-------------------------------------- -- Rollbacks, go Out of those FiLes! -- ROFL -- local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/rollback/" local patchsegs = 0 local patchtotp = 100 local function none(v) if not v or v == "None" then return nil else return v end end local function metaread(v) --[[ Eg. : channel-in="keyboard",channel-out="terminal",formspec="field[text;;${command}]" ]] if not v or v == "None" or v == "[]" then return nil end v = string.sub(v,2,string.len(v)-1) -- Meta extraction local cursor = 0 local metas = {} while cursor <= string.len(v) do local key, value local keybeg, keyend, valbeg, valend = cursor, cursor, cursor, cursor keyend = string.find(v, "=\"", cursor)-1 key = string.sub(v,keybeg,keyend) valbeg = keyend+3 valend = (string.find(v, "\",", valbeg) or string.len(v))-1 value = string.sub(v,valbeg,valend) cursor = valend+3 metas[key] = value end return metas end local function parser(fields) end minetest.register_chatcommand("rofl", { description = "Save MFF", privs = {server = true}, func = function(name, param) -- Alert minetest.chat_send_all("*** Server Freezing") -- The main loop local i = 0 if tonumber(param) then i = tonumber(param) end local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() while true do local file = io.open(filepath .. "/database-output." .. i .. ".txt", "r") if not file then break end minetest.log("action", "[ROFL] Opened file database-output." .. i .. ".txt ... Extracting datas") -- [ -- id=155,actor=Mg,type=1; -- list=None,index=None,add=None,stacknode=None,stackquantity=None,nodemeta=None; -- x=-18,y=29,z=31; -- newnode=air,newparam1=13,newparam2=None,newmeta=None -- ] for fields in file:lines() do local id = tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "id=")+string.len("id="), string.find(fields, ",actor")-1)) local actor = string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "actor=")+string.len("actor="), string.find(fields, ",type")-1) local action_type = tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "type=")+string.len("type="), string.find(fields, ";list")-1)) local list = none(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "list=")+string.len("list="), string.find(fields, ",index")-1)) local index = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "index=")+string.len("index="), string.find(fields, ",add")-1))) local add = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "add=")+string.len("add="), string.find(fields, ",stacknode")-1))) local stacknode = none(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "stacknode=")+string.len("stacknode="), string.find(fields, ",stackquantity")-1)) local stackquantity = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "stackquantity=")+string.len("stackquantity="), string.find(fields, ";x=")-1))) local x = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, ";x=")+string.len(";x="), string.find(fields, ",y=")-1))) local y = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, ",y=")+string.len(",y="), string.find(fields, ",z=")-1))) local z = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, ",z=")+string.len(",z="), string.find(fields, ";newnode=")-1))) local newnode = none(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "newnode=")+string.len("newnode="), string.find(fields, ",newparam1")-1)) local newparam1 = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "newparam1=")+string.len("newparam1="), string.find(fields, ",newparam2")-1))) local newparam2 = none(tonumber(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, "newparam2=")+string.len("newparam2="), string.find(fields, ",newmeta=")-1))) local newmeta = none(metaread(string.sub(fields, string.find(fields, ",newmeta=")+string.len(",newmeta="), string.len(fields)-1))) minetest.log("action","[ROFL] Applying id = " .. id) if patchsegs % patchtotp == 0 then minetest.get_player_by_name(name):setpos({x = x, y = y, z = z}) patchsegs = 0 end if action_type == 1 then -- TYPE_SETNODE local forced = minetest.forceload_block({x = x, y = y, z = z}) if forced then minetest.set_node({x = x, y = y, z = z}, {name = newnode, param1 = newparam1, param2 = newparam2}) minetest.forceload_free_block({x = x, y = y, z = z}) else minetest.log("error", "[ROFL] Couldn't forceplace block " .. minetest.pos_to_string({x = x, y = y, z = z})) end if newmeta then local meta = minetest.get_meta({x = x, y = y, z = z}) for key,value in ipairs(newmeta) do if tonumber(value) then meta:set_int(key, value) else meta:set_string(key,value) end end end elseif action_type == 2 then -- TYPE_MODIFY_INVENTORY_STACK local inv = minetest.get_meta({x = x, y = y, z = z}):get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack(list, index) if add == 1 then stack:set_name(stacknode) stack:set_count(stackquantity) else stack:take_item(stackquantity) end inv:set_stack(list, index, stack) else -- TYPE_NOTHING print("W.T.F. is type " .. (action_type or "nil")) end patchsegs = patchsegs + 1 end i = i + 1 io.close(file) if tonumber(param) then break end end minetest.chat_send_all("*** Server Up") end, })