-- Wizard class --

-- No Issue Yet

pclasses.api.register_class("wizard", {
	on_assigned = function(pname, inform)
		if inform then
	--		minetest.sound_play("pclasses_full_wizard", {to_player=pname, gain=1})
			minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "You are now a wizard.")
		-- Add specs here
		mana.setmax(pname, mana.getmax(pname)+100)
		sprint.increase_maxstamina(pname, 10)
		minetest.log("action", "[PClasses] Player " .. pname .. " becomes a wizard")
	on_unassigned = function(pname)
		mana.setmax(pname, mana.getmax(pname)-100)
		sprint.decrease_maxstamina(pname, 10)
	on_update = function(pname)
		-- No armor, no update needed
	switch_params = {
		color = {r = 230, g = 230, b = 0},
		holo_item = "default:book"
	informations = pclasses.api.textify("'Wizards' is a class of players aimed at enhancing magic abilities. Basically, you " ..
		"become a wizard. Or a witch. Whichever one you prefer. You can then use magic, which " ..
		"is nice. But since this magic was implemented by the people coding for this server " ..
		"(well, one of them, mostly), you should expect a few things to not.. work.. If you have " ..
		"comments, complaints and threats, contact us, well, me.. Being a wizard means you will " ..
		"need energy, or 'mana', to cast spells, or rather, to use our ugly wands. This energy is " ..
		"recharged by.. waiting. You use it every time you cast a spell or engrave a rune with a " ..
		"wand, to charge it, and not have you throw zillions of spell in a minute. Once your " ..
		"your mana charger has dropped down to 0, or too low for that cool shape shift spell " ..
		"(not implemented (yet?)), just wait a bit and it will come back on its own. At least it " ..
		"should. The maximum mana capacity is significantly higher in Wizards (and Witches) than " ..
		"in any other class. Since this class is still a work in progress, the following things are " ..
		"not implemented yet. Note : poking at the developers could help us bring you the " ..
		"content, it's motivating! Wizards can wear silk robes (not there yet) to add in maximum " ..
		"mana levels and mana regeneration if worn entirely. It is interesting to note that those " ..
		"robes do not make you hungry faster, contrary to most armors. Finally, the pedestal to " ..
		"use in order to become a member of this class has a book floating over it, to symbolize " ..
		"wisdom.") .. "image[2.4,5.6;6,4;pclasses_showcase_wizard.png]"

-- Reserved items here 
pclasses.api.reserve_item("wizard", "runes:info_wand")
pclasses.api.reserve_item("wizard", "runes:recharge_wand")
pclasses.api.reserve_item("wizard", "runes:stylus")

for scroll, _ in pairs(runes.scrolls) do
   pclasses.api.reserve_item("wizard", "runes:scroll_" .. scroll)