--[[ color chooser for unifieddyes Copyright (C) 2013 Sokomine This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --]] -- Version 0.6 -- Changelog: -- 23.05.15 As all dyes can be crafted into other dyes, only white dye is consumed - provided the -- other dyes needed for the crafting chain are stored. -- 22.05.15 Added support for new homedecor meshnodes. -- Added support for nodes that use composed textures (by settig composed=1) -- Added support for myroofs: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11416&p=172034 -- Added support for mydeck: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11729 -- Added support for mycorners: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11363 -- Added support for mymulch: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11780 -- Added support for clothing: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11362&p=179077 -- Added better handling of diffrent pages for all those blocks in the blocktype menu. -- 17.09.14 Added a modified version of Krocks paintroller from his paint_roller mod. -- Added additional storage area for dyes (works like a chest for now) -- 03.09.14 Added a second block type menu. -- Updated dependency list. -- Added support for homedecor kitchen chairs, beds and bathroom tiles. Changed sorting order of blocks. -- 11.06.14 Added support for clstone; see https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9257 -- Changed dye source for white dye from stone to clay as stone can now be colored. -- Added support for colorcubes; see https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9486 -- Updated support for new sea modpack; see https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4627 -- Adjusted support for hardenedclay; see https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8232 -- Added support for new blox blocks; see https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=1960#p24748 -- Made the formspec a bit wider in order to account for all the new blocks. -- 12.03.14 Added support for colouredstonebricks. See https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8784 -- Modified support for hardenedclay due to progress in that mod. -- 13.02.14 Added support for chests and locked chests from the kerova mod. -- Added support for hardenedclay mod (to a degree; that mod needs to be fixed first) -- Added optional obj_postfix support where blocknames are like MODNAME:PREFIX_COLOR_POSTFIX -- 01.01.14 Added support for plasticbox mod -- 25.08.13 Added support for framedglass from technic. -- Added support for shells_dye (lightglass) from the sea mod. -- 24.08.13 Changed mainmenu so that it hopefully gets more intuitive. -- Added support for coloredblocks (two-colored blocks). -- Changed name of superglowglass to super_glow_glass for current moreblocks. -- Added config option for new stained_glass version. -- 02.08.13 In creative mode, no dyes are consumed, and an entire stack can be painted at once. -- Added some more labels in the main menu to make it easier to understand. -- 22.07.13 Added textures provided by Vanessae -- fixed a bug concerning normal dyes (when unifieddyes is not installed) -- adds a function to check ownership of a node; taken from VanessaEs homedecor mod colormachine = {}; colormachine.colors = { "red", "orange", "yellow", "lime", "green", "aqua", "cyan", "skyblue", "blue", "violet", "magenta", "redviolet" } -- set this to 0 if you're using that branch of stained_glass where the node names correspond to those of unified_dyes local stained_glass_exception = 0; -- the names of suitable sources of that color (note: this does not work by group!); -- you can add your own color sources here if you want colormachine.basic_dye_sources = { "flowers:rose", "flowers:tulip", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "", "default:cactus", "", "", "", -- no lime, no aqua, no cyan, no skyblue "flowers:geranium", "flowers:viola", "", "", -- no magenta, no redviolet "default:clay_lump", "", "", "", "default:coal_lump" }; -- if flowers is not installed colormachine.alternate_basic_dye_sources = { "default:apple", "default:desert_stone", "default:sand", "", "default:cactus", "", "", "", "default:leaves", "", "", "" , "default:clay_lump", "", "", "", "default:coal_lump" }; colormachine.dye_mixes = { red = {}, -- base color orange = {1,3}, -- red + yellow yellow = {}, -- base color lime = {3,5}, -- yellow + green green = {3,9}, -- yellow + blue aqua = {5,7}, -- green + cyan cyan = {5,9}, -- green + blue skyblue = {7,9}, -- cyan + blue blue = {}, -- base color violet = {9,11}, -- blue + magenta magenta = {9,1}, -- blue + red redviolet = {11,1}, -- magenta + red white = {}, -- base color lightgrey = {13,15}, -- white + grey grey = {13,17}, -- black + white darkgrey = {15,17}, -- grey + black black = {}, -- base color } -- construct the formspec for the color selector colormachine.prefixes = { 'light_', '', 'medium_', 'dark_' }; -- grey colors are named slightly different colormachine.grey_names = { 'white', 'lightgrey', 'grey', 'darkgrey', 'black' }; -- practical for handling of the dyes colormachine.colors_and_greys = {}; for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.colors ) do colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ] = v; end for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.grey_names ) do colormachine.colors_and_greys[ #colormachine.colors + i ] = v; end -- defines the order in which blocks are shown -- nr: the diffrent block types need to be ordered by some system; the number defines that order -- modname: some mods define more than one type of colored blocks; the modname is needed -- for checking if the mod is installed and for creating colored blocks -- shades: some mods (or parts thereof) do not support all possible shades -- grey_shades: some mods support only some shades of grey (or none at all) -- u: if set to 1, use full unifieddyes-colors; if set to 0, use only normal dye/wool colors -- descr: short description of nodes of that type for the main menu -- block: unpainted basic block -- add: item names are formed by <modname>:<add><colorname> (with colorname beeing variable) -- names for the textures are formed by <index><colorname><png> mostly (see colormachine.translate_color_name(..)) colormachine.data = { -- the dyes as such unifieddyes_ = { nr=1, modname='unifieddyes', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="ufdye", block="dye:white", add="", p=1 }, -- coloredwood: sticks not supported (they are only craftitems) coloredwood_wood_ = { nr=2, modname='coloredwood', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="planks", block="default:wood", add="wood_", p=2 }, coloredwood_fence_ = { nr=3, modname='coloredwood', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="fence", block="default:fence_wood", add="fence_", p=2}, -- unifiedbricks: clay lumps and bricks not supported (they are only craftitems) unifiedbricks_clayblock_ = { nr=4, modname='unifiedbricks', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="clay", block="default:clay", add="clayblock_",p=1 }, unifiedbricks_brickblock_ = { nr=5, modname='unifiedbricks', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="brick", block="default:brick", add="brickblock_",p=1}, -- the multicolored bricks come in fewer intensities (only 3 shades) and support only 3 insted of 5 shades of grey unifiedbricks_multicolor_ = { nr=6, modname='unifiedbricks', shades={1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0}, grey_shades={0,1,1,1,0}, u=1, descr="mbrick", block="default:brick", add="multicolor_",p=1}, hardenedclay_ = { nr=3.5, modname='hardenedclay', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="hclay", block="hardenedclay:hardened_clay_white", add="hardened_clay_", p=16}, colouredstonebricks_ = { nr=3.6, modname='colouredstonebricks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="cbrick", block="default:stonebrick", add="", p=1}, clstone_stone_ = { nr=3.7, modname='clstone', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="clstone",block="default:stone", add="", p=1, obj_postfix='_stone' }, colorcubes_1_ = { nr=3.8, modname='colorcubes', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="ccubes",block="default:stone", add="", p=1, obj_postfix='_single' }, colorcubes_4_ = { nr=3.9, modname='colorcubes', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="ccube4",block="default:stone", add="", p=1, obj_postfix='_tiled' }, colorcubes_inward_ = { nr=3.91,modname='colorcubes', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="ccubei",block="default:stone", add="", p=1, obj_postfix='_inward' }, colorcubes_window_ = { nr=3.93,modname='colorcubes', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="ccubew",block="default:stone", add="", p=1, obj_postfix='_window' }, -- stained_glass: has a "faint" and "pastel" version as well (which are kind of additional shades used only by this mod) -- no shades of grey for the glass stained_glass_ = { nr=7, modname='stained_glass', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={0,0,0,0,0}, u=1, descr="glass", block="moreblocks:super_glow_glass", add="",p=2}, stained_glass_faint_ = { nr=8, modname='stained_glass', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={0,0,0,0,0}, u=1, descr="fglass", block="moreblocks:super_glow_glass", add="",p=2}, stained_glass_pastel_ = { nr=9, modname='stained_glass', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={0,0,0,0,0}, u=1, descr="pglass", block="moreblocks:super_glow_glass", add="",p=2}, -- use 9.5 to insert it between stained glass and cotton framedglass_ = { nr=9.5, modname='framedglass', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="fglass", block="framedglass:steel_framed_obsidian_glass", add="steel_framed_obsidian_glass",p=1}, -- sea-modpack shells_dye_ = { nr=9.6, modname='shells_dye', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="lglass", block="shells_dye:whitelightglass", add="",p=1 }, -- TODO shells_dye:whitelightglass