function unified_inventory.canonical_item_spec_matcher(spec) local specname = ItemStack(spec):get_name() if specname:sub(1, 6) == "group:" then local group_names = specname:sub(7):split(",") return function (itemname) local itemdef = minetest.registered_items[itemname] for _, group_name in ipairs(group_names) do if (itemdef.groups[group_name] or 0) == 0 then return false end end return true end else return function (itemname) return itemname == specname end end end function unified_inventory.item_matches_spec(item, spec) local itemname = ItemStack(item):get_name() return unified_inventory.canonical_item_spec_matcher(spec)(itemname) end unified_inventory.registered_group_items = { mesecon_conductor_craftable = "mesecons:wire_00000000_off", stone = "default:cobble", wool = "wool:white", ingot = "default:steel_ingot", } function unified_inventory.register_group_item(groupname, itemname) unified_inventory.registered_group_items[groupname] = itemname end -- This is used when displaying craft recipes, where an ingredient is -- specified by group rather than as a specific item. A single-item group -- is represented by that item, with the single-item status signalled -- in the "sole" field. If the group contains no items at all, the item -- field will be nil. -- -- Within a multiple-item group, we prefer to use an item that has the -- same specific name as the group, and if there are more than one of -- those items we prefer the one registered for the group by a mod. -- Among equally-preferred items, we just pick the one with the -- lexicographically earliest name. -- -- The parameter to this function isn't just a single group name. -- It may be a comma-separated list of group names. This is really a -- "group:..." ingredient specification, minus the "group:" prefix. local function compute_group_item(group_name_list) local group_names = group_name_list:split(",") local candidate_items = {} for itemname, itemdef in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (itemdef.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or 0) == 0 then local all = true for _, group_name in ipairs(group_names) do if (itemdef.groups[group_name] or 0) == 0 then all = false end end if all then table.insert(candidate_items, itemname) end end end local num_candidates = #candidate_items if num_candidates == 0 then return {sole = true} elseif num_candidates == 1 then return {item = candidate_items[1], sole = true} end local is_group = {} local registered_rep = {} for _, group_name in ipairs(group_names) do is_group[group_name] = true local rep = unified_inventory.registered_group_items[group_name] if rep then registered_rep[rep] = true end end local bestitem = "" local bestpref = 0 for _, item in ipairs(candidate_items) do local pref if registered_rep[item] then pref = 4 elseif string.sub(item, 1, 8) == "default:" and is_group[string.sub(item, 9)] then pref = 3 elseif is_group[item:gsub("^[^:]*:", "")] then pref = 2 else pref = 1 end if pref > bestpref or (pref == bestpref and item < bestitem) then bestitem = item bestpref = pref end end return {item = bestitem, sole = false} end local group_item_cache = {} function unified_inventory.get_group_item(group_name) if not group_item_cache[group_name] then group_item_cache[group_name] = compute_group_item(group_name) end return group_item_cache[group_name] end