_S=view_type_S[name], view_type_A=view_type_A[name]} end --now write to file local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/compassgps_settings", "w") if file then file:write(minetest.serialize(settings)) file:close() end end --write_settings minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) compassgps.write_settings() end) minetest.register_on_shutdown(compassgps.write_settings) function compassgps.clean_string(str) --remove dangerous characters that will mess up the list of bookmarks --the file can handle these fine, but the LIST for the textlist --will interpret these as seperators str=string.gsub(str,",",".") str=string.gsub(str,";",".") str=string.gsub(str,"%[","(") str=string.gsub(str,"%]",")") return str end --clean_string function compassgps.set_bookmark(playername, bkmrkname, type, predefinedpos) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not player then return end local pos = player:getpos() if predefinedpos ~= nil then pos = predefinedpos end --we are marking a NODE, no need to keep all those fractions pos=compassgps.round_pos(pos) bkmrkname=compassgps.clean_string(bkmrkname) if bkmrkname == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Give the bookmark a name.")) return end if bkmrkname == "default" or bkmrkname == "bed" or bkmrkname == "sethome" or string.sub(bkmrkname,1,8) == "*shared*" or string.sub(bkmrkname,1,7)=="*admin*" then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("A bookmark with the name '%s' can't be created."):format(bkmrkname)) return end if bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("You already have a bookmark with that name.")) return end pos.type=type or "P" --Private Shared Admin if pos.type=="S" and compassgps.count_shared(playername) >= max_shared then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("The maximum number of shared bookmarks any user can create is %d."):format(max_shared)) return end pos.bkmrkname=bkmrkname pos.player=playername bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] = pos compassgps.write_bookmarks() minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Bookmark '%s' added at %s type=%s"):format(bkmrkname, compassgps.pos_to_string(pos), pos.type)) end minetest.register_chatcommand("set_bookmark", { params = "", description = S("set_bookmark: Sets a location bookmark for the player"), func = function (playername, bkmrkname) compassgps.set_bookmark(playername, bkmrkname, "P") end, }) --returns a pos that is rounded special case. round 0 digits for X and Z, --round 1 digit for Y function compassgps.round_pos(pos) pos.x=compassgps.round_digits(pos.x,0) pos.y=compassgps.round_digits(pos.y,1) pos.z=compassgps.round_digits(pos.z,0) return pos end --round_pos function compassgps.round_digits(num,digits) if num >= 0 then return math.floor(num*(10^digits)+0.5)/(10^digits) else return math.ceil(num*(10^digits)-0.5)/(10^digits) end end --round_digits function compassgps.round_digits_vector(vec,digits) return {x=compassgps.round_digits(vec.x,digits),y=compassgps.round_digits(vec.y,digits), z=compassgps.round_digits(vec.z,digits)} end --round_digits_vector --because built in pos_to_string doesn't handle nil, and commas mess up textlist --this rounds same rules as for setting bookmark or teleporting --that way what you see in the hud matches where you teleport or bookmark function compassgps.pos_to_string(pos) if pos==nil then return "(nil)" else pos=compassgps.round_pos(pos) return "("..pos.x.." "..pos.y.." "..pos.z..")" end --pos==nill end --pos_to_string minetest.register_chatcommand("list_bookmarks", { params = "", description = S("list_bookmarks: Lists all bookmarks of a player"), func = function(name, param) compassgps.bookmark_loop("C",name) end, }) function compassgps.verify_bookmark_parms(from_function,player,playername,bkmrkidx) --just being paranoid, probably none of these checks are necessary if not player then print(S("compassgps.%s player not found"):format(from_function)) if not playername then print(S(" playername=nil")) else print(S(" playername=%s"):format(playername)) end --if not playername return false end --if not player if not tonumber(bkmrkidx) then print(S("compassgps.%s invalid bkrmkidx"):format(from_funtion)) if not bkmrkidx then print(S(" bkmrkidx=nil")) else print(" bkmrkidx="..bkmrkidx) end --if not bkmrkidx return false end --if not tonumber(bkmrkidx) if not textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx] then print(S("compassgps.%s invalid bookmark playername=%s bkmrkid=%s"):format(from_function, playername, bkmrkidx)) minetest.chat_send_player(playername,S("compassgps:%s invalid bookmark"):format(from_function)) return false end --if not textlist_bkmrks return true --if you got here it is all good end --verify_bookmark_parms function compassgps.remove_bookmark(playername, bkmrkidx) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not compassgps.verify_bookmark_parms("remove_bookmark",player,playername,bkmrkidx) then return end print(S("remove bookmark playername=%s bkmrkidx=%s"):format(playername, bkmrkidx)) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("removed %s"):format( compassgps.bookmark_name_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx]))) bookmarks[textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].player.. textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx].bkmrkname] = nil