seaglass_seaglass_ = {nr=9.61, modname='seaglass', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="seagls", block="seaglass:seaglass", add="seaglass_", p=1}, seacobble_seacobble_ = {nr=9.62, modname='seacobble', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=1, descr="seacob", block="seacobble:seacobble", add="seacobble_", p=1}, seastone_seastone_ = {nr=9.63, modname='seastone', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=1, descr="seasto", block="seastone:seastone", add="seastone_", p=1}, seastonebrick_seastonebrick_={nr=9.64,modname='seastonebrick',shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=1, descr="seastb", block="seastonebrick:seastonebrick", add="seastonebrick_", p=1}, seagravel_seagravel_ = {nr=9.65, modname='seagravel', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=1, descr="seagrv", block="seagravel:seagravel", add="seagravel_", p=1}, -- cotton: cotton_ = { nr=10, modname='cotton', shades={1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=1, descr="cotton", block="cotton:white", add="", p=8 }, -- normal wool (from minetest_gmae) - does not support all colors from unifieddyes wool_ = { nr=11, modname='wool', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="wool", block="wool:white", add="", p=16 }, -- normal dye mod (from minetest_game) - supports as many colors as the wool mod dye_ = { nr=12, modname='dye', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="dye", block="dye:white", add="", p=1 }, -- beds_bed_top_top_ = { nr=13, modname='beds', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,1}, u=0, descr="beds", block="beds:bed_white", add="bed_bottom_",p=1}, lrfurn_armchair_front_ = { nr=14, modname='lrfurn', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,1}, u=0, descr="armchair",block="lrfurn:armchair_white", add="armchair_",p=1, composed=1 }, lrfurn_sofa_right_front_ = { nr=15, modname='lrfurn', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,1}, u=0, descr="sofa", block="lrfurn:longsofa_white", add="sofa_right_",p=1, composed=1 }, lrfurn_longsofa_middle_front_= { nr=16, modname='lrfurn', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,1}, u=0, descr="longsofa",block="lrfurn:sofa_white", add="longsofa_right_",p=1, composed=1 }, -- grey variants do not seem to exist, even though the textures arethere (perhaps nobody wants a grey flag!) flags_ = { nr=17, modname='flags', shades={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=1, descr="flags", block="flags:white", add="", p=3 }, blox_stone_ = { nr=18, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SnBlox", block="default:stone", add="stone", p=2 }, blox_quarter_ = { nr=19, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="S4Blox", block="default:stone", add="quarter", p=4 }, blox_checker_ = { nr=20, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="S8Blox", block="default:stone", add="checker", p=4 }, blox_diamond_ = { nr=21, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SDBlox", block="default:stone", add="diamond", p=3}, blox_cross_ = { nr=22, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SXBlox", block="default:stone", add="cross", p=6 }, blox_square_ = { nr=23, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SQBlox", block="default:stone", add="square", p=4 }, blox_loop_ = { nr=24, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SLBlox", block="default:stone", add="loop", p=4 }, blox_corner_ = { nr=25, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="SCBlox", block="default:stone", add="corner", p=6 }, blox_wood_ = { nr=26, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="WnBlox", block="default:wood", add="wood", p=2 }, blox_quarter_wood_ = { nr=27, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="W4Blox", block="default:wood", add="quarter_wood",p=4 }, blox_checker_wood_ = { nr=28, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="W8Blox", block="default:wood", add="checker_wood",p=4}, blox_diamond_wood_ = { nr=29, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="WDBlox", block="default:wood", add="diamond_wood",p=4}, blox_cross_wood_ = { nr=29.1, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="WXBlox", block="default:wood", add="cross_wood",p=4}, blox_loop_wood_ = { nr=29.3, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="WLBlox", block="default:wood", add="loop_wood",p=4}, blox_corner_wood_ = { nr=29.4, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="WCBlox", block="default:wood", add="corner_wood",p=4}, blox_cobble_ = { nr=30, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="CnBlox", block="default:cobble", add="cobble",p=2 }, blox_quarter_cobble_ = { nr=30.1, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="C4Blox", block="default:cobble", add="quarter_cobble",p=4 }, blox_checker_cobble_ = { nr=30.2, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="C8Blox", block="default:cobble", add="checker_cobble",p=4}, blox_diamond_cobble_ = { nr=30.3, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="CDBlox", block="default:cobble", add="diamond_cobble",p=4}, blox_cross_cobble_ = { nr=30.4, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="CXBlox", block="default:cobble", add="cross_cobble",p=4}, blox_loop_cobble_ = { nr=30.6, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="CLBlox", block="default:cobble", add="loop_cobble",p=4}, blox_corner_cobble_ = { nr=30.7, modname='blox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="CCBlox", block="default:cobble", add="corner_cobble",p=4}, homedecor_window_shutter_ = { nr=16.1, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="homedec", block="homedecor:shutter_oak", add="shutter_",p=16,composed=1}, forniture_armchair_top_ = { nr=16.2, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={0,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="armchair", block="homedecor:armchair_black", add="armchair_",p=1,composed=1}, forniture_kitchen_chair_sides_ = {nr=16.3, modname='homedecor',shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={0,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="kchair", block="homedecor:chair", add="chair_",p=1,composed=1}, homedecor_bed_ = {nr=16.4, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="hbed", block="homedecor:bed_darkgrey_regular", add="bed_",p=1, obj_postfix='_regular', composed=1}, homedecor_bed_kingsize_ = {nr=16.45, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="hbedk", block="homedecor:bed_darkgrey_kingsize", add="bed_",p=1, obj_postfix='_kingsize', composed=1}, homedecor_bathroom_tiles_ = {nr=16.5, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="htiles", block="homedecor:tiles_1", add="tiles_",p=1,composed=1}, homedecor_curtain_ = { nr=16.6, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="curtain", block="homedecor:curtain_white", add="curtain_",composed=1}, homedecor_curtain_open_ = { nr=16.61, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="ocurtain", block="homedecor:curtain_open_white", add="curtain_open_", composed=1}, homedecor_desk_lamp_ = { nr=16.62, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="dlamp", block="homedecor:desk_lamp_blue", add="desk_lamp_", composed=1}, homedecor_table_lamp_ = { nr=16.63, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="tlamp", block="homedecor:table_lamp_white_off", add="table_lamp_", composed=1, obj_postfix='_off'}, homedecor_standing_lamp_ = { nr=16.64, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="slamp", block="homedecor:standing_lamp_white_off", add="standing_lamp_", composed=1, obj_postfix='_off'}, lavalamp_ = { nr=16.644, modname='lavalamp', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="lavalamp", block="lavalamp:blue", add="", composed=1}, homedecor_table_ = { nr=16,645,modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,0}, u=0, descr="htable", block="homedecor:table", add="table_", composed=1}, homedecor_book_ = { nr=16.65, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,0}, u=0, descr="hbook", block="default:book", add="book_", composed=1}, homedecor_bottle_ = { nr=16.66, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,0}, u=0, descr="hbottle", block="vessels:glass_bottle", add="bottle_", composed=1}, homedecor_welcome_mat_ = { nr=16.67, modname='homedecor', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,0,0}, u=0, descr="hwmat", block="homedecor:welcome_mat_grey", add="welcome_mat_", composed=1}, plasticbox_ = { nr=16.7, modname='plasticbox', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="plastic", block="plasticbox:plasticbox", add="plasticbox_",p=16}, kerova_chest_front_ = { nr=16.8, modname='kerova', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="kerova", block="default:chest", add="chest_",p=16}, kerova_chest_lock_ = { nr=16.9, modname='kerova', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="kerolo", block="default:chest_locked", add="chest_", obj_postfix='_locked',p=16}, coloredblocks_red_ = { nr=34, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_red", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="red_",p=1}, coloredblocks_yellow_ = { nr=35, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_yel", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="yellow_",p=1}, coloredblocks_green_ = { nr=36, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_gre", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="green_",p=1}, coloredblocks_cyan_ = { nr=37, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_cya", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="cyan_",p=1}, coloredblocks_blue_ = { nr=38, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_blu", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="blue_",p=1}, coloredblocks_magenta_ = { nr=39, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_mag", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="magenta_",p=1}, coloredblocks_brown_ = { nr=40, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_bro", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="brown_",p=1}, coloredblocks_white_ = { nr=41, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_whi", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="white_",p=1}, coloredblocks_black_ = { nr=42, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_bla", block="coloredblocks:white_white", add="black_",p=1}, --[[ coloredblocks_red_ = { nr=34, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_red", block="coloredblocks:red", add="red_",p=1}, coloredblocks_yellow_ = { nr=35, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_yel", block="coloredblocks:yellow", add="yellow_",p=1}, coloredblocks_green_ = { nr=36, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_gre", block="coloredblocks:green", add="green_",p=1}, coloredblocks_cyan_ = { nr=37, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_cya", block="coloredblocks:cyan", add="cyan_",p=1}, coloredblocks_blue_ = { nr=38, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_blu", block="coloredblocks:blue", add="blue_",p=1}, coloredblocks_magenta_ = { nr=39, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_mag", block="coloredblocks:magenta", add="magenta_",p=1}, coloredblocks_brown_ = { nr=40, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_bro", block="coloredblocks:brown", add="brown_",p=1}, coloredblocks_white_ = { nr=41, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_whi", block="coloredblocks:white", add="",p=1}, coloredblocks_black_ = { nr=42, modname='coloredblocks', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,0,0,1}, u=0, descr="cb_bla", block="coloredblocks:black", add="black_",p=1}, --]] clothing_inv_hat_ = { nr=43, modname='clothing', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="clhat", block="clothing:hat_white", add="hat_",p=1}, clothing_inv_shirt_ = { nr=44, modname='clothing', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="clshirt", block="clothing:shirt_white", add="shirt_",p=1}, clothing_inv_pants_ = { nr=45, modname='clothing', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="clpants", block="clothing:pants_white", add="pants_",p=1}, clothing_inv_cape_ = { nr=46, modname='clothing', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,0,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="clcape", block="clothing:cape_white", add="cape_",p=1}, } local mydeck_names = {'deck_boards','deck_beam', 'deck_joists','deck_joists_side','deck_joists_end','deck_joists_side_end','deck_joists_endr','deck_joists_side_endr', 'beam','beam_wbracket', 'joists_beam','joists_beam_wbracket','joists_side_beam','joists_side_beam_wbracket', 'deck_joists_beam','deck_joists_beam_wbracket','deck_joists_side_beam','deck_joists_side_beam_wbracket', 'joists','joists_side','joists_end','joists_side_end','joists_endr','joists_side_endr', 'lattice','pile_wpost','post', 'rail','rail_corner','rail_icorner', 'stairs','stairsb','stairs_ocorner','stairs_icorner','stairs_railr','stairs_raill','stairs_railr_end','stairs_raill_end'}; for i,v in ipairs( mydeck_names ) do colormachine.data[ v..'s_' ] = { nr= 47.0 + 1/100*i, modname='mydeck', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="myd"..tostring(i), block="mydeck:"..v, add=v.."s_", composed=1, p=1}; end mydeck_names = nil; local myroofs_names = {'', '_bundle', '_icorner','_ocorner', '_round_bundle', '_round_long', '_round_long_icorner', '_round_long_ocorner', '_long', '_long_icorner', '_long_ocorner'}; for i,v in ipairs( myroofs_names ) do colormachine.data[ 'myroofs'..v..'_' ] = { nr= 48.0 + 1/100*i, modname='myroofs', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="myr"..tostring(i), block="myroofs:asphalt_shingle_grey"..v, add='asphalt_shingle_', obj_postfix=v, composed=1, p=1}; end myroof_names = nil; local mycorner_names = {'wood','stone','stonebrick'} local mycorner_materials = { 'default_sandstone','default_clay','default_cobble','default_stone', 'default_desert_stone','default_wood','default_pinewood','default_brick', 'default_desert_cobble','default_junglewood','default_mossycobble', 'default_sandstone_brick','default_desert_stone_brick','default_stone_brick'}; for i,v in ipairs( mycorner_names ) do colormachine.data[ 'corners_'..v..'_' ] = { nr= 49.0 + 1/100*i, modname='mycorners', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="myc"..v, block="mycorners:corner_"..v..'_white', add='corner_'..v..'_', p=1}; for j,m in ipairs( mycorner_materials ) do colormachine.data[ 'cornerblock_'..m..'_'..v..'_' ] = { nr= 49.5 + 1/100*i + 1/1000*j, modname='mycorners', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="myc"..tostring(j)..v, block="mycorners:cornerblock_"..m..'_'..v..'_white', add='cornerblock_'..m..'_'..v..'_', composed=1, p=1}; end end mycorner_materials = nil; mycorner_names = nil; colormachine.data[ 'mymulch_' ] = { nr= 50, modname='mymulch', shades={1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0}, grey_shades={1,1,1,1,1}, u=0, descr="mymulch", block="mymulch:mulch_tan", add='mulch_', composed=1, p=1}; colormachine.ordered = {} -- the function that creates the color chooser based on the textures of the nodes offered (texture names have to start with m_prefix) colormachine.generate_form = function( m_prefix ) local form = "size["..tostring( #colormachine.colors+2 )..",10]".."label[5,0;Select a color:]".. "label[5,8.2;Select a color or]".. "button[7,8.2;2,1;abort;abort selection]".. "label[0.3,1;light]"; -- not all mods offer all shades (and some offer even more) local supported = colormachine.data[ m_prefix ].shades; if( supported[2]==0 ) then form = form.. "label[0.3,2;normal]".. "label[0.3,4;medium]".. "label[0.3,6;dark]"; else form = form.. "label[0.3,3;normal]".. "label[0.3,5;medium]".. "label[0.3,7;dark]"; end for x,basecolor in ipairs( colormachine.colors ) do local p_offset = 1; form = form.."label["..tostring(x)..",0.5;"..tostring( basecolor ).."]"; for y,pre in ipairs( colormachine.prefixes ) do if( supported[ y * 2-1 ]==1 ) then form = form..colormachine.print_color_image( nil, m_prefix, tostring( pre )..tostring( basecolor ), x, y*2-1, -1, x, p_offset, 0 ); end p_offset = p_offset + 1; -- these only exist in unifieddyes and need no translation if( supported[ y * 2 ]==1 ) then form = form..colormachine.print_color_image( nil, m_prefix, tostring( pre )..tostring( basecolor )..'_s50', x, y*2, -1, x, p_offset, 0 ); end -- the first row does not always hold all colors if( y >1 or supported[ y * 2 ]==1) then p_offset = p_offset + 1; end end end -- shades of grey form = form.. "label[" ..tostring( #colormachine.colors+1 )..",0.5;grey]"; for i,gname in ipairs( colormachine.grey_names ) do if( colormachine.data[ m_prefix ].grey_shades[ i ]==1 ) then form = form..colormachine.print_color_image( nil, m_prefix, gname, -1, -1, i, tostring( #colormachine.colors+1 ), tostring( i+1 ), 0 ); end end return form; end colormachine.decode_color_name = function( meta, new_color ) -- decode the color codes local liste = new_color:split( "_" ); if( #liste < 1 or #liste > 3 ) then liste = {'white'}; end -- perhaps it's one of the grey colors? for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.grey_names ) do if( v == liste[1] ) then if( meta ) then meta:set_string('selected_shade', -1 ); -- grey-shade meta:set_string('selected_grey_shade', i ); meta:set_string('selected_color', -1 ); -- we selected grey meta:set_string('selected_name', new_color ); return new_color; else return { s=-1, g=i, c=-1 }; end end end if( #liste < 1 ) then if( meta ) then return meta:get_string('selected_name'); else return nil; end end local selected_shade = 2; -- if no other shade is selected, use plain color local vgl = liste[1]..'_'; for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.prefixes ) do if( v == vgl or v== liste[1]) then selected_shade = i; table.remove( liste, 1 ); -- this one has been done end end if( #liste < 1 ) then if( meta ) then return meta:get_string('selected_name'); else return nil; end end local selected_color = -1; for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.colors ) do if( v == liste[1] ) then selected_color = i; table.remove( liste, 1 ); -- the color has been selected end end -- the color was not found! error! keep the old color if( selected_color == -1 ) then if( meta ) then return meta:get_string('selected_name'); else return nil; end end if( #liste > 0 and liste[1]=='s50') then selected_shade = selected_shade * 2; else selected_shade = selected_shade * 2 - 1; end if( meta ) then meta:set_string('selected_shade', selected_shade ); -- grey-shade meta:set_string('selected_grey_shade', -1 ); meta:set_string('selected_color', selected_color ); -- we selected grey meta:set_string('selected_name', new_color ); return new_color; else return { s=selected_shade, g=-1, c= selected_color }; end end -- returns "" if the item does not exist; -- wrapper for colormachine.translate_color_name(..) colormachine.print_color_image = function( meta, k, new_color, c, s, g, pos_x, pos_y, change_link ) local translated_node_name = colormachine.translate_color_name( meta, k, new_color, c, s, g, 1 ); local translated_color = colormachine.translate_color_name( meta, k, new_color, c, s, g, 0 ); if( not( translated_color )) then if( translated_node_name and minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ] ) then if( minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ].inventory_image ) then translated_color = minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ].inventory_image; elseif( minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ].wield_image ) then translated_color = minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ].wield_image; end end end if( not( translated_color )) then return ""; end -- local translated_node_name = colormachine.translate_color_name( meta, k, new_color, c, s, g, 1 ); if( not( translated_node_name )) then return ""; end -- a node or craftitem of that name does not exist if( not( minetest.registered_items[ translated_node_name ]) and not( minetest.registered_craftitems[ translated_node_name ])) then --print("NOT FOUND: "..tostring( translated_node_name ).." image_button["..tostring(pos_x)..","..tostring(pos_y)..";1,1;"..translated_color..";"..tostring(link).."; ]"); return ""; end -- switch to the color selector for that blocktype local link = new_color; if( change_link==1 ) then link = k; end if( colormachine.data[ k ].composed ) then return "item_image_button["..tostring(pos_x)..","..tostring(pos_y)..";1,1;"..translated_node_name..";"..tostring(link).."; ]"; else return "image_button["..tostring(pos_x)..","..tostring(pos_y)..";1,1;"..translated_color..";"..tostring(link).."; ]"; end end -- returns the translated name of the color if necessary (wool/normal dye is named differently than unifieddyes); -- either meta or c, s and g together need to be given -- mode==0: return texture name -- mode==1: return object name for itemstacks etc colormachine.translate_color_name = function( meta, k, new_color, c, s, g, as_obj_name ) if( meta ~= nil ) then c = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_color')); s = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_shade')); g = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_grey_shade')); end -- is this special shade supported at all? if( ( g > 0 and colormachine.data[k].grey_shades[ g ] ~= 1 ) or ( g == -1 and colormachine.data[k].shades[ s ] ~= 1 )) then return nil; end local k_orig = k; -- unifieddyes_ does not supply all colors if( k == 'unifieddyes_' and ( (g==-1 and s==3 and (as_obj_name==1 or not(c==4 or c==6 or c==8 or c==12 or c==13 ))) or (g==-1 and s==1 and c==1 ) -- pink or (g==-1 and s==7 and c==5 ) -- dark brown or g==1 or g==3 or g==4 or g==5 )) then k = 'dye_'; end if( k=='homedecor_bathroom_tiles_' and as_obj_name==1 ) then if( g==1 or new_color==colormachine.grey_names[1]) then return 'homedecor:tiles_1'; elseif( g==3 or new_color==colormachine.grey_names[3]) then return 'homedecor:tiles_2'; elseif( g==4 or new_color==colormachine.grey_names[4]) then return 'homedecor:tiles_4'; elseif( g==5 or new_color==colormachine.grey_names[5]) then return 'homedecor:tiles_3'; elseif( new_color == 'dark_orange' ) then return 'homedecor:tiles_tan'; end end if( colormachine.data[k].modname=='myroofs' and as_obj_name==1 ) then if( g==5 or new_color == 'black' ) then return "myroofs:asphalt_shingle_hd_asphalt"..(colormachine.data[k].postfix or ''); elseif( new_color=='orange') then return "myroofs:asphalt_shingle_hd_terracotta"..(colormachine.data[k].postfix or ''); elseif( new_color=='dark_orange') then return "myroofs:asphalt_shingle_hd_wood"..(colormachine.data[k].postfix or ''); end end if( (k=='homedecor_book_' or k=='homedecor_bottle_' or k=='homedecor_welcome_mat_' ) and as_obj_name==1) then if( new_color == 'dark_orange' ) then new_color = 'brown'; return 'homedecor:'..colormachine.data[k].add..'brown'..(colormachine.data[k].postfix or ''); end end if( k=='homedecor_table_' and as_obj_name==1 and new_color=='dark_orange' ) then return 'homedecor:'..colormachine.data[k].add..'mahogany'..(colormachine.data[k].postfix or ''); end if( k=='homedecor_bed_' and as_obj_name==1 and g==4 ) then return 'homedecor:bed_darkgrey_regular'; end -- this does break the namescheme... if( k=='unifieddyes_' and g==2 and as_obj_name==1 ) then return 'dye:light_grey'; end -- beds and sofas are available in less colors if( g==-1 and (c==7 or c==11) and (k=='beds_bed_top_top_' or k=='lrfurn_sofa_right_front_' or k=='lrfurn_armchair_front_' or k=='lrfurn_longsofa_middle_front_' )) then return nil; end -- blox has its own naming scheme - but at least the colors supported are of a simple kind (no shades, no lower saturation) if( colormachine.data[k].modname == 'blox' ) then local color_used = ""; if( s==1 and c==1 ) then color_used = 'pink'; -- in blox, this is called "pink"; normally "light_red" elseif( g>-1 ) then color_used = colormachine.grey_names[ g ]; elseif( s ~= 3 ) then return nil; -- only normal saturation supported elseif( c==10 ) then color_used = 'purple'; -- purple and violet are not the same, but what shall we do? elseif( c==4 or c==6 or c==8 or c>10 ) then return nil; -- these colors are not supported elseif( c > 0 ) then color_used = colormachine.colors[ c ]; end if( as_obj_name == 1 ) then return 'blox:'..( color_used )..( colormachine.data[k].add ); else return 'blox_'..( color_used )..( colormachine.data[k].add )..'.png'; end end local postfix = '.png'; local prefix = k; -- we want the object name, i.e. default:brick, and not default_brick.png (all with colors inserted...): if( as_obj_name == 1 ) then postfix = ''; prefix = colormachine.data[ k ].modname..":"..colormachine.data[ k ].add; -- stained_glass needs an exception here because it uses a slightly different naming scheme if( colormachine.data[ k ].modname == 'stained_glass' and stained_glass_exception==1) then if( g>0 ) then return nil; -- no grey values for them end local h_trans = {yellow=1, lime=2, green=3, aqua=4, cyan=5, skyblue=6, blue=7, violet=8, magenta=9, redviolet=10, red=11,orange=12}; local h = h_trans[ colormachine.colors[c] ]; local b = ""; local sat = ""; if( k == 'stained_glass_' ) then prefix = "stained_glass:"..(colormachine.colors[c]).."_"; if( s==1 or s==2) then b = "8"; -- light elseif( s==3 or s==4) then b = "5"; -- normal elseif( s==5 or s==6) then b = "4"; -- medium elseif( s==7 or s==8) then b = "3"; -- dark end prefix = prefix.."_"; sat = "7"; if( s==2 or s==4 or s==6 or s==8 ) then -- saturation sat = "6"; end if( s==1 ) then sat = ""; end return "stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_" .. (b) .. "_" .. (sat); elseif( k == 'stained_glass_faint_' ) then return "stained_glass:"..(h).."_91"; elseif( k == 'stained_glass_pastel_' ) then return "stained_glass:"..(h).."_9"; end end end -- homedecors names are slightly different.... if( k == 'homedecor_window_shutter_' ) then if( s==1 and new_color=='light_blue' ) then -- only light blue is supported return prefix..'light_blue'..postfix; elseif( new_color=='dark_green' ) then return prefix..'forest_green'..postfix; -- no more light colors, no more cyan or mangenta available; no normal green or blue elseif( s==1 or c==7 or c==11 or c==5 or c==9 ) then return nil; elseif( new_color=='dark_orange' ) then return prefix..'mahogany'..postfix; elseif( new_color=='orange' ) then return prefix..'oak'..postfix; end end if( k=='cotton_' and new_color=='grey') then new_color = 'mediumgrey'; end if( k=='framedglass_' and as_obj_name ~= 1) then postfix = 'glass.png'; end if( k=='shells_dye_' ) then if( as_obj_name == 1 ) then postfix = 'lightglass'; else postfix = 'lightglass.png'; end end if( k=='homedecor_bed_' ) then if( as_obj_name == 1 ) then --postfix = '_foot'; else postfix = '_inv.png'; end end -- those have split textures... if( colormachine.data[k].modname == 'coloredblocks') then -- we are looking for the image name if( prefix==k ) then if( new_color == 'dark_orange') then new_color = 'brown'; end -- show the top of the blocks in the individual formspec if( not(meta) ) then return 'coloredblocks_'..new_color..postfix; end -- show the side view in the main menu return string.sub(k, 1, string.len( k )-1)..'half'..postfix; -- TODO --[[ if( new_color == 'dark_orange') then new_color = 'brown'; end return 'coloredblocks_'..new_color..postfix; elseif( new_color..'_' == colormachine.data[k].add ) then prefix = 'coloredblocks:'; --]] end end if( colormachine.data[k].modname == 'plasticbox' and new_color == 'dark_green') then return prefix..'darkgreen'..postfix; end -- some mods need additional data be added after the color name if( as_obj_name == 1 and colormachine.data[k].obj_postfix ) then postfix = (colormachine.data[k].obj_postfix) ..postfix; end -- normal dyes (also used for wool) use a diffrent naming scheme if( colormachine.data[k].u == 0) then if( new_color == 'darkgrey' and k ~= 'framedglass_') then return prefix..'dark_grey'..postfix; elseif( new_color == 'dark_orange' ) then return prefix..'brown'..postfix; elseif( new_color == 'dark_green' ) then return prefix..new_color..postfix; elseif( new_color == 'light_red' ) then return prefix..'pink'..postfix; -- lime, aqua, skyblue and redviolet do not exist as standard wool/dye colors elseif( g == -1 and (c==4 or c==6 or c==8 or c==12) and k_orig ~= 'unifieddyes_') then return nil; -- all other colors of normal dye/wool exist only in normal shade elseif( g == -1 and s~= 3 and k_orig ~= 'unifieddyes_') then return nil; -- colors that are the same in both systems and need no special treatment else return prefix..new_color..postfix; end end return prefix..new_color..postfix; end -- if a block is inserted, the name of its color is very intresting (for removing color or for setting that color) -- (kind of the inverse of translate_color_name) colormachine.get_color_from_blockname = function( mod_name, block_name ) local bname = mod_name..":"..block_name; local found = {}; for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do if( mod_name == v.modname ) then table.insert( found, k ); end end if( #found < 1 ) then return { error_code ="Sorry, this block is not supported by the spray booth.", found_name = "", blocktype = ""}; end -- another case of special treatment needed; at least the color is given in the tiles if( mod_name =='stained_glass' and stained_glass_exception==1) then local original_node = minetest.registered_items[ bname ]; if( original_node ~= nil ) then local tile = original_node.tiles[1]; local liste2 = string.split( tile, "%."); block_name = liste2[1]; end end -- this mod does not seperate modname and objectname well enough :-( Naming scheme:- steel_framed_obsidian_glassCOLOR if( mod_name =='framedglass' ) then block_name = string.sub( block_name, 28 ); end if( mod_name =='shells_dye' ) then block_name = string.sub( block_name, 1, string.len( block_name )-string.len( 'lightglass') ); end -- blox uses its own naming scheme if( mod_name =='blox' ) then -- the color can be found in the description local original_node = minetest.registered_items[ bname ]; if( original_node ~= nil ) then local bloxdescr = original_node.description; -- bloxparts[1] will be filled with the name of the color: local bloxparts = string.split( bloxdescr, " "); -- now extract the blocktype information if( bloxparts ~= nil and #bloxparts > 0 ) then -- we split with the color name local found_name = bloxparts[1]; local blocktype = 'blox_'..string.sub( block_name, string.len( found_name )+1 )..'