minetest.log("action","[mod soundset] Loading...") soundset = {} soundset.file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/sounds_config.txt" soundset.gainplayers = {} soundset.tmp = {} local function save_sounds_config() local input = io.open(soundset.file, "w") if input then input:write(minetest.serialize(soundset.gainplayers)) input:close() else minetest.log("action","echec d'ouverture (mode:w) de " .. soundset.file) end end local function load_sounds_config() local file = io.open(soundset.file, "r") if file then soundset.gainplayers = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() end if soundset.gainplayers == nil or type(soundset.gainplayers) ~= "table" then soundset.gainplayers = {} end end load_sounds_config() soundset.set_sound = function(name, param) if param == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "/setsound ") return end local param_name, param_value = param:match("^(%S+)%s(%S+)$") if param_name == nil or param_value == nil then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "invalid param, /setsound ") return end if param_name ~= "music" and param_name ~= "ambience" and param_name ~= "mobs" and param_name ~= "other" then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "invalid param " .. param_name) return end local value = tonumber(param_value) if value == nil then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "invalid value, " ..param_value .. " must be number") return end if value < 0 then value = 0 elseif value > 100 then value = 100 end if soundset.gainplayers[name][param_name] == value then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "volume " .. param_name .. " already set to " .. value) return end soundset.gainplayers[name][param_name] = value minetest.chat_send_player(name, "sound " .. param_name .. " set to " .. value) save_sounds_config() end soundset.get_gain = function(name, sound_type) if name == nil or name == "" then return 1 end if not soundset.gainplayers[name] then return 1 end local gain = soundset.gainplayers[name][sound_type] if gain == nil then return 1 end return gain/100 end local inc = function(value) value = value + 5 if value > 100 then value = 100 end return value end local dec = function(value) value = value - 5 if value < 0 then value = 0 end return value end local formspec = "size[6,6]".. "label[2,0;Sound Menu]".. "label[0,1.2;MUSIC]".. "image_button[1.6,1;1,1;soundset_dec.png;vmusic;-]".. "label[2.7,1.2;%s]".. "image_button[3.5,1;1,1;soundset_inc.png;vmusic;+]".. "label[0,2.2;AMBIENCE]".. "image_button[1.6,2;1,1;soundset_dec.png;vambience;-]".. "label[2.7,2.2;%s]".. "image_button[3.5,2;1,1;soundset_inc.png;vambience;+]".. "label[0,3.2;OTHER]".. "image_button[1.6,3;1,1;soundset_dec.png;vother;-]".. "label[2.7,3.2;%s]".. "image_button[3.5,3;1,1;soundset_inc.png;vother;+]".. "button_exit[0.5,5.2;1.5,1;abort;Abort]".. "button_exit[4,5.2;1.5,1;abort;Ok]" local on_show_settings = function(name, music, ambience, other) if not soundset.tmp[name] then soundset.tmp[name] = {} end soundset.tmp[name]["music"] = music soundset.tmp[name]["ambience"] = ambience soundset.tmp[name]["other"] = other minetest.show_formspec( name, "soundset:settings", string.format(formspec, tostring(music), tostring(ambience), tostring(other) )) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname == "soundset:settings" then local name = player:get_player_name() if not name or name == "" then return end local fmusic = soundset.tmp[name]["music"] or 50 local fambience = soundset.tmp[name]["ambience"] or 50 local fother = soundset.tmp[name]["other"] or 50 if fields["abort"] == "Ok" then if soundset.gainplayers[name]["music"] ~= fmusic or soundset.gainplayers[name]["ambience"] ~= fambience or soundset.gainplayers[name]["other"] ~= fother then soundset.gainplayers[name]["music"] = fmusic soundset.gainplayers[name]["ambience"] = fambience soundset.gainplayers[name]["other"] = fother save_sounds_config() end soundset.tmp[name] = nil return elseif fields["abort"] == "Abort" then soundset.tmp[name] = nil return elseif fields["vmusic"] == "+" then fmusic = inc(fmusic) elseif fields["vmusic"] == "-" then fmusic = dec(fmusic) elseif fields["vambience"] == "+" then fambience = inc(fambience) elseif fields["vambience"] == "-" then fambience = dec(fambience) elseif fields["vother"] == "+" then fother = inc(fother) elseif fields["vother"] == "-" then fother = dec(fother) elseif fields["quit"] == "true" then soundset.tmp[name] = nil return else return end on_show_settings(name, fmusic, fambience, fother) end end) if (minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory")) then unified_inventory.register_button("menu_soundset", { type = "image", image = "soundset_menu_icon.png", tooltip = "sounds menu ", show_with = false, --Modif MFF (Crabman 30/06/2015) action = function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not name then return end on_show_settings(name, soundset.gainplayers[name]["music"], soundset.gainplayers[name]["ambience"], soundset.gainplayers[name]["other"]) end, }) end minetest.register_chatcommand("soundset", { params = "", description = "Display volume menu formspec", privs = {interact=true}, func = function(name, param) if not name then return end on_show_settings(name, soundset.gainplayers[name]["music"], soundset.gainplayers[name]["ambience"], soundset.gainplayers[name]["other"]) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("soundsets", { params = " ", description = "Set volume sound ", privs = {interact=true}, func = soundset.set_sound, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("soundsetg", { params = "", description = "Display volume sound ", privs = {interact=true}, func = function(name, param) local conf = "" for k, v in pairs(soundset.gainplayers[name]) do conf = conf .. " " .. k .. ":" .. v end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "sounds conf " .. conf) minetest.log("action","Player ".. name .. " sound conf " .. conf) end }) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if soundset.gainplayers[name] == nil then soundset.gainplayers[name] = { ["music"] = 50, ["ambience"] = 50, ["mobs"] = 50, ["other"] = 50 } end end) minetest.log("action","[mod soundset] Loaded")