-- global values hud.registered_items = {} hud.damage_events = {} hud.breath_events = {} -- keep id handling internal local hud_id = {} -- hud item ids local sb_bg = {} -- statbar background ids -- localize often used table local items = hud.registered_items local function throw_error(msg) minetest.chat_send_all(msg) end -- -- API -- function hud.register(name, def) if not name or not def then throw_error("not enough parameters given") return false end --TODO: allow other elements if def.hud_elem_type ~= "statbar" then throw_error("The given HUD element is no statbar") return false end if items[name] ~= nil then throw_error("A statbar with that name already exists") return false end -- actually register -- add background first since draworder is based on id :\ if def.hud_elem_type == "statbar" and def.background ~= nil then sb_bg[name] = table.copy(def) sb_bg[name].text = def.background if not def.autohide_bg and def.max then sb_bg[name].number = def.max end end -- add item itself items[name] = def -- register events if def.events then for _,v in pairs(def.events) do if v and v.type and v.func then if v.type == "damage" then table.insert(hud.damage_events, v) end if v.type == "breath" then table.insert(hud.breath_events, v) end end end end -- no error so far, return sucess return true end function hud.change_item(player, name, def) if not player or not name or not def then throw_error("Not enough parameters given to change HUD item") return false end local i_name = player:get_player_name().."_"..name local elem = hud_id[i_name] if not elem then throw_error("Given HUD element " .. dump(name) .. " does not exist".." hääää") return false end -- Only update if values supported and value actually changed -- update supported values (currently number and text only) if def.number and elem.number then if def.number ~= elem.number then if elem.max and def.number > elem.max and not def.max then def.number = elem.max end if def.max then elem.max = def.max end player:hud_change(elem.id, "number", def.number) elem.number = def.number -- hide background when set local bg = hud_id[i_name.."_bg"] if elem.autohide_bg then if def.number < 1 then player:hud_change(bg.id, "number", 0) else local num = bg.number if bg.max then num = bg.max end player:hud_change(bg.id, "number", num) end else if bg and bg.max and bg.max < 1 and def.max and def.max > bg.max then player:hud_change(bg.id, "number", def.max) bg.max = def.max end end end end if def.text and elem.text then if def.text ~= elem.text then player:hud_change(elem.id, "text", def.text) elem.text = def.text end end if def.offset and elem.offset then if def.item_name and def.offset == "item" then local i_name2 = player:get_player_name().."_"..def.item_name local elem2 = hud_id[i_name2] if elem2 then local p2 = elem2.offset local p1 = elem.offset player:hud_change(elem2.id, "offset", p1) player:hud_change(elem.id, "offset", p2) elem2.offset = p1 elem.offset = p2 if elem.background then local elem3 = hud_id[i_name.."_bg"] if elem3 and elem3.offset then player:hud_change(elem3.id, "offset", p2) elem3.offset = p2 local elem4 = hud_id[i_name2.."_bg"] if elem4 and elem4.offset then player:hud_change(elem4.id, "offset", p1) elem4.offset = p1 end end end end else player:hud_change(elem.id, "offset", def.offset) elem.offset = def.offset end end return true end function hud.remove_item(player, name) if not player or not name then throw_error("Not enough parameters given") return false end local i_name = player:get_player_name().."_"..name if hud_id[i_name] == nil then throw_error("Given HUD element " .. dump(name) .. " does not exist") return false end player:hud_remove(hud_id[i_name].id) hud_id[i_name] = nil return true end -- -- Add registered HUD items to joining players -- -- Following code is placed here to keep HUD ids internal local function add_hud_item(player, name, def) if not player or not name or not def then throw_error("not enough parameters given") return false end local i_name = player:get_player_name().."_"..name hud_id[i_name] = def hud_id[i_name].id = player:hud_add(def) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) -- first: hide the default statbars player:hud_set_flags({healthbar = false, breathbar = false}) -- now add the backgrounds (e.g. for statbars) for _,item in pairs(sb_bg) do add_hud_item(player, _.."_bg", item) end -- and finally the actual HUD items for _,item in pairs(items) do add_hud_item(player, _, item) end -- fancy hotbar (only when no crafting mod present) if minetest.get_modpath("crafting") == nil then minetest.after(0.5, function() player:hud_set_hotbar_image("hud_hotbar.png") player:hud_set_hotbar_selected_image("hud_hotbar_selected.png") end) end end)