_'; -- handle pink and purple if( found_name == 'pink' ) then found_name = 'light_red'; elseif( found_name == 'purple' ) then found_name = 'violet'; end return { error_code = nil, found_name = found_name, -- the name of the color blocktype = blocktype }; -- the blocktype end end -- if this point is reached, the decoding of the blox-block-name has failed return { error_code = "Error: Failed to decode color of this blox-block.", found_name = "", blocktype = "" }; end -- homedecors names are slightly different.... if( mod_name == 'homedecor' ) then -- change the blockname to the expected color if( block_name == 'shutter_forest_green' ) then block_name = 'shutter_dark_green'; elseif( block_name == 'shutter_mahogany' ) then block_name = 'shutter_dark_orange'; -- this is the default, unpainted one..which can also be considered as "orange" in the menu -- elseif( blockname == 'shutter_oak' ) then -- block_name = 'shutter_orange'; end end if( mod_name == 'plasticbox' and block_name == 'plasticbox_darkgreen' ) then block_name = 'plasticbox_dark_green'; end -- even cotton needs an exception... if( mod_name == 'cotton' and block_name=='mediumgrey' ) then block_name = 'grey'; end local blocktype = ''; -- some mods may have a postfix to their modname (which is pretty annoying) for _,k in ipairs( found ) do if( colormachine.data[k].obj_postfix ) then local l = string.len( colormachine.data[k].obj_postfix); if( string.len( block_name ) > l and string.sub( block_name, -1*l ) == colormachine.data[k].obj_postfix ) then block_name = string.sub( block_name, 1, (-1*l)-1 ); blocktype = k; end end end -- try to analyze the name of this color; this works only if the block follows the color scheme local liste = string.split( block_name, "_" ); local curr_index = #liste; -- handle some special wool- and dye color names -- dark_grey <-> darkgrey if( #liste > 1 and liste[ curr_index ]=='grey' and liste[ curr_index - 1 ] == 'dark' ) then curr_index = curr_index - 1; liste[ curr_index ] = 'darkgrey'; -- brown <=> dark_orange elseif( #liste > 0 and liste[ curr_index ]=='brown' ) then liste[ curr_index ] = 'dark'; table.insert( liste, 'orange' ); curr_index = curr_index + 1; -- pink <=> light_red elseif( #liste > 0 and liste[ curr_index ]=='pink' ) then liste[ curr_index ] = 'light'; table.insert( liste, 'red' ); curr_index = curr_index + 1; end -- find out the saturation - either "s50" or omitted local sat = 0; if( curr_index > 1 and liste[ curr_index ] == "s50" ) then sat = 1; curr_index = curr_index - 1; end -- the next value will be the color local c = 0; if( curr_index > 0 ) then for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.colors ) do if( c==0 and curr_index > 0 and v == liste[ curr_index ] ) then c = i; curr_index = curr_index - 1; end end end local g = -1; -- perhaps we are dealing with a grey value if( curr_index > 0 and c==0 ) then for i,v in ipairs(colormachine.grey_names ) do if( g==-1 and curr_index > 0 and v == liste[ curr_index ] ) then g = i; c = -1; curr_index = curr_index - 1; end end end -- determine the real shade; 3 stands for normal local s = 3; if( curr_index > 0 and g==-1 and c~=0) then if( liste[ curr_index ] == 'light' ) then s = 1; curr_index = curr_index - 1; elseif( liste[ curr_index ] == 'medium' ) then s = 5; curr_index = curr_index - 1; elseif( liste[ curr_index ] == 'dark' ) then s = 7; curr_index = curr_index - 1; end end local found_name = ""; if( g ~= -1 ) then found_name = colormachine.grey_names[ g ]; elseif( c > 0 ) then found_name = colormachine.prefixes[ math.floor((s+1)/2) ] .. colormachine.colors[ c ]; if( sat==1 ) then s = s+1; found_name = found_name.."_s50"; end end -- for blocks that do not follow the naming scheme - the color cannot be decoded if( g==-1 and c==0 ) then return { error_code ="This is a colored block: "..tostring( bname )..".", found_name = "", blocktype = ""}; end -- identify the block type/subname local add = ""; if( curr_index > 0 ) then for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do -- prefix and postfix have to fit if( curr_index > 0 and add=="" and mod_name == v.modname and (liste[ curr_index ].."_") == v.add -- if a postfix exists, we did check for that before and set blocktype accordingly and( not( blocktype ) or blocktype=='' or blocktype==k)) then add = v.add; blocktype = k; curr_index = curr_index - 1; end end end if( not( blocktype ) or blocktype == '' ) then blocktype = found[1]; end if( curr_index > 0 and #liste>0 and liste[1]=='chair' and blocktype == 'homedecor_bed_' ) then return { error_code = nil, found_name = found_name, blocktype = 'forniture_kitchen_chair_sides_'}; end if( curr_index > 0 ) then local k_help = ''; for i=1, curr_index do k_help = k_help..liste[i]..'_'; end if( colormachine.data[ k_help ]) then blocktype = k_help; else print( 'colormachine: ERROR: leftover name parts for '..tostring( bname )..": "..minetest.serialize( liste )); end end return { error_code = nil, found_name = found_name, blocktype = blocktype}; end -- if the player has selected a color, show all blocks in that color colormachine.blocktype_menu = function( meta, new_color, page ) page = tonumber( page ); local per_line = 13; local anz_lines = 3; local per_page = anz_lines * per_line; local start_at_offset = per_page * page; new_color = colormachine.decode_color_name( meta, new_color ); -- keep the same size as with the color selector local form = "size["..tostring( #colormachine.colors+2 )..",10]".."label[5,0;Select a blocktype:]".. "label[0.2,1.2;name]".. "label[0.2,2.2;unpainted]".. "label[0.2,3.2;colored]".. "button[1,0.5;4,1;dye_management;Manage stored dyes]".. "button[5,0.5;4,1;main_menu;Back to main menu]"; local x = 1; local y = 2; for i,k in ipairs( colormachine.ordered ) do -- only installed mods are of intrest if( k ~= nil and colormachine.data[ k ].installed == 1 and i > start_at_offset and i <= (start_at_offset + per_page)) then -- that particular mod may not offer this color form = form.."button["..tostring(x)..","..tostring(y-0.8).. ";1,1;"..k..";"..colormachine.data[k].descr.."]".. "item_image["..tostring(x)..","..tostring(y )..";1,1;"..colormachine.data[k].block.."]"; local button = colormachine.print_color_image( meta, k, new_color, nil, nil, nil, tostring(x), tostring(y+1), 1);-- translated_color as return value for button if( button ~= "" ) then form = form..button; else form = form.."button[".. tostring(x)..","..tostring(y+1)..";1,1;"..k..";n/a]"; end x = x+1; if( x>per_line ) then x = 1; y = y+anz_lines; if( y < 2+anz_lines*3 ) then form = form.. "label[0.2,"..tostring(y-1)..".2;name]".. "label[0.2,"..tostring(y )..".2;unpainted]".. "label[0.2,"..tostring(y+1)..".2;colored]"; end end end end if( #colormachine.ordered > per_page ) then local max_page_nr = math.ceil( #colormachine.ordered/per_page ); -- add page number form = form.."field[20,20;0.1,0.1;page;;"..math.floor( start_at_offset/(3*13) ).."]".. "label[10.2,0.5;"..tostring( page+1 ).."/"..tostring( max_page_nr ).."]"; if( page and page>0 ) then form = form.. "button[9.0,0.5;0.5,0.5;first_page;"..minetest.formspec_escape("1|<").."]".. "button[9.6,0.5;0.5,0.5;prev_page;"..tostring(page)..minetest.formspec_escape("<").."]"; end if( not( page ) or page+1 < max_page_nr ) then form = form.. "button[10.8,0.5;0.5,0.5;next_page;"..minetest.formspec_escape(">")..tostring( math.min( page+2, max_page_nr )).."]".. "button[11.4,0.5;0.5,0.5;last_page;"..minetest.formspec_escape(">|")..tostring( max_page_nr ).."]"; end end return form; end -- this function tries to figure out which block type was inserted and how the color can be decoded colormachine.main_menu_formspec = function( pos, option ) local i = 0; local k = 0; local v = 0; local form = "size[14.5,9]".. "list[current_player;main;1,5;8,4;]".. -- TODO -- "label[3,0.2;Spray booth main menu]".. "button[6.5,0.25;3,1;dye_management;Manage stored dyes]".. "button[6.5,0.75;3,1;blocktype_menu;Show supported blocks]".. "label[3,0.0;1. Input - Insert material to paint:]".. "list[current_name;input;4.5,0.5;1,1;]".. "label[9.3,-0.5;Additional storage for dyes:]".. "list[current_name;extrastore;9.3,0;5,9]"; if( minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") ) then form = form.."label[0.5,0.25;CREATIVE MODE:]".."label[0.5,0.75;no dyes or input consumed]"; end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory(); -- display the name of the color the machine is set to form = form.."label[1.0,4.3;Current painting color:]".. "label[3.5,4.3;"..(meta:get_string('selected_name') or "?" ).."]".. -- display the owner name "label[7,4.3;Owner: "..