Player Classes ============== Yet another class mod for Minetest. # TODO - Flush and read system for `pclasses.datas.players` # Namespaces ## pclasses - All our stuff ### pclasses.api - All functions used to declare, get, set classes ### pclasses.api.util - Some utility functions ### pclasses.conf - Some configuration values ### pclasses.classes - All classes and their specs ### - Miscellaneous data #### - List of all players' class. Index is player's name and value is the class's name #### - Surely useful in the future with a hypothetical hud to show current class # Functions ### pclasses.api.register_class - Arguments : cname, def - Registers a class and its specifications - Def is a definition table that can contain many functions/values : - `on_assigned` which is a function, receiving as argument the player name - `on_unassigned` which is a function, receiving as argument the player name - `switch_params`, which is a table, containing parameters for the switch pedestal : - `holo_item` is mandatory. It's the itemstring of the item to be put over the pedestal - `color` is optional. Default is white. It's a RGB table. - `tile` is optional. Default is none. It's a string of the texture to be applied over the pedestal ### pclasses.register_class_switch - Arguments : cname, params - Used internally to create switch pedestals - `params` is the `def` table given to `pclasses.api.register_class`, documented above ### pclasses.api.get_class_by_name - Argument : cname - Return the class' specs (table) corresponding a class name or nil if not found ### pclasses.api.get_player_class - Argument : pname (player's name) - Return the player's current class' name ### pclasses.api.get_class_players - Argument : cname - Return a list (table) of all players with class cname ### pclasses.api.set_player_class - Arguments : pname, cname - Assign a player the cname class - Returns true if achieved, false if not ### pclasses.api.util.does_wear_full_armor - Arguments : pname, material, noshield - Returns true if player `pname` is wearing the full armor made out of `material` - `noshield` must be true when the full armor has no shield ### pclasses.api.util.can_have_item - Arguments : pname, itemname - Returns true if player `pname` can have items `itemstring` in his main inventory, according to his class ### pclasses.api.reserve_item - Arguments : cname, itemstring - Adds an entry in the reserved items' table. Players will need to belong to class `cname` in order to have items `itemstring` in their main inventory - Note : You can reserve the same item for two classes, any player of either of both can then have the item ### pclasses.api.create_graveyard_inventory - Argument : player - Creates a detached inventory dedicated to 'dead' items (confiscated reserved items) - Used internally, should not be used outside of pclasses ### pclasses.api.vacuum_graveyard - Argument : player - Check all of `player`'s graveyard inventory to get them back items they obtained to right to have