-- Global configuration variables

-- Enable the various kinds of trees.

moretrees.enable_apple_tree		= true
moretrees.enable_oak			= true
moretrees.enable_sequoia		= true
moretrees.enable_palm			= true
moretrees.enable_pine			= true
moretrees.enable_rubber_tree	= true
moretrees.enable_willow			= true
moretrees.enable_acacia			= true
moretrees.enable_birch			= true
moretrees.enable_spruce			= true
moretrees.enable_jungle_tree	= true
moretrees.enable_fir			= true
moretrees.enable_beech			= false

-- set this to true to make moretrees spawn saplings at mapgen time instead
-- of fully-grown trees, which will grow into full trees after a very short
-- delay.  This reduces mapgen lag in some situations.

moretrees.spawn_saplings		= false

-- Set this to true to allow defining stairs/slabs/etc.  If Moreblocks is
-- installed, this will use that mod's Stairs Plus component.  Otherwise, it 
-- will use the default stairs mod in minetest_game, if present

moretrees.enable_stairs			= true

-- Set this to true if you want the plantlike drawtype for leaves, which 
-- improves some peoples' framerates without resorting to making leaf nodes opaque.
-- Affects default leaves and default jungle leaves also.

moretrees.plantlike_leaves		= false

-- Enable this if you want moretrees to redefine default apples so that they
-- fall when leaves decay/are dug.

moretrees.enable_redefine_apple		= true

-- Set this to true to enable leaf decay of all trees except the default ones.

moretrees.enable_leafdecay		= true

-- various related settings to configure leaf decay.

moretrees.leafdecay_delay		= 2
moretrees.leafdecay_chance		= 5
moretrees.leafdecay_radius		= 5
moretrees.palm_leafdecay_radius		= 10

-- Change these settings if you want default trees to be gradually cut down
-- above the elevation where firs normally generate.

moretrees.firs_remove_default_trees	= false
moretrees.firs_remove_interval		= 2
moretrees.firs_remove_chance		= 150

-- Sapling settings

moretrees.sapling_interval		= 500
moretrees.sapling_chance		= 20

-- If this variable is set to true, drop leaves out as entities during leaf
-- decay, rather than just disappearing them.

moretrees.decay_leaves_as_items = false