(meta:get_string('owner') or "?" ).."]"; if( inv:is_empty( "input" )) then form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;Insert block to be analyzed.]"; return form; end local stack = inv:get_stack( "input", 1); local bname = stack:get_name(); -- lets find out if this block is one of the unpainted basic blocks calling for paint local found = {}; for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do if( bname == v.block and colormachine.data[ k ].installed==1) then table.insert( found, k ); end end -- make sure all output fields are empty for i = 1, inv:get_size( "output" ) do inv:set_stack( "output", i, "" ); end local anz_blocks = stack:get_count(); -- a block that can be colored if( #found > 0 ) then local out_offset = 3.5-math.floor( #found / 2 ); if( out_offset < 0 ) then out_offset = 0; end local anz_found = 0; local p_values = {}; -- how many blocks can be colored with one pigment? for i,v in ipairs( found ) do if( i <= inv:get_size( "output" )) then -- offer the description-link form = form.."button["..tostring(out_offset+i)..","..tostring(1.45)..";1,1;"..v..";"..colormachine.data[v].descr.."]"; -- when clicking here, the color selection menu for that blocktype is presented local button = colormachine.print_color_image( meta, v, meta:get_string('selected_name'), nil, nil, nil, tostring(out_offset+i), tostring(2.0),1 ); if( button ~= "" ) then local block_name = colormachine.translate_color_name( meta, v, meta:get_string('selected_name'), nil, nil, nil, 1 ); -- one pigment is enough for factor blocks: local factor = colormachine.data[ v ].p; if( not( factor )) then factor = 1.0; end -- how many of these blocks can we actually paint? local can_be_painted = 0; if( not( minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") )) then can_be_painted = colormachine.calc_dyes_needed( meta, inv, math.ceil( anz_blocks / factor ), 0 ); else can_be_painted = 99; -- an entire stack can be painted in creative mode end inv:set_stack( "output", i, block_name.." "..tostring( math.min( can_be_painted * factor, anz_blocks ))); p_values[ i ] = factor; form = form..button; else inv:set_stack( "output", i, "" ); -- form = form.."button[" ..tostring(2+i)..","..tostring(2.5)..";1,1;"..v..";"..colormachine.data[v].descr.."]"; form = form.."button[".. tostring(out_offset+i)..","..tostring(2.0)..";1,1;"..v..";n/a]"; end anz_found = anz_found + 1; end end -- so that we can determine the factor when taking blocks from the output slots meta:set_string('p_values', minetest.serialize( p_values )); -- this color was not supported if( anz_found == 0 ) then form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;Block is not available in that color.]"; return form; end form = form.."label[3.0,1.2;2. Select color for any style:]".. "label[3.0,2.9;3. Take output (determines style):]".. "list[current_name;output;"..tostring(out_offset+1)..",3.5;"..tostring( anz_found )..",1;]"; return form; end -- end of handling of blocks that can be colored -- get the modname local parts = string.split(bname,":"); if( #parts < 2 ) then form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;ERROR! Failed to analyze the name of this node: "..tostring(bname).."]"; return form; end -- it may be a dye source for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.basic_dye_sources ) do -- we have found the right color! if( bname == v ) then form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;This is a dye source.]".. "button[6,3.0;3,1;turn_into_dye;Add to internal dye storage]"; return form; end end -- it is possible that we are dealing with an already painted block - in that case we have to dertermie the color local found_color_data = colormachine.get_color_from_blockname( parts[1], parts[2] ); if( found_color_data.error_code ~= nil ) then form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;"..found_color_data.error_code..".]"; return form; end -- the previous analyse was necessary in order to determine which block we ought to use if( option == 'remove_paint' ) then -- actually remove the paint from the inv:set_stack( "input", 1, colormachine.data[ found_color_data.blocktype ].block.." "..tostring( anz_blocks )); -- update display (we changed the input!) return colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "analyze"); end if( option == 'adapt_color' ) then -- actually change the color colormachine.decode_color_name( meta, found_color_data.found_name ); -- default color changed - update the menu return colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "analyze"); end -- print color name; select as input color / remove paint form = form.."label[2.2,3.0;This is: "..tostring( found_color_data.found_name )..".]".. "button[6,3.5;3,1;remove_paint;Remove paint]"; if( found_color_data.found_name ~= meta:get_string( 'selected_name' )) then form = form.."button[6,2.6;3,1;adapt_color;Set as new color]"; else form = form.."label[5.5,2.0;This is the selected color.]"; end return form; end -- returns a list of all blocks that can be created by applying dye_node_name to the basic node of old_node_name colormachine.get_node_name_painted = function( old_node_name, dye_node_name ) local possible_blocks = {}; local unpainted_block = ""; local old_dye = ""; for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do if( old_node_name == v.block and colormachine.data[ k ].installed==1) then table.insert( possible_blocks, k ); unpainted_block = old_node_name; end end if( unpainted_block == "" ) then local parts = string.split(old_node_name,":"); if( #parts < 2 ) then return; end found_color_data_block = colormachine.get_color_from_blockname( parts[1], parts[2] ); if( found_color_data_block.error_code ~= nil ) then return; end unpainted_block = colormachine.data[ found_color_data_block.blocktype ].block; old_dye = found_color_data_block.found_name; -- figure out how the dye this block was painted with was called local cdata = colormachine.decode_color_name( nil, old_dye ); if( cdata ) then old_dye = colormachine.translate_color_name( nil, 'unifieddyes_', old_dye, cdata.c, cdata.s, cdata.g, 1 ); if( not( old_dye ) or old_dye == '' ) then old_dye = colormachine.translate_color_name( nil, 'dye_', old_dye, cdata.c, cdata.s, cdata.g, 1 ); end else old_dye = ''; end end if( unpainted_block ~= "" and #possible_blocks < 1 ) then for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do if( unpainted_block == v.block and colormachine.data[ k ].installed==1) then table.insert( possible_blocks, k ); end end end -- remove paint if( not( dye_node_name ) or dye_node_name == "") then return {possible={unpainted_block},old_dye = old_dye}; end -- decode dye name parts = string.split(dye_node_name,":"); if( #parts < 2 ) then return; end local found_color_data_color = colormachine.get_color_from_blockname( parts[1], parts[2] ); if( found_color_data_color.error_code ~= nil ) then return; end local dye_name = found_color_data_color.found_name; local cdata = colormachine.decode_color_name( nil, dye_name ); if( not( cdata )) then return; end -- find out for which block types/patterns this unpainted block is the basic one local found = {}; for _,k in ipairs( possible_blocks ) do local new_block_name = colormachine.translate_color_name( nil, k, dye_name, cdata.c, cdata.s, cdata.g, 1 ); table.insert( found, new_block_name ); end if( #found < 1 ) then return; end return { possible=found, old_dye = old_dye }; end colormachine.check_owner = function( pos, player ) -- only the owner can put something in local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); if( meta:get_string('owner') ~= player:get_player_name() ) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "This spray booth belongs to "..tostring( meta:get_string("owner")).. ". If you want to use one, build your own!"); return 0; end return 1; end colormachine.allow_inventory_access = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player, mode) -- only specific slots accept input or output if( (mode=="put" and listname ~= "input" and listname ~= "refill" and listname ~= "dyes" ) or (mode=="take" and listname ~= "input" and listname ~= "refill" and listname ~= "dyes" and listname ~= "output" and listname ~= "paintless" )) then if( listname == "extrastore" ) then local parts = string.split(stack:get_name(),":"); if( #parts > 1 and (parts[1]=='unifieddyes' or parts[1]=='dye')) then return stack:get_count(); end end return 0; end local stack_name = stack:get_name(); -- the dyes are a bit special - they accept only powder of the correct name if( listname == "dyes" and stack_name ~= ("dye:".. colormachine.colors_and_greys[ index ]) and stack_name ~= ("unifieddyes:"..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ index ]) and (stack_name ~= "dye:light_grey" or colormachine.colors_and_greys[ index ]~="lightgrey" ) and (stack_name ~= "dye:dark_grey" or colormachine.colors_and_greys[ index ]~="darkgrey" ) ) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'You can only store dye powders of the correct color here.'); return 0; end if( not( colormachine.check_owner( pos, player ))) then return 0; end -- let's check if that type of input is allowed here if( listname == "refill" ) then local str = stack:get_name(); for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.basic_dye_sources ) do if( str == v and v ~= "") then return stack:get_count(); end end minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'Please insert dye sources as listed below here (usually plants)!'); return 0; end return stack:get_count(); end colormachine.on_metadata_inventory_put = function( pos, listname, index, stack, player ) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory(); -- nothing to do if onnly a dye was inserted if( listname == "dyes" ) then return; end -- an unprocessed color pigment was inserted if( listname == "refill" ) then local str = stack:get_name(); for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.basic_dye_sources ) do -- we have found the right color! if( str == v ) then local count = stack:get_count(); -- how much free space do we have in the destination stack? local dye_stack = inv:get_stack( "dyes", i); local free = math.floor(dye_stack:get_free_space()/4); if( free < 1 ) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'Sorry, the storage for that dye is already full.'); return 0; end if( count < free ) then free = count; end -- consume the inserted material - no more than the input slot can handle inv:remove_item(listname, stack:get_name().." "..tostring( free )); color_name = colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ]; -- add four times that much to the storage if( i==4 or i==6 or i==8 or i==12 or i==14 ) then if( colormachine.data[ 'unifieddyes_' ].installed == 0 ) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'Sorry, this color requires unifieddyes (which is not installed).'); return 0; end inv:set_stack( "dyes", i, ("unifieddyes:"..color_name).." "..tostring( free*4 + dye_stack:get_count()) ); else inv:set_stack( "dyes", i, ("dye:" ..color_name).." "..tostring( free*4 + dye_stack:get_count()) ); end end end minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'Please insert dye sources as listed below here (usually plants)!'); return 0; end if( listname == "input" ) then -- update the main menu accordingly meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec( pos, "analyze" )); return; end end colormachine.on_metadata_inventory_take = function( pos, listname, index, stack, player ) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory(); if( listname == "output" ) then -- in creative mode, no pigments are consumed if( minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") ) then -- update the main menu meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec( pos, "analyze" )); return; end -- consume color for painted blocks local str = meta:get_string( 'p_values' ); local p = 1; -- color more than one block with one pigment if( str and str ~= "" ) then local p_values = minetest.deserialize( str ); if( index and p_values[ index ] ) then p = p_values[ index ]; end end local amount_needed = math.ceil( stack:get_count() / p ); local amount_done = colormachine.calc_dyes_needed( meta, inv, amount_needed, 1 ); --print( ' NEEDED: '..tostring( amount_needed )..' DONE: '..tostring( amount_done )); -- TODO if( amount_done > amount_needed ) then -- TODO: leftover color - how to handle? end -- calculate how much was taken local anz_taken = stack:get_count(); local anz_present = inv:get_stack("input",1):get_count(); anz_present = anz_present - anz_taken; if( anz_present <= 0 ) then inv:set_stack( "input", 1, "" ); -- everything used up else inv:set_stack( "input", 1, inv:get_stack("input",1):get_name().." "..tostring( anz_present )); end -- the main menu needs to be updated as well meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec( pos, "analyze" )); return; end if( listname == "input" ) then -- update the main menu accordingly meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec( pos, "analyze" )); return; end end -- calculate which dyes are needed colormachine.calc_dyes_needed = function( meta, inv, amount_needed, do_consume ) local form = ""; -- display the name of the currently selected color form = form.."label[8,0.2;"..( meta:get_string( "selected_name" ) or "?" ).."]"; local s = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_shade' )); local g = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_grey_shade' )); local c = tonumber(meta:get_string('selected_color' )); local needed = {}; -- we are dealing with a grey value if( g > -1 ) then needed[ colormachine.grey_names[ g ]] = 1; -- we are dealing with a normal color else -- one pigment of the selected color (to get started) needed[ colormachine.colors[ c ]] = 1; -- handle saturation if( s==1 ) then needed[ "white" ]=1; -- light -- elseif( s==3 ) then -- normal color - no changes needed elseif( s==4 ) then needed[ "white" ]=2; needed[ "black" ] =1; -- normal, low saturation elseif( s==5 ) then needed[ "black" ] =1; -- medium dark elseif( s==6 ) then needed[ "white" ]=1; needed[ "black" ] =1; -- medium dark, low saturation elseif( s==7 ) then needed[ "black" ] =2; -- dark elseif( s==8 ) then needed[ "white" ]=1; needed[ "black" ] =2; -- dark, low saturation end end local anz_pigments = 0; for i,v in pairs( needed ) do anz_pigments = anz_pigments + v; end -- n: portions of *mixtures* needed local n = 1; -- if the colors are to be consumed, we need to calculate how many we actually need -- (one mixutre consists of anz_pigments pigments each) if( amount_needed > 0) then n = math.ceil( amount_needed / anz_pigments ); local min_found = 10000; -- high number that cannot be reached -- now we need to check how many pigments of each color we have for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.colors_and_greys ) do if( needed[ v ] and needed[ v ]> 0 ) then -- find out how many blocks of this type we can actually color local stack = inv:get_stack( "dyes", i ); local found = math.floor( stack:get_count() / needed[ v ]); if( found < min_found ) then min_found = found; -- save the new minimum end end end -- we do not have enough pigments if( min_found < n ) then n = min_found; end end local need_white = math.ceil( amount_needed / anz_pigments ); -- the machine does have the required colors stored if( n > 0 ) then local stack_white= inv:get_stack( "dyes", 13 ); local anz_white = stack_white:get_count(); n = math.min( anz_white, need_white ); end -- return how many *could* be colored if( amount_needed > 0 and do_consume ~= 1 ) then return n*anz_pigments; end needed = {}; needed[ "white" ] = n; for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.colors_and_greys ) do if( needed[ v ] and needed[ v ]> 0 ) then -- show how many pigments of this color are needed for the selected mixture -- normal color if( i <= #colormachine.colors ) then form = form.."label["..tostring(i+0.2)..",2.2;" ..needed[ v ].."x]".. "label["..tostring(i+0.2)..",0.6;" ..needed[ v ].."x]"; -- grey value else form = form.."label[11.3,"..tostring(i-#colormachine.colors+4.2)..";"..needed[ v ].."x]".. "label[13.3,"..tostring(i-#colormachine.colors+4.2)..";"..needed[ v ].."x]"; end -- actually consume the color pigment if( amount_needed > 0 and n > 0 ) then local stack = inv:get_stack( "dyes", i ); local found = stack:get_count(); --print( ' CONSUMED '..math.floor( n * needed[ v ] )..' of '..tostring( stack:get_name())); if( found > math.floor( n * needed[ v ] )) then inv:set_stack( "dyes", i, stack:get_name()..' '..tostring( math.max( 1, found - math.floor( n * needed[ v ] )))); else inv:set_stack( "dyes", i, "" ); end end end end -- in case pigments where consumed, return how many blocks where colored successfully if( amount_needed > 0 and n > 0 ) then --print('Successfully colored: '..tostring( n*anz_pigments )); return n*anz_pigments; end -- else return the formspec addition with the information how many of which pigment is needed return form; end -- this adds the name of the current color and the amount of needed dyes to the formspec colormachine.get_individual_dye_management_formspec = function( meta, inv ) local form = colormachine.dye_management_formspec; -- just add information how many pigments of each color are needed form = form .. colormachine.calc_dyes_needed( meta, inv, 0, 0 ) return form; end -- mix two colors colormachine.mix_colors = function( inv, i, sender ) local farbe = colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ]; local mix = colormachine.dye_mixes[ farbe ]; -- in case the color cannot be mixed if( not( mix ) or #mix < 2 ) then return; end local stack1 = inv:get_stack( "dyes", mix[1] ); local stack2 = inv:get_stack( "dyes", mix[2] ); local stack3 = inv:get_stack( "dyes", i ); if( stack3:get_free_space() > 1 -- we need space for two and stack1:get_count() > 0 and stack2:get_count() > 0 ) then inv:set_stack( "dyes", mix[1], stack1:get_name()..' '..( stack1:get_count()-1)); inv:set_stack( "dyes", mix[2], stack2:get_name()..' '..( stack2:get_count()-1)); -- handle light/dark grey if( farbe=='lightgrey' ) then farbe = 'light_grey'; elseif( farbe=='darkgrey' ) then farbe = 'dark_grey'; end -- dye or unifieddyes? local name = 'dye:'..farbe; if( not( minetest.registered_craftitems[ name ])) then name = 'unifieddyes:'..farbe; end -- print errormessage or add the mixed dye pigment if( not( minetest.registered_craftitems[ name ])) then minetest.chat_send_player( sender:get_player_name(), '[colormachine] ERROR: color '..tostring( farbe )..' could not be mixed (craftitem '..tostring(name)..' not found)'); else inv:set_stack( "dyes", i, name..' '..( stack3:get_count() + 2 )); -- two pigments mixed -> we get two pigments result end elseif( stack3:get_free_space() > 1 ) then minetest.chat_send_player( sender:get_player_name(), 'Need '..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mix[1] ]..' and '.. colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mix[2] ]..' in order to mix '..farbe..'.'); end end -- this generates the formspec for all supported mods and the general colormachine.dye_management_formspec colormachine.init = function() local liste = {}; -- create formspecs for all machines for k,v in pairs( colormachine.data ) do if( minetest.get_modpath( colormachine.data[ k ].modname ) ~= nil ) then -- generate the formspec for that machine colormachine.data[ k ].formspec = colormachine.generate_form( k ); -- remember that the mod is installed colormachine.data[ k ].installed = 1; -- this is helpful for getting an ordered list later -- liste[ colormachine.data[ k ].nr ] = k; table.insert( liste, k ); else -- the mod is not installed colormachine.data[ k ].installed = 0; end end table.sort( liste, function(a,b) return colormachine.data[a].nr < colormachine.data[b].nr end); colormachine.ordered = liste; -- if no flowers are present, take dye sources from default (so we only have to depend on dyes) if( minetest.get_modpath( "flowers") == nil ) then for i,v in ipairs( colormachine.alternate_basic_dye_sources ) do colormachine.basic_dye_sources[ i ] = colormachine.alternate_basic_dye_sources[ i ]; end end local form = "size[14,10]".. "list[current_player;main;1,5;8,4;]".. "label[1,0.2;"..minetest.formspec_escape('Insert dye sources here -->').."]".. "list[current_name;refill;4,0;1,1;]".. "label[6,0.2;Selected color:]".. "label[0.1,1;sources:]".. "label[0.1,2;dyes:]".. "label[0.1,3;storage:]".. "button[1,4;4,1;main_menu;Back to main menu]".. "button[5,4;4,1;blocktype_menu;Show supported blocks]".. "list[current_name;dyes;1,3;"..tostring(#colormachine.colors)..",1;]".. -- normal colors -- remaining fields of the dyes inventory: grey colors, arranged vertically -- (not enough space for the "dyes" label) "label[0.1,0.6;need:]".. "label[9.3,4.5;need:]".. "label[10,4.5;sources:]".. "label[12,4.5;storage:]".. "list[current_name;dyes;12,5;1,"..tostring(#colormachine.grey_names)..";"..tostring(#colormachine.colors).."]"; local needed = {}; -- align colors horizontal for i,k in ipairs( colormachine.colors ) do local prefix = 'dye:'; if( i==4 or i==6 or i==8 or i==12 or i==14 ) then if( colormachine.data[ 'unifieddyes_' ].installed == 1 ) then prefix = 'unifieddyes:'; else prefix = ""; end end if( prefix ~= "" ) then local source = colormachine.basic_dye_sources[ i ]; if( source ~= "" ) then form = form.."item_image["..tostring(i)..",1;1,1;"..source.."]"; -- even those colors may be additionally mixed if( #colormachine.dye_mixes[ colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ] ] == 2 ) then form = form.. "button["..tostring(i-0.1)..",1.9;0.8,0.2;mix_"..