-- This file is licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. -- See LICENSE.txt for details. local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) package.path = -- To find LuaIRC's init.lua modpath.."/?/init.lua;" -- For LuaIRC to find its files ..modpath.."/?.lua;" ..package.path -- The build of Lua that Minetest comes with only looks for libraries under -- /usr/local/share and /usr/local/lib but LuaSocket is often installed under -- /usr/share and /usr/lib. if not rawget(_G,"jit") and package.config:sub(1, 1) == "/" then package.path = package.path.. ";/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua".. ";/usr/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua" package.cpath = package.cpath.. ";/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?.so" end irc = { version = "0.2.0", connected = false, cur_time = 0, message_buffer = {}, recent_message_count = 0, joined_players = {}, modpath = modpath, lib = require("irc"), } -- Compatibility mt_irc = irc dofile(modpath.."/config.lua") dofile(modpath.."/messages.lua") dofile(modpath.."/hooks.lua") dofile(modpath.."/callback.lua") dofile(modpath.."/chatcmds.lua") dofile(modpath.."/botcmds.lua") if irc.config.enable_player_part then dofile(modpath.."/player_part.lua") else setmetatable(irc.joined_players, {__index = function(index) return true end}) end minetest.register_privilege("irc_admin", { description = "Allow IRC administrative tasks to be performed.", give_to_singleplayer = true }) local stepnum = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) return irc:step(dtime) end) function irc:step(dtime) if stepnum == 3 then if self.config.auto_connect then self:connect() end end stepnum = stepnum + 1 if not self.connected then return end -- Hooks will manage incoming messages and errors local good, err = xpcall(function() self.conn:think() end, debug.traceback) if not good then print(err) return end end function irc:connect() if self.connected then minetest.log("error", "IRC: Ignoring attempt to connect when already connected.") return end self.conn = irc.lib.new({ nick = self.config.nick, username = "Minetest", realname = "Minetest", }) self:doHook(self.conn) local good, message = pcall(function() self.conn:connect({ host = self.config.server, port = self.config.port, password = self.config.password, timeout = self.config.timeout, secure = self.config.secure }) end) if not good then minetest.log("error", ("IRC: Connection error: %s: %s -- Reconnecting in ten minutes...") :format(self.config.server, message)) minetest.after(600, function() self:connect() end) return end print("== This is a debug line, please check for it ==") print(self.config.NSPass) print("=== DEBUG FINISHED ===") if self.config.NSPass then self:say("NickServ", "IDENTIFY "..self.config.NSPass) end self.conn:join(self.config.channel, self.config.key) self.connected = true minetest.log("action", "IRC: Connected!") minetest.chat_send_all("IRC: Connected!") end function irc:disconnect(message) if self.connected then --The OnDisconnect hook will clear self.connected and print a disconnect message self.conn:disconnect(message) end end function irc:say(to, message) if not message then message = to to = self.config.channel end to = to or self.config.channel self:queue(irc.msgs.privmsg(to, message)) end function irc:reply(message) if not self.last_from then return end message = message:gsub("[\r\n%z]", " \\n ") self:say(self.last_from, message) end function irc:send(msg) if not self.connected then return end self.conn:send(msg) end function irc:queue(msg) if not self.connected then return end self.conn:queue(msg) end