compassgps.write_bookmarks() end --remove_bookmarks function compassgps.remove_bookmark_byname(playername, bkmrkname) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not player then return end if bkmrkname == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("No bookmark was specified.")) return end if not bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("You have no bookmark with this name.")) return end bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] = nil compassgps.write_bookmarks() minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("The bookmark "..bkmrkname.." has been successfully removed.")) end minetest.register_chatcommand("remove_bookmark", { params = "", description = S("Removes the bookmark specified by "), func = function(name, bkmrkname) compassgps.remove_bookmark_byname(name,bkmrkname) end, }) function compassgps.teleport_bookmark(playername, bkmrkidx) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not compassgps.verify_bookmark_parms("teleport_bookmark",player,playername,bkmrkidx) then return end print(S("compassgps teleporting player %s to %s"):format(playername, compassgps.bookmark_name_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx]))) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Teleporting to %s"):format( compassgps.bookmark_name_string(textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx]))) player:setpos(textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx]) end --teleport_bookmark function compassgps.find_bookmark_byname(playername, bkmrkname) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not player then return end if not bkmrkname or bkmrkname == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("No bookmark was specified.")) return end if bkmrkname == "default" then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Pointing at default location.")) point_to[playername] = compassgps.get_default_bookmark(playername,1) return end if not bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] then minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("You have no bookmark with this name.")) return end point_to[playername] = bookmarks[playername..bkmrkname] minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Pointing at %s."):format(bkmrkname)) end function compassgps.find_bookmark(playername, bkmrkidx) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not compassgps.verify_bookmark_parms("find_bookmark",player,playername,bkmrkidx) then return end point_to[playername] = textlist_bkmrks[playername][bkmrkidx] minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Pointing at %s."):format(point_to[playername].bkmrkname)) end minetest.register_chatcommand("find_bookmark", { params = "", description = S("Lets the compassgps point to the bookmark"), func = function(playername, bkmrkname) compassgps.find_bookmark_byname(playername,bkmrkname) end, }) -- compassgps mod -- default to static spawnpoint local static_spawnpoint = minetest.setting_get_pos("static_spawnpoint") -- default to 0/0/0 if spawnpoint is not present or invalid local default_spawn = static_spawnpoint or {x=0, y=0, z=0} local last_time_spawns_read = "default" local beds_spawns = {} local sethome_spawns = {} function read_spawns() -- read BlockMen beds-mod positions (added to default minetest game) local beds_file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/beds_spawns", "r") if beds_file then while true do local x = beds_file:read("*n") if x == nil then break end local y = beds_file:read("*n") local z = beds_file:read("*n") local name = beds_file:read("*l") beds_spawns[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} end io.close(beds_file) else -- read PilzAdams beds-mod positions beds_file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/beds_player_spawns", "r") if beds_file then beds_spawns = minetest.deserialize(beds_file:read("*all")) beds_file:close() end end -- read sethome-mod positions if minetest.get_modpath('sethome') then local sethome_file = io.open(minetest.get_modpath('sethome')..'/homes', "r") if sethome_file then while true do local x = sethome_file:read("*n") if x == nil then break end local y = sethome_file:read("*n") local z = sethome_file:read("*n") local name = sethome_file:read("*l") sethome_spawns[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} end io.close(sethome_file) end end end function compassgps.compass_type_name(playername,imagenum,ctypein) local ctype="a" if ctypein then ctype=ctypein end if playername~="" and compass_type[playername] then ctype=compass_type[playername] end if ctype=="a" then ctype="" end --print("compass type name return "..ctype..imagenum) return ctype..imagenum end function compassgps.get_default_bookmark(name,num) -- try to get position from beds-mod spawn local pos = beds_spawns[name] local posname="bed" if pos~=nil and num==1 then default_bookmark={x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,player=name,type="P",bkmrkname=posname} return default_bookmark elseif pos~=nil then num=num-1 end -- fallback to sethome position pos = sethome_spawns[name] posname="home" if pos~=nil and num==1 then default_bookmark={x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,player=name,type="P",bkmrkname=posname} return default_bookmark