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ]..";mix]"; end -- a color that can be mixed elseif( #colormachine.dye_mixes[ colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ] ] == 2 ) then local mixes = colormachine.dye_mixes[ colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ] ]; local source1 = 'dye:'..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mixes[1] ]; local source2 = 'dye:'..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mixes[2] ]; form = form.."item_image["..tostring(i )..",1.0;1,1;"..source1.."]".. "item_image["..tostring(i+0.3)..",1.3;1,1;"..source2.."]".. "button["..tostring(i-0.1)..",1.9;0.8,0.2;mix_"..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ]..";mix]"; end form = form.. "item_image["..tostring(i)..",2;1,1;"..tostring( prefix..colormachine.colors[ i ] ).."]".. "label["..tostring(i)..",3.6;" ..tostring( colormachine.colors_and_greys[ i ] ).."]"; else form = form.."label["..tostring(i+0.2)..",3;n/a]"; end end -- align grey-values vertical for i,k in ipairs( colormachine.grey_names ) do if( i ~= 2 or colormachine.data[ 'unifieddyes_' ].installed == 1 ) then local source = colormachine.basic_dye_sources[ #colormachine.colors + i ]; if( source and source ~= "" ) then form = form.."item_image[10,"..tostring(i+4)..";1,1;"..source.."]"; elseif( #colormachine.dye_mixes[ colormachine.colors_and_greys[ #colormachine.colors + i ] ] == 2 ) then local mixes = colormachine.dye_mixes[ colormachine.colors_and_greys[ #colormachine.colors + i ] ]; local source1 = 'dye:'..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mixes[1] ]; local source2 = 'dye:'..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ mixes[2] ]; form = form.."item_image[10.0,"..tostring(i+4.0)..";1,1;"..source1.."]".. "item_image[10.3,"..tostring(i+4.3)..";1,1;"..source2.."]".. "button[9.8," ..tostring(i+4.9)..";0.8,0.2;mix_"..colormachine.colors_and_greys[ #colormachine.colors + i ]..";mix]"; end local dye_name = 'dye:'..k; -- lightgrey exists only in unifieddyes if( i== 2 ) then if( colormachine.data[ 'unifieddyes_' ].installed == 1 ) then dye_name = 'unifieddyes:lightgrey_paint'; --'unifieddyes:'..k; else dye_name = ''; end -- darkgrey is called slightly diffrent elseif( i==4 ) then dye_name = 'dye:dark_grey'; end if( dye_name ~= "" ) then form = form.. "item_image[11,"..tostring(i+4)..";1,1;"..tostring( dye_name ).."]".. "label[ 12.9,"..tostring(i+4)..";" ..tostring( colormachine.colors_and_greys[ #colormachine.colors + i ] ).."]"; end else form = form.."label[12.2,"..tostring(i+4)..";n/a]"; end end colormachine.dye_management_formspec = form; end -- delay initialization so that modules are hopefully loaded minetest.after( 0, colormachine.init ); -- flowers: 6 basic colors + black + white -- unifieddyes: dye pulver -- coloredwood: wood, fence - skip sticks! -- unifiedbricks: clay blocks, brick blocks (skip individual clay lumps and bricks!) -- multicolor: 3 shades, usual amount of colors -- cotton: (by jordach) probably the same as coloredwood -- -- stained_glass: 9 shades/intensities minetest.register_node("colormachine:colormachine", { description = "spray booth", tiles = { "colormachine_top.png", "colormachine_bottom.png", "colormachine_side.png", "colormachine_side.png", "colormachine_side.png", "colormachine_front.png", }, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {cracky=2}, legacy_facedir_simple = true, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); meta:set_string('selected_shade', 3 ); -- grey-shade meta:set_string('selected_grey_shade', 1 ); meta:set_string('selected_color', -1 ); -- we selected grey meta:set_string('selected_name', 'white' ); meta:set_string('owner', '' ); -- protect input from getting stolen local inv = meta:get_inventory(); inv:set_size("input", 1); -- input slot for blocks that are to be painted inv:set_size("refill", 1); -- input slot for plants and other sources of dye pigments inv:set_size("output", 14); -- output slot for painted blocks - up to 8 alternate coloring schems supported (blox has 8 for stone!) inv:set_size("paintless", 1); -- output slot for blocks with paint scratched off inv:set_size("dyes", 18); -- internal storage for the dye powders inv:set_size("extrastore",5*9); -- additional storage for dyes --meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.blocktype_menu( meta, 'white' )); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "analyze") ); end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); meta:set_string( "owner", ( placer:get_player_name() or "" )); meta:set_string( "infotext", "Spray booth (owned by "..( meta:get_string( "owner" ) or "" )..")"); end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) if( not( colormachine.check_owner( pos, sender ))) then return 0; end -- remember the page we where at if( not( fields.page )) then fields.page = 0; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); for k,v in pairs( fields ) do if( k == 'main_menu' ) then meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "analyze") ); return; elseif( k == 'remove_paint' ) then meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "remove_paint") ); return; elseif( k == 'adapt_color' ) then meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "adapt_color") ); return; elseif( k == 'turn_into_dye' ) then local inv = meta:get_inventory(); local stack = inv:get_stack( 'input', 1 ); -- move into refill slot inv:set_stack( 'refill', 1, stack ); -- empty input slot inv:set_stack( 'input', 1, '' ); -- process the dye colormachine.on_metadata_inventory_put( pos, 'refill', 1, stack, sender ) -- call dye management forpsec to show result meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.get_individual_dye_management_formspec( meta, inv )); return; elseif( k == 'dye_management' ) then local inv = meta:get_inventory(); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.get_individual_dye_management_formspec( meta, inv )); return; elseif( colormachine.data[ k ] ) then -- remember the page we where at meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.data[ k ].formspec.. "field[20,20;0.1,0.1;page;;"..tostring(fields.page).."]" ); return; elseif( k=='key_escape') then -- nothing to do else local inv = meta:get_inventory(); -- perhaps we ought to mix colors for i,f in ipairs( colormachine.colors_and_greys ) do if( k==("mix_"..f )) then colormachine.mix_colors( inv, i, sender ); local inv = meta:get_inventory(); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.get_individual_dye_management_formspec( meta, inv )); return; -- formspec remains the dye-management one end end -- if no input is present, show the block selection menu if( k=="blocktype_menu" or inv:is_empty( "input" ) or k=='first_page' or k=='prev_page' or k=='next_page' or k=='last_page') then if( not( fields.page ) or k=='first_page') then fields.page = 0; elseif( k=='prev_page') then fields.page = math.max(0,fields.page-1); elseif( k=='next_page') then fields.page = math.min(fields.page+1, math.ceil(#colormachine.ordered/(3*13)-1)); elseif( k=='last_page') then fields.page = math.ceil(#colormachine.ordered/(3*13)-1); end meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.blocktype_menu( meta, k, fields.page )); else -- else set the selected color and go back to the main menu colormachine.decode_color_name( meta, k ); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.main_menu_formspec(pos, "analyze").. "field[20,20;0.1,0.1;page;;"..tostring(fields.page).."]" ); end end end end, -- there is no point in moving inventory around allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0; end, allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return colormachine.allow_inventory_access(pos, listname, index, stack, player, "put" ); end, allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return colormachine.allow_inventory_access(pos, listname, index, stack, player, "take" ); end, on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return colormachine.on_metadata_inventory_put( pos, listname, index, stack, player ); end, on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return colormachine.on_metadata_inventory_take( pos, listname, index, stack, player ); end, can_dig = function(pos,player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory() if( not( colormachine.check_owner( pos, player ))) then return 0; end if( not( inv:is_empty("input")) or not( inv:is_empty("refill"))) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "Please remove the material in the input- and/or refill slot first!"); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.blocktype_menu( meta, meta:get_string('selected_name'), 0)); return false; end if( not( inv:is_empty("dyes"))) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "Please remove the stored dyes first!"); meta:set_string( 'formspec', colormachine.blocktype_menu( meta, meta:get_string('selected_name'), 0 )); return false; end return true end }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'colormachine:colormachine', recipe = { { 'default:gold_ingot', 'default:glass', 'default:gold_ingot', }, { 'default:mese', 'default:glass', 'default:mese' }, { 'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot' } } }) dofile( minetest.get_modpath('colormachine')..'/paint_roller.lua');