--This file contains configuration options for riesenpilz mod.

riesenpilz.enable_mapgen = false

--Generate giant mushroom biomes everywhere
riesenpilz.always_generate = false

--Enables smooth transition of biomes.
riesenpilz.smooth = true

--rarity in %
riesenpilz.mapgen_rarity = 0.25        -- Modif MFF (default = 1)

--size of the generated... (has an effect to the rarity, too)
riesenpilz.mapgen_size = 50

--approximate size of smooth transitions
riesenpilz.smooth_trans_size = 2

--says some information.
riesenpilz.info = true

--informs the players too
riesenpilz.inform_all = minetest.is_singleplayer()

--1:<a bit of information> 2:<acceptable amount of information> 3:<lots of text>
riesenpilz.max_spam = 2