local irc = require("irc.main") irc.msgs = {} local msgs = irc.msgs local msg_meta = {} msg_meta.__index = msg_meta function irc.Message(opts) opts = opts or {} setmetatable(opts, msg_meta) if opts.raw then opts:fromRFC1459(opts.raw) end return opts end local tag_escapes = { [";"] = "\\:", [" "] = "\\s", ["\0"] = "\\0", ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\n"] = "\\n", } local tag_unescapes = {} for x, y in pairs(tag_escapes) do tag_unescapes[y] = x end function msg_meta:toRFC1459() local s = "" if self.tags then s = s.."@" for key, value in pairs(self.tags) do s = s..key if value ~= true then value = value:gsub("[; %z\\\r\n]", tag_escapes) s = s.."="..value end s = s..";" end -- Strip trailing semicolon s = s:sub(1, -2) s = s.." " end s = s..self.command local argnum = #self.args for i = 1, argnum do local arg = self.args[i] local startsWithColon = (arg:sub(1, 1) == ":") local hasSpace = arg:find(" ") if i == argnum and (hasSpace or startsWithColon) then s = s.." :" else assert(not hasSpace and not startsWithColon, "Message arguments can not be " .."serialized to RFC1459 format") s = s.." " end s = s..arg end return s end local function parsePrefix(prefix) local user = {} user.nick, user.username, user.host = prefix:match("^(.+)!(.+)@(.+)$") if not user.nick and prefix:find(".", 1, true) then user.server = prefix end return user end function msg_meta:fromRFC1459(line) -- IRCv3 tags if line:sub(1, 1) == "@" then self.tags = {} local space = line:find(" ", 1, true) -- For each semicolon-delimited section from after -- the @ character to before the space character. for tag in line:sub(2, space - 1):gmatch("([^;]+)") do local eq = tag:find("=", 1, true) if eq then self.tags[tag:sub(1, eq - 1)] = tag:sub(eq + 1):gsub("\\([:s0\\rn])", tag_unescapes) else self.tags[tag] = true end end line = line:sub(space + 1) end if line:sub(1, 1) == ":" then local space = line:find(" ", 1, true) self.prefix = line:sub(2, space - 1) self.user = parsePrefix(self.prefix) line = line:sub(space + 1) end local pos self.command, pos = line:match("(%S+)()") -- /MFF BEGIN if not pos then minetest.log("error", "[IRC] This crash message was intended to see the value of a breaking variable. line = " .. (line or "nil")) return end -- /MFF END (Mg|06/01/2015) line = line:sub(pos) self.args = self.args or {} for pos, param in line:gmatch("()(%S+)") do if param:sub(1, 1) == ":" then param = line:sub(pos + 1) table.insert(self.args, param) break end table.insert(self.args, param) end end function msgs.privmsg(to, text) return irc.Message({command="PRIVMSG", args={to, text}}) end function msgs.notice(to, text) return irc.Message({command="NOTICE", args={to, text}}) end function msgs.action(to, text) return irc.Message({command="PRIVMSG", args={to, ("\x01ACTION %s\x01"):format(text)}}) end function msgs.ctcp(command, to, args) s = "\x01"..command if args then s = ' '..args end s = s..'\x01' return irc.Message({command="PRIVMSG", args={to, s}}) end function msgs.kick(channel, target, reason) return irc.Message({command="KICK", args={channel, target, reason}}) end function msgs.join(channel, key) return irc.Message({command="JOIN", args={channel, key}}) end function msgs.part(channel, reason) return irc.Message({command="PART", args={channel, reason}}) end function msgs.quit(reason) return irc.Message({command="QUIT", args={reason}}) end function msgs.kill(target, reason) return irc.Message({command="KILL", args={target, reason}}) end function msgs.kline(time, mask, reason, operreason) local args = nil if time then args = {time, mask, reason..'|'..operreason} else args = {mask, reason..'|'..operreason} end return irc.Message({command="KLINE", args=args}) end function msgs.whois(nick, server) local args = nil if server then args = {server, nick} else args = {nick} end return irc.Message({command="WHOIS", args=args}) end function msgs.topic(channel, text) return irc.Message({command="TOPIC", args={channel, text}}) end function msgs.invite(channel, target) return irc.Message({command="INVITE", args={channel, target}}) end function msgs.nick(nick) return irc.Message({command="NICK", args={nick}}) end function msgs.mode(target, modes) -- We have to split the modes parameter because the mode string and -- each parameter are seperate arguments (The first command is incorrect) -- MODE foo :+ov Nick1 Nick2 -- MODE foo +ov Nick1 Nick2 local mt = irc.split(modes) return irc.Message({command="MODE", args={target, unpack(mt)}}) end