elseif pos~=nil then num=num-1 end if num>1 then return end -- fallback to default pos = default_spawn; posname="spawn" default_bookmark={x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,player=name,type="P",bkmrkname=posname} return default_bookmark end --get_default_bookmark function compassgps.get_default_pos_and_name(name) -- try to get position from PilzAdams bed-mod spawn local pos = beds_spawns[name] local posname="bed" -- fallback to sethome position if pos == nil then pos = sethome_spawns[name] posname="sethome" end -- fallback to default if pos == nil then pos = default_spawn; posname="default" end default_bookmark={x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,player=name,type="P"} return pos,posname end --get_compassgps_target_pos minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if last_time_spawns_read ~= os.date("%M") then last_time_spawns_read = os.date("%M") read_spawns() end local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i,player in ipairs(players) do local playername = player:get_player_name(); local gotacompass=false local wielded=false local activeinv=nil local stackidx=0 --first check to see if the user has a compass, because if they don't --there is no reason to waste time calculating bookmarks or spawnpoints. local wielded_item = player:get_wielded_item():get_name() if string.sub(wielded_item, 0, 11) == "compassgps:" and string.sub(wielded_item, 0, 18) ~= "compassgps:cgpsmap" then --if the player is wielding a compass, change the wielded image wielded=true stackidx=player:get_wield_index() gotacompass=true else --check to see if compass is in active inventory if player:get_inventory() then --is there a way to only check the activewidth items instead of entire list? --problem being that arrays are not sorted in lua for i,stack in ipairs(player:get_inventory():get_list("main")) do if i<=activewidth and string.sub(stack:get_name(), 0, 11) == "compassgps:" and string.sub(stack:get_name(),0,18) ~= "compassgps:cgpsmap" then activeinv=stack --store the stack so we can update it later with new image stackidx=i --store the index so we can add image at correct location gotacompass=true break end --if i<=activewidth end --for loop end -- get_inventory end --if wielded else --dont mess with the rest of this if they don't have a compass if gotacompass then --if they don't have a bookmark set, use the default point_to[playername]=point_to[playername] or compassgps.get_default_bookmark(playername,1) target=point_to[playername] --just to take up less space pos = player:getpos() dir = player:get_look_yaw() local angle_north = math.deg(math.atan2(target.x - pos.x, target.z - pos.z)) if angle_north < 0 then angle_north = angle_north + 360 end local angle_dir = 90 - math.deg(dir) local angle_relative = (angle_north - angle_dir) % 360 local compass_image = math.floor((angle_relative/30) + 0.5)%12 --update compass image to point at target if wielded then player:set_wielded_item("compassgps:".. compassgps.compass_type_name(playername,compass_image)) elseif activeinv then --player:get_inventory():remove_item("main", activeinv:get_name()) player:get_inventory():set_stack("main",stackidx,"compassgps:".. compassgps.compass_type_name(playername,compass_image)) end --if wielded elsif activin --update the hud with playerpos -> target pos : distance to target distance_function[playername]=distance_function[playername] or compassgps.distance3d --if distance_function[playername]==nil then -- distance_function[playername]=compassgps.distance3d --end local hudx=tonumber(hud_default_x) local hudy=tonumber(hud_default_y) if hud_pos[playername] then hudx=tonumber(hud_pos[playername].x) hudy=tonumber(hud_pos[playername].y) else hud_pos[playername]={x=hud_default_x, y=hud_default_y} end local hudcolor=tonumber(hud_default_color, 16) if hud_color[playername] then hudcolor=tonumber(hud_color[playername], 16) else hud_color[playername]=hud_default_color end local compasstype=compass_default_type if compass_type[playername] and (compass_type[playername]=="a" or compass_type[playername]=="b" or compass_type[playername]=="c") then compasstype=compass_type[playername] else compass_type[playername]=compass_default_type end local h=nil if hudx>=0 and hudx<=1 and hudy>=0 and hudy<=1 then h = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text"; position = {x=hudx, y=hudy}; text = compassgps.pos_to_string(pos).." -> ".. compassgps.bookmark_name_pos_dist(target,playername,pos); --text = compassgps.pos_to_string(pos).." -> "..target.bkmrkname.. -- " "..compassgps.pos_to_string(target).." : ".. -- compassgps.round_digits(distance_function[playername](pos,target),2); number = hudcolor; scale = 20; }); end --if x and y in range if (player_hud[playername]) then --remove the previous element player:hud_remove(player_hud[playername]); end player_hud[playername] = h; --store this element for removal next time --this elseif is triggered if gotacompass=false elseif (player_hud[playername]) then --remove the hud if player no longer has compass player:hud_remove(player_hud[playername]); player_hud[playername]=nil end --if gotacompass end --for i,player in ipairs(players) end) -- register_globalstep function compassgps.sort_by_coords(table,a,b) if table[a].x==table[b].x then if table[a].z==table[b].z then return table[a].y