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minetest_game API
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game
The minetest_game gamemode offers multiple new possibilities in addition to Minetest's built-in API, allowing you to
add new plants to farming mod, buckets for new liquids, new stairs and custom panes.
For information on the Minetest API, visit https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt
Please note:
[XYZ] refers to a section the Minetest API
[#ABC] refers to a section in this document
^ Explanation for line above
Bucket API
The bucket API allows registering new types of buckets for non-default liquids.
"default:lava_source", -- Source node name
"default:lava_flowing", -- Flowing node name
"bucket:bucket_lava", -- Name to be used for bucket
"bucket_lava.png", -- Bucket texture (for wielditem and inventory_image)
"Lava Bucket" -- Bucket description
Doors API
The doors mod allows modders to register custom doors.
doors.register_door(name, def)
^ name: "Door name"
^ def: See [#Door definition]
#Door definition
description = "Door description",
inventory_image = "mod_door_inv.png",
groups = {group = 1},
tiles_bottom: [Tile definition],
^ the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side}
tiles_top: [Tile definition],
^ the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side}
node_box_bottom = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL,
node_box_top = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL,
selection_box_bottom = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL,
selection_box_top = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL,
only_placer_can_open = true/false,
^ If true, only placer can open the door (locked for others)
Farming API
The farming API allows you to easily register plants and hoes.
farming.register_hoe(name, hoe definition)
-> Register a new hoe, see [#hoe definition]
farming.register_plant(name, Plant definition)
-> Register a new growing plant, see [#Plant definition]
#Hoe Definition
description = "", -- Description for tooltip
inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as wield- and inventory image
max_uses = 30, -- Uses until destroyed
recipe = { -- Craft recipe
{"air", "air", "air"},
{"", "group:stick"},
{"", "group:stick"},
#Plant definition
description = "", -- Description of seed item
inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as seed's wield- and inventory image
steps = 8, -- How many steps the plant has to grow, until it can be harvested
^ Always provide a plant texture for ech step, format: modname_plantname_i.png (i = stepnumber)
minlight = 13, -- Minimum light to grow
maxlight = default.LIGHT_MAX -- Maximum light to grow
Stairs API
The stairs API lets you register stairs and slabs and ensures that they are registered the same way as those
delivered with minetest_game, to keep them compatible with other mods.
stairs.register_stair(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds)
-> Registers a stair.
-> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname"
-> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble"
-> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
-> images: see [Tile definition]
-> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition
-> sounds: see [#Default sounds]
stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds)
-> Registers a slabs
-> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname"
-> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble"
-> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
-> images: see [Tile definition]
-> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition
-> sounds: see [#Default sounds]
stairs.register_stair_and_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, desc_stair, desc_slab, sounds)
-> A wrapper for stairs.register_stair and stairs.register_slab
-> Uses almost the same arguments as stairs.register_stair
-> desc_stair: Description for stair node
-> desc_slab: Description for slab node
Xpanes API
Creates panes that automatically connect to each other
xpanes.register_pane(subname, def)
-> subname: used for nodename. Result: "xpanes:subname_{1..16}"
-> def: See [#Pane definition]
#Pane definition
textures = {"texture_Bottom_top", "texture_left_right", "texture_front_back"},
^ More tiles aren't supported
groups = {group = rating},
^ Uses the known node groups, see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
sounds = SoundSpec,
^ See [#Default sounds]
recipe = {{"","","","","","","","",""}},
^ Recipe field only
on_construct = function(pos)
update_pane(pos, "pane")
^ Required to handle rotation correctly
Default sounds
Sounds inside the default table can be used within the sounds field of node definitions.
Default constants
^ The maximum light level (see [Node definition] light_source)
Player API
The player API can register player models and update the player's appearence
default.player_register_model(name, def)
^ Register a new model to be used by players.
-> name: model filename such as "character.x", "foo.b3d", etc.
-> def: See [#Model definition]
^ Get a model's definition
-> see [#Model definition]
default.player_set_model(player, model_name)
^ Change a player's model
-> player: PlayerRef
-> model_name: model registered with player_register_model()
default.player_set_animation(player, anim_name [, speed])
^ Applies an animation to a player
-> anim_name: name of the animation.
-> speed: frames per second. If nil, default from the model is used
default.player_set_textures(player, textures)
^ Sets player textures
-> player: PlayerRef
-> textures: array of textures
^ If <textures> is nil, the default textures from the model def are used
^ Returns a table containing fields "model", "textures" and "animation".
^ Any of the fields of the returned table may be nil.
-> player: PlayerRef
Model Definition
animation_speed = 30, -- Default animation speed, in FPS.
textures = {"character.png", }, -- Default array of textures.
visual_size = {x=1, y=1,}, -- Used to scale the model.
animations = {
-- <anim_name> = { x=<start_frame>, y=<end_frame>, },
foo = { x= 0, y=19, },
bar = { x=20, y=39, },
-- ...
To enable leaf decay for a node, add it to the "leafdecay" group.
The rating of the group determines how far from a node in the group "tree"
the node can be without decaying.
If param2 of the node is ~= 0, the node will always be preserved. Thus, if
the player places a node of that kind, you will want to set param2=1 or so.
The function default.after_place_leaves can be set as after_place_node of a node
to set param2 to 1 if the player places the node (should not be used for nodes
that use param2 otherwise (e.g. facedir)).
If the node is in the leafdecay_drop group then it will always be dropped as an
To make recipes that will work with any dye ever made by anybody, define
them based on groups. You can select any group of groups, based on your need for
amount of colors.
#Color groups
Base color groups:
- basecolor_white
- basecolor_grey
- basecolor_black
- basecolor_red
- basecolor_yellow
- basecolor_green
- basecolor_cyan
- basecolor_blue
- basecolor_magenta
Extended color groups (* = equal to a base color):
* excolor_white
- excolor_lightgrey
* excolor_grey
- excolor_darkgrey
* excolor_black
* excolor_red
- excolor_orange
* excolor_yellow
- excolor_lime
* excolor_green
- excolor_aqua
* excolor_cyan
- excolor_sky_blue
* excolor_blue
- excolor_violet
* excolor_magenta
- excolor_red_violet
The whole unifieddyes palette as groups:
- unicolor_<excolor>
For the following, no white/grey/black is allowed:
- unicolor_medium_<excolor>
- unicolor_dark_<excolor>
- unicolor_light_<excolor>
- unicolor_<excolor>_s50
- unicolor_medium_<excolor>_s50
- unicolor_dark_<excolor>_s50
Example of one shapeless recipe using a color group:
type = "shapeless",
output = '<mod>:item_yellow',
recipe = {'<mod>:item_no_color', 'group:basecolor_yellow'},
#Color lists
^ Array containing the names of available base colors
^ Array containing the names of the available extended colors
default.grow_tree(pos, is_apple_tree)
^ Grows a tree or apple tree at pos
^ Grows a jungletree at pos
^ Grows a pinetree at pos