-- Parameters local YLIMIT = 1 -- Set to world's water level or level of lowest open area, -- calculations are disabled below this y. local PRECSPR = 6 -- Time scale for precipitation variation in minutes local PRECOFF = -0.4 -- Precipitation offset, higher = rains more often local GSCYCLE = 0.5 -- Globalstep cycle (seconds) local FLAKES = 16 -- Snowflakes per cycle local DROPS = 64 -- Raindrops per cycle local RAINGAIN = 0.2 -- Rain sound volume local COLLIDE = false -- Whether particles collide with nodes local NISVAL = 39 -- Clouds RGB value at night local DASVAL = 175 -- Clouds RGB value in daytime local np_prec = { offset = 0, scale = 1, spread = {x = PRECSPR, y = PRECSPR, z = PRECSPR}, seed = 813, octaves = 1, persist = 0, lacunarity = 2.0, --flags = "" } -- These 2 must match biome heat and humidity noise parameters for a world local np_temp = { offset = 50, scale = 50, spread = {x = 350, y = 350, z = 350}, seed = 5349, octaves = 3, persist = 0.5, lacunarity = 2.0, --flags = "" } local np_humid = { offset = 50, scale = 50, spread = {x = 350, y = 350, z = 350}, seed = 842, octaves = 3, persist = 0.5, lacunarity = 2.0, --flags = "" } -- Stuff local difsval = DASVAL - NISVAL local grad = 14 / 95 local yint = 1496 / 95 -- Initialise noise objects to nil local nobj_temp = nil local nobj_humid = nil local nobj_prec = nil -- Globalstep function local handles = {} local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer < GSCYCLE then return end timer = 0 for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local player_name = player:get_player_name() local ppos = player:getpos() local pposy = math.floor(ppos.y) + 2 -- Precipitation when swimming if pposy >= YLIMIT then local pposx = math.floor(ppos.x) local pposz = math.floor(ppos.z) local ppos = {x = pposx, y = pposy, z = pposz} local nobj_temp = nobj_temp or minetest.get_perlin(np_temp) local nobj_humid = nobj_humid or minetest.get_perlin(np_humid) local nobj_prec = nobj_prec or minetest.get_perlin(np_prec) local nval_temp = nobj_temp:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz}) local nval_humid = nobj_humid:get2d({x = pposx, y = pposz}) local nval_prec = nobj_prec:get2d({x = os.clock() / 60, y = 0}) -- Biome system: Frozen biomes below heat 35, -- deserts below line 14 * t - 95 * h = -1496 -- h = (14 * t + 1496) / 95 -- h = 14/95 * t + 1496/95 -- where 14/95 is gradient and 1496/95 is y intersection -- h - 14/95 t = 1496/95 y intersection -- so area above line is -- h - 14/95 t > 1496/95 local freeze = nval_temp < 35 local precip = nval_prec < (nval_humid - 50) / 50 + PRECOFF and nval_humid - grad * nval_temp > yint -- Check if player is outside local outside = minetest.get_node_light(ppos, 0.5) == 15 -- Occasionally reset player sky if math.random() < 0.1 then if precip then -- Set overcast sky local sval local time = minetest.get_timeofday() if time >= 0.5 then time = 1 - time end -- Sky brightness transitions: -- First transition (24000 -) 4500, (1 -) 0.1875 -- Last transition (24000 -) 5750, (1 -) 0.2396 if time <= 0.1875 then sval = NISVAL elseif time >= 0.2396 then sval = DASVAL else sval = math.floor(NISVAL + ((time - 0.1875) / 0.0521) * difsval) end player:set_sky({r = sval, g = sval, b = sval + 16, a = 255}, "plain", {}) else -- Reset sky to normal player:set_sky({}, "regular", {}) end end if not precip or not outside or freeze then if handles[player_name] then -- Stop sound if playing minetest.sound_stop(handles[player_name]) handles[player_name] = nil end end if precip and outside then -- Precipitation if freeze then -- Snowfall for flake = 1, FLAKES do minetest.add_particle({ pos = { x = pposx - 24 + math.random(0, 47), y = pposy + 8 + math.random(0, 1), z = pposz - 20 + math.random(0, 47) }, vel = { x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = -1.0 }, acc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, expirationtime = 8.5, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = COLLIDE, collision_removal = true, vertical = false, texture = "snowdrift_snowflake" .. math.random(1, 4) .. ".png", playername = player:get_player_name() }) end else -- Rainfall for flake = 1, DROPS do minetest.add_particle({ pos = { x = pposx - 8 + math.random(0, 16), y = pposy + 8 + math.random(0, 5), z = pposz - 8 + math.random(0, 16) }, vel = { x = 0.0, y = -10.0, z = 0.0 }, acc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, expirationtime = 2.1, size = 2.8, collisiondetection = COLLIDE, collision_removal = true, vertical = true, texture = "snowdrift_raindrop.png", playername = player:get_player_name() }) end if not handles[player_name] then -- Start sound if not playing local handle = minetest.sound_play( "snowdrift_rain", { to_player = player_name, gain = RAINGAIN, loop = true, } ) if handle then handles[player_name] = handle end end end end elseif handles[player_name] then -- Stop sound when player goes under y limit minetest.sound_stop(handles[player_name]) handles[player_name] = nil end end end) -- Stop sound and remove player handle on leaveplayer minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if handles[player_name] then minetest.sound_stop(handles[player_name]) handles[player_name] = nil end end)