local night = { handler = {}, frequency = 10, {name="horned_owl", length=3}, {name="Wolves_Howling", length=11}, {name="ComboWind", length=17}, } local night_frequent = { handler = {}, frequency = 25, {name="Crickets_At_NightCombo", length=69}, } local day = { handler = {}, frequency = 5, {name="Best Cardinal Bird", length=4}, {name="craw", length=3}, {name="bluejay", length=18}, {name="ComboWind", length=17}, } local day_frequent = { handler = {}, frequency = 25, {name="robin2", length=16}, {name="birdsongnl", length=12.5}, {name="bird", length=30}, } local cave = { handler = {}, frequency = 5, {name="Bats_in_Cave", length=5}, } local cave_frequent = { handler = {}, frequency = 100, {name="drippingwater_drip_a", length=2}, {name="drippingwater_drip_b", length=2}, {name="drippingwater_drip_c", length=2}, {name="Single_Water_Droplet", length=3}, {name="Spooky_Water_Drops", length=7}, } local water = { handler = {}, frequency = 0,--dolphins dont fit into small lakes {name="dolphins", length=6}, {name="dolphins_screaming", length=16.5}, } local water_frequent = { handler = {}, frequency = 100, on_stop = "drowning_gasp", {name="scuba1bubbles", length=11}, {name="scuba1calm", length=10}, {name="scuba1calm2", length=8.5}, {name="scuba1interestingbubbles", length=11}, {name="scuba1tubulentbubbles", length=10.5}, } local splash = { handler = {}, frequency = 100, {name="Splash", length=1.5}, } local play_music = minetest.setting_getbool("music") or false local music = { handler = {}, frequency = 1, {name="mtest", length=4*60+33, gain=0.3}, {name="music_1", length=1*60+52, gain=0.3}, {name="ambiance", length=19, gain=0.3}, {name="dark_ambiance", length=46, gain=0.3}, {name="eastern_feeling", length=3*60+51, gain=0.3}, {name="echos", length=2*60+26, gain=0.3}, {name="FoamOfTheSea", length=1*60+50, gain=0.3}, } local is_daytime = function() return (minetest.get_timeofday() > 0.2 and minetest.get_timeofday() < 0.8) end local get_ambience = function(player) local table = {} local play_water = false local play_splash = false local play_day = false local play_cave = false local play_night = false local pos = player:getpos() pos.y = pos.y+1.5 local nodename = minetest.get_node(pos).name if string.find(nodename, "default:water") then play_water = true elseif nodename == "air" then pos.y = pos.y-1.5 local nodename = minetest.get_node(pos).name if string.find(nodename, "default:water") then play_splash = true end end if player:getpos().y < 0 then play_cave = true elseif is_daytime() then play_day = true else play_night = true end if play_music then table.music = music end if play_water then table.water = water table.water_frequent = water_frequent return table end if play_splash then table.splash = splash end if play_day then table.day = day table.day_frequent = day_frequent elseif play_night then table.night = night table.night_frequent = night_frequent elseif play_cave then table.cave = cave table.cave_frequent = cave_frequent end return table end -- start playing the sound, set the handler and delete the handler after sound is played local play_sound = function(player, list, number) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if list.handler[player_name] == nil then local gain = 1.0 if list[number].gain ~= nil then gain = list[number].gain end local handler = minetest.sound_play(list[number].name, {to_player=player_name, gain=gain}) if handler ~= nil then list.handler[player_name] = handler minetest.after(list[number].length, function(args) local list = args[1] local player_name = args[2] if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end, {list, player_name}) end end end -- stops all sounds that are not in still_playing local stop_sound = function(still_playing, player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if still_playing.cave == nil then local list = cave if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.cave_frequent == nil then local list = cave_frequent if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.night == nil then local list = night if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.night_frequent == nil then local list = night_frequent if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.day == nil then local list = day if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.day_frequent == nil then local list = day_frequent if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.music == nil then local list = music if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.water == nil then local list = water if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.water_frequent == nil then local list = water_frequent if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end if still_playing.splash == nil then local list = splash if list.handler[player_name] ~= nil then if list.on_stop ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(list.on_stop, {to_player=player:get_player_name()}) end minetest.sound_stop(list.handler[player_name]) list.handler[player_name] = nil end end end local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer+dtime if timer < 1 then return end timer = 0 for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local ambiences = get_ambience(player) stop_sound(ambiences, player) for _,ambience in pairs(ambiences) do if math.random(1, 100) <= ambience.frequency then play_sound(player, ambience, math.random(1, #ambience)) end end end end)