-- Dungeon Master (This one spits out fireballs at you) mobs:register_mob("mobs:dungeon_master", { type = "monster", hp_min = 50, hp_max = 60, collisionbox = {-0.7, -0.01, -0.7, 0.7, 2.6, 0.7}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "mobs_dungeon_master.x", textures = {"mobs_dungeon_master.png"}, visual_size = {x=8, y=8}, makes_footstep_sound = true, view_range = 16, walk_velocity = 1, run_velocity = 3, damage = 13, drops = { {name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 3,}, {name = "default:diamond", chance = 5, min = 1, max = 3,}, {name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 2, min = 1, max = 3,}, {name = "default:diamond_block", chance = 30, min = 1, max = 1,}, {name = "maptools:gold_coin", chance = 15, min = 1, max = 2,}, {name = "maptools:silver_coin", chance = 1, min = 2, max = 10,}, }, armor = 60, drawtype = "front", water_damage = 1, lava_damage = 1, light_damage = 0, on_rightclick = nil, attack_type = "shoot", arrow = "mobs:fireball", shoot_interval = 2.5, sounds = { attack = "mobs_fireball", }, animation = { stand_start = 0, stand_end = 19, walk_start = 20, walk_end = 35, punch_start = 36, punch_end = 48, speed_normal = 15, speed_run = 15, }, jump = true, step = 0.5, shoot_offset = 0, blood_texture = "mobs_blood.png", }) mobs:register_spawn("mobs:dungeon_master", {"default:stone, nether:netherrack"}, 2, -1, 6000, 1, -70) -- Fireball (weapon) mobs:register_arrow("mobs:fireball", { visual = "sprite", visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, textures = {"mobs_fireball.png"}, velocity = 5, -- direct hit, no fire... just plenty of pain hit_player = function(self, player) local s = self.object:getpos() local p = player:getpos() player:punch(self.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval=1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy=13}, }, 0) -- {x=s.x-p.x, y=s.y-p.y, z=s.z-p.z}) end, -- node hit, bursts into flame (cannot blast through obsidian) hit_node = function(self, pos, node) for dx=-1,1 do for dy=-1,1 do for dz=-1,1 do local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz} local n = minetest.get_node(p).name if p.y < -19600 and n ~= "nether:netherrack" and n:split(":")[1] == "nether" then return end if n ~= "default:obsidian" and n ~= "ethereal:obsidian_brick" then if minetest.registered_nodes[n].groups.flammable or math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then minetest.set_node(p, {name="fire:basic_flame"}) else minetest.set_node(p, {name="air"}) end end end end end end })