--[[ Stained Glass 1.2 This mod provides luminescent stained glass blocks for Minetest 0.4.x. Depends: [moreblocks] by Calinou [unifieddyes] by VanessaE ============================================================================== Sat 04 May 2013 01:52:35 PM EDT Copyright (C) 2013, Eli Innis Email: doyousketch2 @ yahoo.com Unified Dyes was released under GNU-GPL 2.0, see LICENSE for info. More Blocks was released under zlib/libpng for code and CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported for textures, see LICENSE.txt for info. ============================================================================== Recipe for standard colors: dye super glow glass super glow glass super glow glass Recipe for pastel colors: light dye white paint super glow glass super glow glass super glow glass Recipe for faint colors: light dye white paint white paint super glow glass super glow glass super glow glass All recipes produce three glowing stained glass blocks. Pastel blocks give back an empty bucket. Faint blocks give back two empty buckets. ============================================================================== ]]-- -- HUES includes all colors for the various shades -- I'm trying to get it to sort by color in the game, tho it sorts alpha-numerically... -- so with 12 colors, it's sorting 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4... HUES = { "yellow", "lime", "green", "aqua", "cyan", "skyblue", "blue", "violet", "magenta", "redviolet", "red", "orange" } -- Brightness levels in the textures are 33% ("dark"), 66% ("medium"), -- 100% ("full"), 150% ("light"), 200% ("pastel"). -- 1x and 2x are simply placeholders to fill in so numbers start at 3. BRIGHT = { "1x", "2x", "dark_", "medium_", "", --(full) } -- Saturation - "s50" in a file/item name means "saturation: 50%". -- 1x - 5x are simply placeholders so numbers start at 6. SAT = { "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x", "_s50", "" --(full) } --main loop for all 12 hues for h = 1, 12 do hues = HUES[h] --nested loop for brightness --starts at 3 to hopefully keep colors in order for b = 3, 5 do bright = BRIGHT[b] --sub loop for saturation --starts at 6 to keep colors in order for s = 6, 7 do sat = SAT[s] --register recipes minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_" .. (b) .. "_" .. (s) .." 3", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. bright .. hues .. sat, "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", }, }) --register item attributes minetest.register_node("stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_" .. (b) .. "_" .. (s), { description = "Stained Glass - " .. bright .. hues .. sat, drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional", tiles = {"stained_glass_" .. bright .. hues .. sat .. ".png", "stained_glass_" .. bright .. hues .. sat .. "_detail.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, use_texture_alpha = true, light_source = 14, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults() }) end --sat end --bright end --hues --secondary loop for light blocks --(as they don't have 50% saturation blocks to go along with 'em) for h = 1, 12 do hues = HUES[h] --register recipes (set at 8 to keep colors in order) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_8 3", recipe = { "unifieddyes:light_" .. hues, "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", }, }) --register item attributes minetest.register_node("stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_8_", { description = "Stained Glass - light_" .. hues, drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional", tiles = {"stained_glass_light_" .. hues .. ".png", "stained_glass_light_" .. hues .. "_detail.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, use_texture_alpha = true, light_source = 14, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults() }) end --hues --third loop for pastel blocks --(as they don't have 50% saturation blocks to go along with 'em) --(plus they have a diff recipe to create.) for h = 1, 12 do hues = HUES[h] --register recipes (set at 9 to keep colors in order) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_9 3", recipe = { "unifieddyes:white_paint", "unifieddyes:light_" .. hues, "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", }, replacements = { {'unifieddyes:white_paint', 'bucket:bucket_empty'}, }, }) --register item attributes minetest.register_node("stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_9", { description = "Stained Glass - pastel_" .. hues, drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional", tiles = {"stained_glass_pastel_" .. hues .. ".png", "stained_glass_pastel_" .. hues .. "_detail.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, use_texture_alpha = true, light_source = 14, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults() }) end --hues --last loop for faint blocks --(as they don't have 50% saturation blocks to go along with 'em) --(plus they have a diff recipe to create.) for h = 1, 12 do hues = HUES[h] --register recipes (set at 91 to keep colors in order) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_91 3", recipe = { "unifieddyes:white_paint", "unifieddyes:white_paint", "unifieddyes:light_" .. hues, "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", "moreblocks:superglowglass", }, replacements = { {'unifieddyes:white_paint', 'bucket:bucket_empty 2'}, }, }) --register item attributes minetest.register_node("stained_glass:" .. (h) .. "_91", { description = "Stained Glass - faint_" .. hues, drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional", tiles = {"stained_glass_faint_" .. hues .. ".png", "stained_glass_faint_" .. hues .. "_detail.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, use_texture_alpha = true, light_source = 14, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults() }) end --hues print("[stained_glass] Loaded!")