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synced 2025-03-22 04:00:40 +01:00
error --> sounds.gainplayers[name] = sounds.gaindefault """ local _ = {} _[1] = {["other"] = 50, ["ambience"] = 50, ["music"] = 70, ["mobs"] = 30} return {["azerty"] = _[1], ["crabman3"] = _[1]} """ fixed --> sounds.gainplayers[name]= { ["music"] = 50, ["ambience"] = 50, ["mobs"] = 50, ["other"] = 50 } and delete unused variable sounds.gaindefault
-= soundset-MOD for MINETEST =- by LeMagnesium and crabman77 YOUR mod can use THIS mod to have a volume that's adjustable by the player(s) 0.1 - Initial Release